Sure In The Hell Beats Matt

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* Matt POV*

"Well I guess I'm driving your moms car to school for you huh?" Bobby asked and smiled.

"Pleaseee" I said dragging it.

"Well what other way could we get to school." She says and grabs my moms keys off the counter.

" Sass." I say hoping towards the door.

So it's been a week since I've been at the doctor. This is also the first day back from winter break. I don't feel like going to school though. I hop my way to the car and Bobby helps me get in and put my crotches in the back seat. She hopes in and starts to drive to school. We get there no later than 7 minutes. I go in the school and people crowd around me.

"Yes I broke it in our last football game." I said

"I was in a coma for like 6 days" I had to repeat because they kept saying I was dead for 6 days, no just in a comma.

"No I don't need your help getting around my friend will help me do that. But thanks." I said and then hoped away to where Bobby was in the main office.

" Yes you do have permission to help him to his classes but keep this pass with you to notify your teachers why you would be late to your class. Hi Matthew." the office clerk said handing Bobby this yellow ruler like thing.

"Hi Ms. Nancy , and thanks." I said to her hoping back out into the hallway.

I decide to make it early to advisory so I wouldn't make Bobby late for at least her first class. I'm excited for this week and I'm not sure why. Bobby starts to catch up to me with me with my book bag. She sits it down next to me when I sit down in my seat.

" I'll see you next period I think." She says before walking away.

Made me think ,she looked cute today. But not that, that she hasn't kissed me ever since I got out the hospital. She has been caring for me but shes been with Shawn alot since hes been back. I love Shawn or whatever but I still have feelings for Bobby and a whole lot of them.

" I heard Deborah hit him with her car." someone says behind me.

I just sigh. This is going to be a long day, a long week.

--One week later--

*Bobby POV*

I'm so happy. I am so happy. Happy. HAPPY. HAPPY!!!! Its my birthday. I am litterally so happy. The big 1 8. I grab my phone check the time its 6 o'clock on a Saturday but hey its my birthday. I then see messages from everybody but Matt. Hmmm whats up with that. I reply a thankyou to everyone. Mahogany wanted me to get up so I can recieve sometype of schedule her and the guys setup for me. Thats something exciting because back home I got cake and a couple things from my mom but no friends to share it with. But now its gonna be so much better and I know it. I get up and go to the shower. I wash up with this soap I got from Lush. I dont wash my hair though, my mom told me that was never the best option in the winter time. When I get out I go straight for my outfit that was laid out these pretty white denim jeans with this very vibrant colored sweater, with very spikey heel boots. When i went downstairs I ran into my momma.

"HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY BOBBY!" she yelled , I can tell she was happy for me.

"Thanks mom, thanks for creating me 18 years ago." I said and she just smiles.

She hugs me and asks about my plans, I told her and I was on my way just like that. It was 7:38 but the day was full. I go across the street to Mahogany and she smiles when she opens the door.

"I knew that outfit would fit together perfectly. " she said and smiled and I hugged her.

"Happy Birthday." she said pulling out of the hug.

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