More Planning More Hints

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"Its been a week Carter what do I do?" I asked him because I explained to him the whole situation.

"She bought you a Rolex for Christmas wear that in one of your vines and maybe she'll see it probably attach it to your twitter."

"Genius thanks." I said to him.

I pull out my phone and go on vine. I grab my Rolex watch from my manly jewelry box. I put it on quickly and make my vine.

"So vine. I'm living the college life but I'm actually bored right now. So tag me in some funny vines." I said fixing my quiff with the hand the Rolex was on.

I then share it to twitter and post with a small message attached.

*Bobby POV*

"Davidddddd i got a notification that Matt just tweeted what do I do?" I asked panicky.

"Well for starters open it." He said and chuckled.

"Okay." I said. "Oh it's a vine."

I watched the vine once and frowned. "There's no hints in this. He didn't get my hint from my video." I said.

"Just keep watching it stupid." He said and I laughed.

I watched it a couple more times looking at every detail till I seen it.

"He's wearing the Rolex I got him for Christmas." I said bouncing up and down on my bed.

"Wait Rolex. I never got a Rolex." He said.

"I'll get you one on your birthday or something. But he's wearing the Rolex. This means that he misses me right?" I asked David.

"Look I said I'd help but I don't know what it means. I can call LeLe-" he said before I cut him off.

"She's been giving me weird vibes, and she's been watching me closely and stuff. I don't like that but let me shut up because she might have here ear against my wall." I said and rolled my eyes.

"She might be studying to be a spy." He said.

"That doesn't mean she should be in my business." I said and he nodded and gave me the 'I know what you mean' look.

"What about the Collins?" He asked.

"Well I'm not real sure about them. Like at first we were kinda cool but they start getting into trouble around campus and I was brought up-" I said but he cut me off by finishing my sentence.

"Where you're not supposed to hang around the wrong crowd because it you lay down with dogs you get up with fleas. I was brought up with the same type of parents remember we lived right next door to each other." He said with a smile.

"Right." I said and pushed him playfully.

"So what's gonna be your next plan for the 'Get Matt Back' mission?" David asked.

"Well I know I will go down to my moms. Maybe during fall break and he should be down there too I think. But in the mean time I have to get ready now." I said to him and he looked at me confused.

"I gotta get cute." I said and he still looked confused.

"Why?" He said.

"Because I'm about to FaceTime Carter." I said as I start to comb my messy hair and grabbing my Chapstick.

"Ok but you're trying to get Matt back." He said.

"Carter is Matt's best friend. Carter and Matt go to the same college. Carter is probably with Matt. Come on David keep up." I said as I said checking myself out in the mirror. Ready. I unlock my phone and went to Carter's contact and FaceTimed him. It took him a while to answer like he was debating.

"Hey Bobby." He said with a smile.

"Hey Carter. I miss you." I said.

"I miss you too, how are you?" he asked.

"I'm breathing, I miss a lot of you guys." I said pouting.

He smiled to someone off camera. Was it Matt?

"Who specifically?" He asked.

"You know all of you guys from Georgia." I said because I know he was asking specifically about Matt.

"Oh well Bobby?"

"Yeah." I said.

"Matt misses you." He said and I blushed.

*Matt's POV*

"Why would you say that!" I whispered staying away from the camera.

He mouthed 'Is it not true?' he asked.

"Well it's true but you didn't have to tell her." I whispered.

"So I talk to this girl. Her name is Sophie." He said continuing to talk to her.

"Ooo Carter get you some , and think about each other before you think about yourself. Because that might mess things up." She said with a giggle.

She's talking about us. I got the same advice. But oh her giggle

"I know what you mean like if you want to go to the movies but your boyfriend doesn't you'd stay home just because you care about the way that he feels and if he doesn't want to go then you just wouldn't." He said and I know he's talking about me and Bobby.

"Uh yeah. Look Carter I love you but I gotta go. Um an old friend-" she got cut off by somebody I'm not sure.

"My name is David." He said jumping in the FaceTime.

"Well David just invite me to coffee. Gotta go." She said and hung up.

"She knew that you were hinting to me and her relationship. She was nervous." I said with a smile.

"She still loves you bro." He said but I frowned.

"Or she was just nervous because you reminded her of a horrible break up." I said finally being able to get back on my bed.

"Don't be such a downer. You should actually text her or something. Make another move since she made the first one." Carter said.

"I guess but I don't know I think I'll leave more hints before I make that big of a step." I said with a sigh.

"Well I have to go I kinda gotta date." He said before I could get a word in he left.

I went on Twitter.

TheMattEspinosa: You don't know what you have until it's gone.

TheMattEspinosa: You and I. We will never be like them. I thought we'd make it till the end. Ohh you and I.

TheMattEspinosa: And you know you've been high when you feeling low, only hate the road when you're missing home, only know you love her when you let her go, but I can't let her go.

(A/N: Pretend it's 140 characters)

I let a few tears escape my eyes and I see my fans tagging Bobby and telling her 'he misses you'. I put my phone back down. And wipe my few tears.

Different Life (Matthew Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now