chapter 35.

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A week after my visit to Jamals our deployment came out and I was thrown all the way to Ilorin, to some extent it was good but I was dissapointed that it wasnt where I hoped for. I would have gotten a redeployment but mom will not hear of it and i just had to simmer down my obsession with Port Harcourt.
Mahra and her Mom left 3 days ago after they were done with all the bookings and the visitations. I managed to tag along a few and on some days when her mother stayed back we enjoyed ourselves.

I am meeting up with Maryam at Hauwas today and we are not going out to anywhere, Maryam has been missing out alot and i will not be held responsible, if anything I am not the one hiding things am I. Two days ago i told Mom about what Jamals father discussed about his family coming so Mom has been busy being the intermediary for Jamals family and my guardian, my paternal uncle that almost doesnt exist in our lives but apparently does. They fixed the date for the greetings 2 weeks from now and around that time i think i would have left for camp. All of us actually. Me, Maryam, Hauwa and Taheer were all thrown to different locations unfortunately.

Today also Jamal will start going to the his fathers firm today as intern, I came to learn that his father apart from the airline he also has an oil and gas plant which was just recently commissioned. Not to be overthinking things or anything but i have a feeling it has to do with the reason his father asked to see me. Though his father probably wanted more time on his hand to get the business running and me assuming again, why he is retiring. Jamal told me his father liked me but i assumed its just because ill come in handy for his plant, i didnt complain though, besides its a win win situation.

"salam!" i made the occupants of Hauwas room aware of my arrival.

"Basmah what am i hearing?" Your dramatical Maryam of course

"i dont know.. what are you hearing?" sarcasm. i lauched myself on the edge of the bed waving at Hauwa who was at the other end.

"Heyy in-law" Hauwa said wiggling her eyebrows, good thing shes back to normal. I grabbed a pillow and rested myself on it on the headboard as Hauwa and maryam continued to banter. Todays gonna be a long day no doubt about that. i pulled my phone out and dialed you know who. Toning the girls out and getting lost in my own little world. i am going to miss Jamal. I already know we are going to grow distant with him learning to be a CEO and me well, being patriotic. We try to spend as much time as we can before everything goes haywire, which i hope will not but you never know.

"Basmah this huge smile nkor" Maryam questioned immediately i went off the phone

"and thats my husband to be guys" i said with a wide closelipped smile

"since when did you even have a boyfreind?" Maryam asked

"not long ago..ish? In two weeks zaa kai goro. Just to make it known i am taken but the wedding aint happening until in like a year and a half cause we both havent settled yet" i explained

"And why are we just knowing? Your brother didnt tell me anything about it" Hauwas turn

"It obviously something guys dont discuss is it, besides if to say it is gonna happen now yall will know before anyone thats for sure" i assured them

"Well good to know" Hauwa said while Maryam narrowed her eyes at me.

i didnt reply but gave them a tight lip smile and we dove into another discussion before sleep took me hostage.

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