Way To Remember

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"We'll yeah my summer has actually been pretty nice besides my breakup." I said to Crawford.

We were talking sitting on the top of LeLe jeep while Chris and her talked from inside.

"Who'd you break up with?" He asked me.

I took another sip from my beer and looked at the sun setting. "Huh?" I said even though I knew what he said.

"Do you not wanna talk about it." he said.

"No I'm good I kinda just tuned out. It was Matt." I said.

"Espinosa? He seems like a cool dude." He said taking a sip of his beer.

"Well yeah he is. It's just the little things." Or thing considering it was only one thing he messed up on.

"Well I believe I've met him before he's a really cool dude. He couldn't of broke you." He said and I've kinda got mad. "Like I think him and Chris have met before, and we hung out he's not a bad dude." He said.

"K." Was all I said because I'm pissed.

"You should have gave him a second chance." He said to me.

Not even the cold beer could calm my heated self down now. Apparently I didn't want to. Maybe Chris knew him and probably Crawford, but I don't give a shit. I did give him a second chance but that was as friends. When he picked IHOP girl over me. There we're no more chances. Fuck another chance. You should be happy if you even get a second glance. Fuck this, Fuck him, Fuck Crawford, Fuck the girl he fucked. Fuck it.

"Bobby are you ok?" he asked.

"I'm going back to my room." I said and hopped right off the Jeep roof and begin to walk back to the dorm.

I had a flashback.


[WARNING *Lot of profanity brace yourselves*]

It's been 3 week since Matt and I hit splits. I cried like 4 times. I walked down the stairs of my house. I grabbed the keys off the counter. Where am I going exactly? Where ever the wheel takes me even though that is a waste of gas. As I walked outside I saw Matt. Bitch. I'm sorry I'm still trying to getting over this. He was actually coming my way.

"Stop!" I said as he was just about 5 inches away from my car. "What the fuck do you want." I said to him.

"I just wanted to say hi." He said with a frown.

That frown killed me a little.

"I really don't even wanna look at you the fuck makes you think I wanna talk to you. Get the fuck on." I said to him as I walked to open my car and got in.

"I wanted to go see The Fault In Our Stars as friends." He said.

"Do you think I'm dumb. We both read the damn book. I'm not going to the movie so I could be curled up against you crying. Because a shoulder to cry on means I'll be in your bed by sundown , and I know that's your intentions anyway." I said slamming me door shut.

"Bobby would you just fucking listen. Your stubbornness is killing me." He said on the other side of my door.

"No Matt I will not fucking listen." I said with a huff and looked in the rear view mirror.

"Why? It's been 3 weeks." He said.

I ignored his question. "Matt move out the way I'm about to back up." I might as well give him a warning. Least I could do yeah?

"I'm not moving till you talk to me." He challenged.

"Matt move the fuck out of my way. Is that enough conversation for you." I said rolling down my window.

"No it's not and I'm not moving." He challenged once more.

"Fine. Your foot not mines." I said pulling out.

I know I ran over his foot because he he yelped and hurried to pull his foot up into his hand.

"Fucking idiot." I said to myself as I I began down the street leaving him in my driveway crying, and holding his foot for dear life.


When I came back to reality I walked straight into a tree.

"Fuck." I yelled before I got up.

"Need some help." They said as I turned to look at a set of chocolate brown eyes with there arm outstreached. A smile twitched at there lips but all I could do was stare.

I mumbled curse words and was definitely not going to reach for there hand. I'd rather lay here on the ground, than grab their hand.

As I got up from off the ground by myself. I dusted myself off and continued to walk but they followed.

"So how has life been treating you?" They asked.

"Why are you here?" I asked them.

"I wanted to see you." They said.

"Well I don't now stop following me."



"Leave me alone. You're a creep" I said.

"No because you miss me."

"The he hell if that's so." I scoffed.

"I'm serious I can see it in your eyes." They said.

"You came here for what again?"

"Because I wanted to see you and I know you wanted to see me just as much. " They said.

"Look are you stupid. Can you not tell from my actions I don't wanna be around you. Gosh I don't remember you being this stupid." I said

"So you remember my aspects." They said.

"Look I'm already mad and you're making me madder with a hint of frustration so can you fucking leave me be." I said.

"Oh why are you mad. I remember just the thing. You need ice cream." They said.

"No you need to get the fuck away from me." I said.

"No can do."

"What're you here on a mission." I said.

"Yes actually I want you to forgive me and also I want to hang out because we miss each other." They said.

As I reached my dorm I whispered to the lady at the front desk and the security guard.

"Don't let him come up. He is an unwanted visitor." I said and they both nodded.

I walked toward the elevator. And he walked to and the security guard ran after him.

"Sir you're not allowed to go up." She said.

"Bobbyyy." He wined as I stepped in the elevator by myself.

Wtf is he doing here. I thought I was never gonna see him again. Shit.

Different Life (Matthew Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now