Chapter 11

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Jamals POV.

Being in SS3 is not a joke, now i know, i have to write all those exams, from the JAMBs, to the WAECs, to the NECOs and me who is leaving Nigeria, apply for aviation in florida, and hopefully, get in.
I kept the issue of leaving Nigeria to only the family members and Ameer who also is going through the processes am going except that he applied for architecture in a different university but the same country.
This side of my life being hectic and filled with books is not the only side that is being very beautifully confusing and hectic.

I have been trying to distance my self from all sort of distractions Which included me of un-installing my apps and deleting all my social media accounts except offcourse, whatsapp, and the single reason behind that is only Basmah,
Talk about a solar system with no sun, a colour festival with no colours, thats just how important she is in my life right now,
And guess what?!, her sister Arfa and i began talking a few days back, Basmah didnt tell me anything of such which i classified as "she doesnt know", we talk quite smoothly and i can see she has some characters that are like Basmahs but she is far from being THE Basmah,
SHE that brings joy to this heck of a mess, called Jamal,
SHE thats lights up his day,
Just like a justin bieber song "you smile, i smile".

Talk about having hectic days!!, Arfa said something about liking me which i unhesitantly ignore, like the last thing i would want now is another battalion of freshly graduated trouble.

I have to do some sense talking with Ameer, his behavior has suddenly changed, from being the witty sarcastic short tempered and fun-filled Ameer to the silent, distant ignorant and confused Ameer. their is something he is hiding which i am adamant he doesnt want anyone knowing, including his mother. I mentally wrote a note of going to his house later in the day, probably after Asr Since Its a week day and we close school 3:00pm.


As i enter Ameers place i met his mother talking with his elder brother Muhammad, in their parlour, his elder brother is a navy officer who is not always around, if you are lucky you see him once a month when he comes to visit his parents.
I sallamed at them, we did the formalities and normal greatings, i was told that Ameer is in his room which is upstairs but i branched the kitchen to grab a canned drink before going to his room.
As i reach the door i heard the Qur'an playing from his speaker, i stopped in my tracks trying to apprehend whether it is coming from his room or not, because if the whole of Africa will be listening to Qur'an, Ameer will rather choose music, Chris Brown to be precise.
Then i knew what ever happened to him, it ought to be serious.

I gently opened the door with my already sweaty palms to find him sprawled on his bed with his back facing me, my heart was beating like an insane drummer only for it to subside when i see that he just was enjoying a sleep, i smacked him awake for scaring the schitznitz out of me, he woke up alertedly trying to sit and adjust his eyes,

"Ameer Hassan!!!, dont ever f*****g do that again!!!" i shouted which clearly washed the remaining somnia out of his body.

"the hell! Jamal what Do you want!! you could have just woke me up gently man!, like any human will do" Ameer shouted back.

"yeah, whatever! Wake up!, you and i have some talking to do, go and freshen up" i said while making myself comfortable on the couch.

He looked daggers at me before hissing and getting up to enter the bathroom.

My attention turned back to the beautiful recitation which is coming from his speaker, which if am not mistaking is shatiri, surah zumar was playing, which calmingly calmed my nerves and a smile from no where surfaced on my face.
I cannot remember the last time that i listened nor read the Qur'an, Maybe two or three months ago?, guilt was suddenly what i felt, i have being so distant from my own creator, just then i pulled out my phone, i entered my chat with Basmah which is pinned and typed her a message.

"What is your favourite surah??" J

"is this Jamal asking or his phone has being stolen?? Jamal?!? 😨" B

"seriously Basmah 😒, just tell me" J

"Noppp, it is Jamal😂, well surah al-kahf 😊" B

"nice" J

"but, seriously why the question, and this question in particular, cant help but wonder😮" B

"i came to Ameers place and heard him listening to imam shatiri so i asked you of your favourite surah" J

"ooohhkkk so now am curious, Ameer!, listening to Qur'an! Wow!! is he dying or something??" B

"😂😂 we'll talk later, i want to talk to Ameer bout something and he is here, and he is not dying😂" J

I put back my phone smiling internally and externally, i look up to see Ameer staring at me with a jaw drop so i asked
"why the look??"

He scoffed and sat beside me asking "what is it you want to say"

"when did you start listening to Quran? Why is the drastic change in your behavior? What is happening? What happened to i cant live without Arfa?" i said all at once.
He looked at me with all kinds of mixed emotions in his eyes, pain included which made me feel sorry him.
When he started talking i understood what is happening to my best freind, what i never saw coming.

Two updates in a week!!, who does that!!?!
This is for you for voting on each and every chapter and commenting as well Thank you 😘😘

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