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My mom has been calling me down for school for 20 minutes. Joey is in 5/6 of my classes. I'm not going. I cried myself to sleep last night.

"Emma! Why are you still in bed?!" Mom asks after barging into my room.

"I don't feel well" I say. Technically it's not a lie. 

"What doesn't feel good?"

"Everything. I want to be sick. Over and over again"

"Joey keeps texting me. He says he needs to talk to you" she says. Tears start falling from my eyes.

"Em? What's happened? Did you and Joey have a fight?" she asks, sitting on my bed by my legs. I slowly shake my head no.

"Does it have something to do with him?" I nod my head yes.

"Did he do something to you?" I nod my head yes again.

"Did he touch you in a way he shouldn't have?" I slowly nod my head yes

"Honey, what happened?" she asks. 

"I didn't cut myself while I was cooking" I say quietly.

"What really happened then?" 

"He's really big compared to me. I tried to fight him really hard. After awhile I kinda became numb. I was still crying really hard but after probably 30 minutes I just didn't feel anything. I'm happy Millie was asleep. I should never have let him in" I say, no emotion is evident on my face.

"The blood....Emma, did Joey rape you?" my mom asks, horror all over her face. I slowly nod my head yes.

 "Sup losers! I'm here!" Nicole yells from downstairs. I forgot we were walking to school together today.

"Do you want me to ask her to leave?" mom asks. 

"No. Can you ask to her to come up?" I ask.

"Sure. I'm gonna talk to your dad"

"Ok" I say. She leaves and a minutes later Nicole rushes in with a worried/pissed expression. She stares at me for a few seconds then runs over to me, engulfing me in a hug.

"I'm gonna kill him" she says. I start crying and she holds onto me tighter.

"We won't go to school today or tomorrow or until you're ready. I'll stay with you as long as you want me to. We can re watch Supernatural for the 20th time. I can get Tyler, Jackson, my brother and his friends, and Aiden and his friends to beat the shit out of that scum bag. When you're ready to go back to school we won't let that coward come near you"

"I shouldn't have let him in. This wouldn't have happened if I didn't let him in" I say between sobs.

"No. This is not your fault. You guys have been together for 2 years, you had no reason to expect this"

"I took 5 showers since. I can still feel his hands everywhere"

"I'm so sorry, Em"

The door opens and Tyler, Jackson, and my parents come in.

"I'll kill him. Can I kill him? I'm gonna kill him" Tyler says, clearly pissed.

"I'll help" Jackson says, clearly pissed as well.

"Boys. As much as I want to, no murdering" mom says. My dad comes over to me hugs me. Soon, Tyler, Jackson, and mom join in. After what feels like an hour but is really a few seconds they let me go.

"Em, you have a doctors appointment at noon. Nic, I'm gonna guess your staying?" Dad asks.

"Yeah" Nic says.

"Ok. Emma, we've already called the police. They want a statement from you soon"

"Ok" I say.

"I'm gonna take the twins to school. Your mom is downstairs if you need anything"


"Alright, be back soon"

"Bye" I say.

"Bye, Colby" Nic says. 

"Are you hungry?" Nic asks after we hear my dads car pulls away.

"Sure" I shrug.

"Ok, I'll get you something. Breakfast food or leftovers?"

"Seasoned chicken. Just bring the whole bag. Cold. Oh and dry ramen noodles"

"Weirdo. I still don't get how you can eat dry ramen"

"It's delicious and you know it"

"Whatever" she chuckles and goes downstairs. I get up and grab my phone that I had thrown at the wall last night. The screen is cracked but not too bad. I have 5 texts. 4 from Joey, 1 from Logan.

Joey: hey
Yesterday 7:58 pm

Joey: y rn't u texting back?
Yesterday 8:10 pm

Joey: C'mon u rn't actually mad at me r u?
Yesterday 9:32pm

Joey: Chocking and slapping is sexy babe
Today 1:44am 

Logan: #Samstiel is endgame 
Today 7:21am

Me: We've already had this discussion Logan......desssssstiellllll
Today 7:45am 

Logan: Ur blind
Today 7:45am

Me: Lol get to class loser
Today 7:46am

Logan: R u coming today?
Today 7:46am

Me: No. Ttyl. FOODS HERE
Today 7:47am

Logan: lol k 
Today 7:47am

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