Chapter 26

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Jamals POV

I patiently waited for sumayya to come in view as i wined time in my car tapping my fingers on the wheel to lesson my nerves. After exactly 10 minutes She came out, and the moment of truth is here.

My heart speeded, not because of her or anything but because of what am about doing, as you will call it breaking up. She came to the tinted window of the passengers side and knocked. I unlocked the door and as she entered in her perfume invaded the car.

I squinted and looked through the window by my side, i saw a girl selling awara on the roadside, she looked withered, i pitied her, so also pitied sumayya. I looked to sumayya and forced up a smile She tried hugging me and i was fast to stop her, almost too fast that it made her frown. I smiled an apologetic one before looking away.

"How are you sumayya?" i asked, to make the conversation less formal and tolerable.

"Am awesome since you are here, how are you sweetie?" she said with utmost excitement. Oh Allah

"Am fine, am actually great" i smiled when Basmahs dimple showed up in my mind. "So sumayya am going to cut the chase and go straight to the point, i said we are gonna have a little chit chat bout the future, right?"

"yes you did" she pulled out her phone and turned her attention to it.
I took my time to look at her, sumayya is a beautiful girl no doubt but her problem is she brags about it, she has a great personality that somehow reminds me of Basmah, but she has too many bad sides to her. Come to think of it everything leads back to Basmah, me trying to find 'her' same persona again

"something happened" i looked at my fingers and down to my shoe then continued "its just that, well i met my love, and she is not you". I stopped to hear or see her reaction as i did my best and remained composed.

"excuse me how is that possible?" she turned and rotated her whole self towards me, the excitment of a few seconds ago was now agitation.

"Actually it happened before we even met, i found love before i found you, you came only as a get away from it. You know life happens and it happened that i got to meet you and we had quite a relationship, but it has to end, this moment, i plan to settle and Its quite time i do, i did love you but you are not a wife material to me" i stopped right there to give her a chance to say her mind, in my head i was not harsh.

"No Jamal you cannot say that! You cannot do that! You do not have a right to do that! You cannot just leave me like am some useless shit! You cant!!" she roared poking my chest very hard, probably wanting to pierce a hole in it. When she looked at me her eyes were bloodshot, she eyed me before hysterically  asking "Jamal baybe, you cannot be serious, right? Jamal? Answer me!"

I felt bad, like really bad, almost too bad, But again i cannot deny the fact that i love Basmah. Shes my first love and somehow she in sha Allah will be my last.

I faced her squarely"Am sorry to say so but Sumy am darn serious, i know you loved me, i did also, But its not like shes taking me away, i was already hers, please understand" i gestured my hand like someone dicing meat.

"So theres a she then? You were already in a relationship before we dated? and still had the guts to ask me out?  Why then? why Jamal? its not like Its easy to let you go, talkless of unloving you why would you do this to me?!" i looked in her eyes but i saw nothing relating to anything exiting her mouth, her eyes only spoke rage while her mouth spoke of emotions, so i decided not to give her my reasons.

And once more I was sure of my decision. I wanted so badly to see my Basmah right now, i cant believe i actually spent the whole day without conversing with her, i needed to leave now because Sumayya will definately drive me crazy.

"Am sorry Sumayya, but this, us? Its over we are done, thank you for being with me all this time and thank you for significantly reducing my wealth, so can you please leave my car? i have somewhere to be". Oh yes also Sumayya really had a lot of my money down her throat and all over her, her iphone 8 was bought by me to mention the least.

She had her mouth agape because i suppose theres nothing more she can say, so as a result she pushed hard to open the door unfortunate for her it was locked. She looked daggers at me and i smiled a sincere one then unlocked the door.

"You will regret this Jamal, and believe me whoever that girl is ill find her, and she will pay for taking whats mine!" she yelled her final yell and finally got out of my car.

"wa alaikis salam aswell, thank you for your time!" i rolled down the window and yelled making sure she heard me, she looked back at me with disbelief before stomping her way into their house. And oh Allah, Alhamdulillah alal hurriya. I most earnestly thanked Allah for freedom and peace of mind.

I smiled after she left, i laughed almost, she was even the one clinging to me not her, i guess thats why i feel less, or not even emotional towards the situation.
In that same minute i picked my phone and called Basmah.. After two rings she answered.

"hello" her voice itself is something out of my world, i grinned so widely like a love stricken teenager.

"hello, what name should i call you? Amour? Sugar? Or babes?" Am allowed to flirt with my girlfreind, arent i?

she cleared her throat and smiled, not like i saw her face or something, i just knew.. "i think Basmah will be fine, Mr.. What should i call you also?" and right there is my Basmah. I practically blushed wallah, thank God am the only one in my car.

"whatever you think suits"

"and right there you answered yourself, call me what you think suits" she answered back.

"Fine, are you allowed out after 8?" i asked

"yes, why?"

"perfect, meet me in the next thirty minutes at the park at the end of your street, no excuses, see ya, babes" i ended the call fast to not give a chance of excuses.

I roared my car to life and left Sumayyas area before she comes out to break my windshield, trust me shes 100% capable.

The park.
I drove at a reasonable speed because i wouldnt want to end up in a hospital instead of with the LOML, that will suck. I parked outside and walked the rest of the way in, at a distance i saw my "babes"  standing over the lake as she rested her elbow on the iron rack, she seemed deep in toughts but had a sweet smile on her face, shes probably thinking of me..
Like she felt someone looking she looked straight up at me and landed her eyes in mine, my heart began skipping beats. I walked closer up to her as she also walked to me, she held a smile and so did i. In that moment i knew there will be no force in this universe that will stop our love from growing. She stopped walking when we were two feet away but i didnt, i took gentle steps till only a space of two inches seperated us. As we breathed the same air, hers warmed my neck while mine warmed her forehead, this was as legal as it will get so i stopped. I looked in her eyes and i knew what love meant, and for the first time, she had no walls covering up her feelings. And i felt it. I knew shes mine. Alone. And i inwardly kept thanking Allah. All that is left now is me to hallalise us, to make her mine till the end of time.

Surprise!!💘 Am really really really really sorry for my prolonged absence 😭😭, i gave myself an earful wallah😥 and i wrote JAMB which is pretty much the reason for the absence, But Alhamdulillah its over and we pray for the best in our results in sha Allah 🙏🙏.

How was the chapter?
Did you feel what i felt? I hope so 😘💖

Kindly tap the yellow star 😥😥

Once again am really sorry for not updating for sooo damn long.😥

Thank yoouu!!
Lots of love 💟💞💝💘💗💖 💚💛💜💓💔❤💙💕

Fateemmarh ab

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