Chapter 23

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Basmahs POV.

The date...

"Hola b" Taheer said over the phone. I was expecting Jamals call but never the less, a call from your bestfreind always bring a smile to your face.

"wadup Daheer"

"its Taheer, i told you to not call me Daheer"

"ohh, dahiru, how are we" i ignored his remark on how much he hates being called that.

"uhh.. why did i even call? Goodbye, and i hate you" i laughed at what he said, he also laughed back. "well how is you then" he asked.

"am good and fine, how are you" i asked applying my perfume.

"just as you are" He replied "what are you doing?"

"Getting ready for a date"

His laughter sourced all the way from his stomach. "you? Going on a date? With who? Your brother?" he let out another laugh.

"laugh your ass off, yes me, what do mean me? with a someone named Jamal..." I paused as i remembered seeing Jamal at Taheers dinner "he was at your dinner, do you know any Jamal?" i paused my process of which was selecting a shoe, this is what consumes my time.

"Jamal... Jamal... I only know one Jamal, my cousin, he returned from the US a few months back"

"yepp, him"

"are you serious!?"

"duhh! Am dead serious, how incidental... hes gonna be here any minute so bye we'll talk lera!" i ended the call before his interrogation continued.

Jamal came 15 mins earlier, he sent a message saying he is here, probably because i gave a warning that i dont tolerate African time. I texted him the address this morning. I locked the house and texted Ya Adnan on the location of the key, he is usually the first to be back.

When i walked out the gate, my breath walked out of my lungs when i sighted Jamal, decked in a black polo shirt and a red jacket, black trousers, rocking his silver shades and black definately Adidas shoes. And to give me a heart attack, he was leaning on his sleek black Dodge.. Too much to take in..

I carefully walked to him trynna maintain my balance and my heart that always seem to run a marathon whenever It has to do with Jamal. He felt my presence, he lifted his head that was looking at his shoes and landed his shades on me, i cant see his eyes under his glasses "Hey beautiful" he said, and i melted.

I solidified myself and answered with enough courage "hey handsome" his face split into a smile.

"Ready?" he asked. "yeah obbiously" i answered

I walked further towards him. He opened the door for me and i shyly got in. And i finally will strike riding in a dodge from my bucket list. His car smells like him. The scent was so intoxicatingly good and i found comfort in it, i sank into the red leather seats as Jamal revived the engines and i could not help but grin a huge one.
"you would not mind closing your mouth would you?" Jamal asked with a faded smile.

I tried well enough to pull my lips together "i would not mind". I looked out the tinted window with a shade of happiness in my throat. My mind was everywhere, the feeling is familiar, It is scary but it does feel good. He drove us to a restaurant that is my first time seeing its type, i didnt think restaurants like this existed in kaduna. It was well lit and super simple, and super elegant. Jamal talked to the receptionist for 'our' reservation. He led us to a table in the VIP section which was four cornered. Each angle with a table. we mounted the one we were directed to. Two other tables were are occupied and one was left empty. Jamal ordered for the special without letting me check the menu myself. I frowned at him and he smirked back. He finally took off his shades and i was able to see his eyes, my hearts beat quadripled when our eyes locked, and it was confirmed. This is special, we found peace in each others silence, no words are needed in this kind of situations, his eyes held so many answers that mine questioned.

"your food is served sir, and Mrs" the waiter interupted, he set our food on the table, Jamal nodded and i smiled, he smiled back and left. It was suppose to be akward but was not and Jamal was drilling holes into my face so i took my eyes off him to the delicious looking food in front of me, It is foreign and i dont even know its name but the other plate had stake on it so i went for it. I took my first bite and Jamal was still dazed.

"Jamal" i waved my hand in his face and he got back to life. He laughed but didnt say a word. He also went for his stake and we ate surprisingly silent. After what seemed like forever he spoke first.

"How are you Basmah" Jamal asked a rhetorical question.

"Am OK Alhamdulillah, how are you Jamal?" i answered and asked back.

He was staring down at his plate with a face full of thoughts "Am now well" he said, he stopped whatever he was doing he folded his arms and sat back, he asked "do you wanna hear about the past?"

I was silent for a minute, i dont know if i want to unearth seven year old stuff or begin again "It will do no harm anymore so why not" i sipped my drink and waited for him to say what was held in for seven years.

"Wont you ask why i did what i did?" he asked, he is nervous, he unfolded his arms and kept his elbows on the table, a moment ago he could not take his eyes off me but he is finding it hard to look at me now he brought his hand on the table and waited for a reply, he wants to tell me but he doesnt know how, so i helped

"why then? Why did you do what you did? You could have done things differently but you didnt, Why?" he asked for It and i answered, It will not matter what he says now, It wont change what has already happened. but i want to know.

J dont have an explanation to why i did not update, Except school has been up my ass 😥😥

Am Sorry 'bout the hanger, 😜 It wont hang for too long.

Thank you for being patient with me 😥

Fateemmarh_ab 👑

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