Chapter 15

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Basmahs POV.

Theres gonna be one less lonely, one less lonely girl........

Today is friday, yay! But not yay, i so much want to play Basketball but theres perks of being a lady as well, cramps, not just me Mahra included, how coincidental i tought.
Today we are playing our last match before the term ends, senior girls against themselves, senior boys against themselves, then winning teams against each other.

But the pain i am experiencing is unbearable, i already am having second toughts about the game,
We were just loitering going squearly around the court, when a pain shooted that i had to but immedietly squat and groan in pain, that drew unwanted attention.

I raised my head to see Jamal squating and his face just inches away from mine looking at me with worry all over his handsome? face, i fell back unknowingly which gave room for another painfull phase, i let out a shout like whisper that got Jamal to place his hand on my shoulder mouthing out an "are you okay Basmah?"
The way he said my name almost made me smile and forget my pain but i refused it, i unharmingly brushed off his hand off my shoulder which i am sure was like a dagger to his heart.

I looked around for a hand to help me up and i saw, Ameer standing beside Jamal he stretched his hand which i accepted with a smile, Arfa helped me by holding me beside her since Mahra is weak like me , i was on my feet again and now Ameer let go of my hand and me and my ladies moved to the sick bay, i turned back to see Jamal looking at me with a pained look in his eyes, i felt bad and wanted to run back to him and maybe hug him, not allowed girl, So instead i just tuned back to mind my business pain.

I missed the match, the one thing i now find joy in doing, i missed it, more to it i recieved the news that it was a draw, amongst the winning teams, i was also told Jamal was not willing to play until Arfa talked him into it.

Am lying down in the sick bay with my back facing the ceiling, i dont even know what am thinking of, the meds the nurse gave me made me bit dizzy, the reason for missing what i missed,
Mahra and Arfa came but went to buy some necessities before they come and we leave for home, my mom hasnt yet arrived so i want to plant some things in my head which my head proves to be a stonecold brain, i want to plant the idea that i no longer require Jamal in my life, i also dont require any boys in my life. I believe i will survive till my mr right comes along, am still just 15,i have six or seven years to decide if i even want to marry.

For now let me focus on my studies, let me finish school with flying colours, Jamal is as good as done with school he has nothing to worry about, i on the other hand have two more years ahead. Let me make it memorable.

I am one hundred and three percent sure Arfa has not more than a month to spend with Jamal, i can live through that. By Allahs grace.

Not reaching five complete minutes Arfa and Mahra came back with a bottled water, soda and chocolate bars. Water is what i only need so thats what i took, we left the sick bay and went outside the school gate to wait for my mother.

We sat on the bench where it all began, where Jamal gracefully walked up to me and collected my contact, smartly collected my contact.
I now wish that day never Happened, i wish i never gave him my contact.

Just like the first day my eyes met Jamals, he came out of the school with his sharp eyes on mine, this time i looked away fore my unshed tears become shed.

They came walk past us Ameer gave me an "are you okay?" look, i gave him a reassuring smile. I fought swords and knifes with my mind to not look at Jamal, my mind proved stronger, i shifted my gave and landed my eyes on him,
His eyes was pleading, maybe asking for just a minute for me to listen to him, i was not the one who broke his heart, he broke mine, a second chance in this situation is hard to come by.
He should have explained earlier, but he didnt,

And i have frozen my heart to not feel again nor fall.

fatimaibrahimyahaya Ayesha_leesha licia_fizzy Oyeezah
fahteematu Doe_lover MaimunaMuhammad7
thank you 😊 😊

Please dont kill me 😭 😭,

I am very sorry for not updating, i have very low amount of positiveness and its making me have secont toughts about the book,

Anyway ill try as much to be frequently updating in sha Allah

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