chapter 29

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Jamals POV.

"Sumayya why cant you understand? I told you its over please stop popping up in my face, it is so childish" I massaged my forehead to clear to stress induced headache forming. This is the third time Sumayya is popping in my face this week alone.

"Comon now Jamal i know you still have feelings for me stop pretending like you dont" She purred, i think in an attempt to seduce me which is woefully failing. Am waiting for Ameer in a somewhat chinese themed restaurant which he is running late by the way and this girl in only annoying the crap out of me.

"Sumayya please leave me out of your life, i have already told you am engaged, what exactly is wrong with you? cant you respect that?" I stated sternly to her and stood up to leave the table to find an empty one. She stood up and held my wrist with both her hands and that only fuelled my anger.

"Jamal why are you doing this? You know i love you, that Basmah girl i know you dont like her, you just like her body" she made mention.

"Sumayya let go of my hand before i do something that you will be the one regretting because i wont regret anthing" i said and tried wiggling my hand out of her hold trying to contain my anger, when i saw she had no intention of letting go i shoved my phone into my pocket and reached to rip her hands away. In the process i looked towards the door to see Basmah walking in with two girls beside her discussing what seemed to be an interesting topic because she was laughing, that laughter remotely disappeared when her eyes landed on me then looked behind me and that was when i remembered Sumayya still had my hand in hers while i aswell was holding hers.

Basmah furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and hurt but didnt say a word as they walked towards the other side of the restaurant while i ripped my hand out of Sumayyas grip.

"Jamal you see she has you wrapped around her finger! You forgot i was even here the moment she walked in..!! This is so unfair!!" While she blabbered i only had my eyes fixed on Basmah while she tried pretending like she didn't just see me, with another girl"

"Fine! ill show her myself who you belong to!!!" She yelled and got up swiftly making way towards Basmah, before my brain could even process her actions she was already in front of her while I stared, right on cue Ameer walked in.

"Stay away from Jamal you snitch!! You think he loves you? He only loves me Jamal is mine!" She yelled seething with anger while Basmah just stared at her blanky and disgusted and her other freinds stared in confusion and annoyance.

"Excuse me but who are you?" Basmah asked so calmly that it almost scared me.

"Jamal what the f**k is happening?!" Ameer asked

"What does it look like? What am i suppose to do?" I asked him

"You cannot just watch it unfold!" He made mention.

I took gentle steps towards the scene and the whole restaurants attention turned towards me.
Sumayya stood there still breathing like a maniac, probably flabbergasted to answer Basmahs question, while Basmah had one of her eyebrows raised eyeing me as i approached.

"Sumayya please get a life, Basmah, can i please have a word with you, privately" i pleaded. She was hesitant. "Please smiley"

She narrowed her eyes at me holding back a smile before getting up and walking out while i turned on my heels following her.

"Both of you will regret this i swear!!" Sumayya dramatized then made way towards the exit she tried bumping Basmah but i was fast to pull her towards me and Sumayya went tripping before gaining her balance and disapearing behind the doors.

I opened the passenger door to my car waiting for Basmah to hop in. She looked at me but didn't say a single word before hoping in hesitant. I walked to the drivers side and entered.

"Wont you ask anything?" I asked her when she kept silent without even sparing me a glance but kept her head fixated to the windshield, the silence was killing me.

"As a matter of fact i wasnt the one with a guy that does not mind embarrassing himself in public, i wasnt the one with a guy that was claiming me when he knows am in a relationship and also it wasnt me with a guy that walked up to you insulting you, was it?" She said all in one breath gesturing with her hand. "And oh lemme add it is you that wants to TALK not me so why will i be asking YOU questions". She pointed at me then herself. "You better start explaining or am leaving this ring here, my freinds are waiting for me".

Heyyoo!!!. Yes i know its short so next chapter probably wont take tooo long 😁.

Who likes where this is going?

And we have 20k reads, thank you, thank you guys seriously 😭😭 am overwhelmed.
May Allah bless all our struggles and endeavours Ameen.

Fateemmarh AB 💖

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