Whipped & Patched

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When I hear a knock on the door I think it's either Crawford, Chris, or LeLe so I'm not gonna answer it.

Then I hear his voice on the other side. I go to my door but don't open it.

"Leave me alone. How many doors did you go knock on to find mines." I said.

"Thank you I thought you were another girl trying to mace me. Open up." He said.

"How did you get pass security?" I questioned, I specifically told them not to let him up.

"I never tell my secrets. Now let me in. I know how to pick a lock." He said.

"I know." I accidentally laugh.

"Was that a laugh. Bobby Christina Scott laughed." He said.

"Hey don't go saying my whole government name." I said and he laughed.

I kinda miss him. I actually never wanted to let him go though. He messed up though so did I really have and option to drop him or not. No because that's instincts.

"Open up. I'm sorry I miss you." He said again.

"Ugh." I go to the door and open and he rushes in and picks me up in a tight hug.


"Ok put me down. Put me down." I said and he dropped me on my bed.

He leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"I love you." He said and smiled.

"I kinda hate you." I say to him.

"I know what I did was bad and I'm sorry." He said.

"You know I'm gonna need a better apology." I said.

"I came to this school for you." He said.

"That was so sweet David." I said.[A/N Haha y'all thought it was Matt] "Wait this school or were you just coming here to apologize."

"I am going to school here. I've been going to school here for a year already. I've just been waiting for you to arrive because I remember you told me 'This is the college I see myself going into the future' when we were going on the college tours last year."

"Well I hope that we'll be able to get along again and aww you remember. I have so much to tell you and vice versa." I said to him as he sat on my bed.

*Matt POV* (Been a while eh?)

"Omg would you shut up dude. You're like super irritating."

"Well I didn't know that you were 'Matthew Espinosa' I thought that you we're 'Matthew Hall' my brother so we're both not happy about this." Nick said.

"Look just because I'm not your brother doesn't give you the right to be mean, and rude, and irritating, and a fucktard." I said.

"Look shut up Matt is calling me now." Nick said.

I just shut up because one things one my mother taught me to never be rude to anyone while they're on the phone because it might be something important. I grab my board and walk out of my dorm and take the stairs down to the lobby and out the door. My phone then starts to ring.

"What!" I said as I answered the phone.

"Look I'm just trying to say Bobby isn't really over you. She got mad at Crawford-" she said.

"Who is Crawford. Does she like him? Has she kissed him? What does he look like?" I questions.

"Calm down Matt. It's Crawford Collins. No she hasn't kissed him. I wish I could kiss you." She said.

"Look LeLe that was a one time thing. It was stupid. You made me lose Bobby, and while you're spying you should calm it down." I warned her.

"No I'm actually her friend she's pretty cool." She said.

"Okay and when she finds out that you're the girl that caused her and me to break up she won't be so happy about that." I stated.

"Look I'm not gonna get caught, I've been playing dumb like I barely know you. And if she ever does I'll tell her I'm helping you spy on her." She said.

"You volunteered. Don't play that shit."I said to her.

"Shut up." She said.

I just hung up the phone because I'm hard at holding my tongue. I put my phone back in my pocket and go to the Starbucks and get me some coffee while I sit. I get my phone out and go on twitter and go to Bobby's page. Damn she still hasn't been on here in a month. It's hard y'know at first I was kinda ok with the breakup but it's hitting hard know. Like really hard.

"Excuse me Matthew." I look up to see this girl.

"Call me Matt but that determines. Who are you." She intrigued me already.

"My name is Sarah." She said and that's when I stopped listening.

I threw my cup away. "No no no not another Sarah nope. I'm so sorry. sure I had another Bobby, and she was like great but I fucked up and I'm so sorry and she can't see that, but Sarah was horrible she made me choose between Bobby and her, and I was so stupid and picked her and Bobby was like depressed and we grew apart and she went to Shawn and it was so horrible. Not saying that you're horrible but let's jut say I'm not ready to take that chance, sorry." I said then I stopped.

The girl, and everyone looked at me in the coffee shop. I then ran out to save myself more of the embarrassment. I'm still thinking about her, and I just explained my whole relationship whatever to the whole damn shop.

Fuck my life.

Different Life (Matthew Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now