Chapter 19

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Basmahs POV.

I woke up to the sound of the adhan being called, i recited my morning suplications before dragging my legs to the bathroom, i decided to have a morning shower before praying subh. And how devilish is shaitan to remind me only in my prayer  that i saw Jamal yesterday, i seeked refuge from him and concluded my prayer and the azkars after.
I was about to get my sleepy ass back to bed when i remembered again, urrghh.

I stayed on my bed struggling to go back to sleep but not even a notification of sleep came, so i decided on a little something because there is no way in heaven am i leaving this room this early, my family sleep till 11:00am or 12:00pm on weekends so i have a long morning to go.
I phoned Taheer to make enquiries about last night i could care less if he is sleeping, I cant sleep so he wont..

"wake upp sleepy head!" I said when the phone was answered

"com'on b this early" He said, his voice manly

"what is early!?? its 6:05am on saturday! How is it early??!" sarcastic me pointed out.

"ohh yeah i forgot, am two hours late..... watchu want i want to go back to sleep, and you left early yesterday and am angry, so i wont talk to you" pfftt.. Says Taheer

"dont act like a kid now, i called you to ask something, soo do you by any chance know someone named Jamal??" I asked hiding my voice, i couldnt even hear myself.

"what..?" Taheer asked, obviously he didnt catch a thing i said

I blew out some air before asking again "Do you know anyone as Jamal?" its his party so of course he should but i still asked to be sure..

Silence was what followed, then silent snores, so this dumbo dozed off!?? "hellloooo Taheeer!!"

No response, i am officially going to be an assaulter, i will assault him with any chance i get. I unwillingly cut the call and had to wait till during the day to call again. I stalked some accounts on IG which bored the daylights out of me and i was finally able to sleep....


"wake upp Yam head!!!" someone said.... Still sleeping me thought it was one of those meaning-less dreams, but who would dare call me a yam head in my own dream?? I rolled on my bed and slowly seperated my eyelids, i was shook vigorously which resulted in the wide opening of my eyes.
"what the.... the heck! Do you want to kill me??" i opened my eyes to see Hauwa inches from my face, i pushed her back saying "you are too close to my face, its not for you or people like you" i layed back

"ohh" she ooed "who's is it then? Taheers'? Get up lady! and how are you feeling?"

"Am good thank you, my face is for someone that is not you" (Jamal)  dear brain!! NO!!

"yeah i know, i dont even want to be the unlucky person"

"trust me, you wont be" i said hitting my head back on the pillow.

"Get up naaa, damn didnt you sleep at all? We have somewhere to go and Maryam will be here any minute"

"where are we going that i know nothing about? By the way who let you in??" i questioned

"we are going to somwhere that is not in your dreams so wake up! and your brother let me in, what do you call him? Yaya Juhaifa, yes him" she said, ooohhh, me almost forgot, hehe.  

"ohk am up, what time is it anyway?"  I said leaving the love of my life my bed..

"10 minutes to zuhr" she replied looking up from her phone

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