College Life

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I was getting off my plane. I didn't have to wait for luggage which was great. So I went and grabbed a cab and gave them directions to my school. It was cool here though. It feels pretty nice though, not as hot as Alanta. When I arrived in the front of the school I get all my schedules and all types of college stuff, and how my things have already been put in my room by UHAUL and my car is in the student parking lot.

"You are room 26G and here's your key." She handed me the key. " You don't have roommate at the moment but were just starting so maybe longer in the semester." She said with a smile.

"Thank you." I said to her and turned to go to the elevator to floor 26. That's a lot of damn floors. I went to my room opened the door to see all my boxes and mini fridge also my tv and the keys to my car. I start to open up boxes and putting them in my drawers. I start putting up some of my pictures. I make up my bed with a nice new comforter. I make it so nice in here. I will be living here like my own home. I put my hygiene products on the top of my dresser along with a picture of me and my mom. Then one with me and my dad. Then all of us together. Then when I was cleaning out the box and ran across a picture of me and Matt. It was of me on the swing and Matt arms wrapped around me.

See I try and look at this picture and feel as if I don't care but I do so much. I miss him. This made my eyes water a little. I put the picture down and calmed down. I picked the picture up and put it in the closet face down at the on the top shelf.


When I officially got done packing I decided to go out to buy some things for my fridge and grab a bite because I am hungry. It took me a while to find my car but I pressed the panic button and well it panicked and I ran to it. I go out to first Jewels because who doesn't love Jewels. I go and grab a whole lotta stuff. When I say a lot I mean what I say. I then check out. I go to Taco Bell.

When I get there I order my food then sit down and start to eat. Me and Matt used to always come here. While I'm eating I spot a familiar face. I see Chris. What is he doing here? Why is he here?

"Hey Chris." I said to him.

He smiles at me but holds his index finger up at me as to say 'wait one moment' to me. So I wait and then he comes over.

"Hey Bobby?" He says unsure of my name.

"Yeah." I said as he sat down.

"Yup but whatcha doing here?" I asked him?

"You literally just called me over." He said.

"No I mean here." I said meaning Ohio.

"This is one of many fast food places Bobby." He said to me.

"In freaking Ohio." I said to him wow he's dumb.

"Calm down." He smiled "I know what you meant but really I go to school at Ohio state." He said and begins to eat.

"Omg me too. We need to hang." I said I him and he smiled.

"Of course." He said.

We then continued to eat and then clean up.

"What's your room number?" He asked.

"26G. Yours?" I asked.

"16B but mines is like across campus. In a different building." He said but I wasn't shocked.

Sure we're not kids but they have limitations.

"Oh ok. Why did you decide to come in advance you know college doesn't start till a week later right?" I asked I was actually wondering why though.

"I needed to get out of the house. My parents are strict." He said.

"I thought I needed more time to be aquatinted with the campus and so I came earlier." I said and he nodded.

"Well anyways you should give me a ride back to my dorm. It was a pretty long walk." He said.

"I'm sure of it." Remembering how long it took to get here by car, he's on feet.

We walk out of Taco Bell. Hop into my car and I ask for directions to his. He gets out and I go back to mine. I grab all my groceries. This will be one trip. I'm surprised when I see a girl was moving in next door.

"Hi I'm LeLe aren't you Bobby?" She asked

"Yes, you follow me on Twitter?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yep your boyfri-" she started but I cut her off.

"I'm single now." I said.

"Oooo single life." She said.

"Need any help?" I asked.

"Seems like you need some too." She said and we laughed together.


I'm tired. It's only 10. But it's sleep time to me. I close my blinds knowing the sun will be up tomorrow. I lay in my bed and hope no one will be here for sometimes.

When I wake up I go take a shower and do the essentials. I then put on a nice summer outfit. Not shorts and a crop top but yeah. I grab me a fruit cup and a muffin. I told Chris I'd be by in the morning to explore the campus I hope he's ok with 11. I grab my keys then I'm out.

(A/N) Most boring chapter ever and I know I'm sorry. This is really going to change into something I swear. Chris Collins is life so I had to have him be one of the bffs and LeLe Pons.

Different Life (Matthew Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now