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Asshole: Do u know the answer for 7 on our math homework?
Today 6:02 am

Me: So ur in my math class? That narrows it down
Today 6:49 am

Asshole: we all have the same math teacher
Today 6:49 am

Me:.....right......it's 37
Today 6:50 am

Asshole: K thanks
Today 6:50

I put my phone down and get ready for school. Since one of the guys starting texting me last night, I've been trying to figure it out who it is but I can't. I think it might be Oliver or Nathan.

"Hey, you ready?" Nic asks.

"Almost" I say finishing my makeup. I went with the usual makeup look and outfit today. Same with Nic.

"Any ideas who the anonymous texter is?"

"Not really. Maybe Nathan or Ollie"

"Ok...shit! We gotta leave now! We're gonna be late!" Nic says after looking t her phone. We rush downstairs and grab a granola bar for breakfast. Ty, Jackson, Nic, and I run outside and to school. 


"Finally! I thought you were never gonna make it" Nathan say.

"Shut it, Nate" Nic says. 

"C'mon, let's go to class" Isaac says, checking his phone. IDEA! I pull out my phone and call Asshole. They are all here but none of their phones are ringing!

"You put your phone on silent?" I ask the guys.

"What?" Mateo asks.

"One of you have been texting me and I tried to call you to figure out who it is but one of you put your phone on silent! I knew I changed his name to asshole for a reason"

"You tried to cheat!" Isaac exclaims.

"....what? No....." I say awkwardly. The warning bell rings and we rush to class. 


Lunch! Hallelujah! We get our food and sit down at our usual table. Everyone's on their phones so I decide to text Asshole. If everyone's on their phones it's not cheating.

Me: Ur a jerk. Just 1 hint?
Today 11:34 am

Asshole: Now where's the fun in that?
Today 11:34 am

Me: Oh, i get it now....ur too nervous! Aw ur scared that i'll reject u!
Today 11:35 am

Asshole: sure. whatever floats ur boat
Today 11:35 am

I put my phone in my pocket and get up to go to the restroom. I feel like someones following me the whole way but I ignore it. I use the restroom then wash my hands. I throw away the paper towel and look up at the mirror. I see Joey behind me in the reflection. I gasp and quickly turn around to face him.

"J...Joey" I stutter.

"You haven't been texting me back or talking to me" he says.

"I know"


"I don't want to talk to you"


"Y..you raped me"

"No, I didn't. You're my girlfriend. I can do what I want to you when I want to"

"No you can't! I'm a person not an object, Joey! You have made me terrified to be around you!" I I almost yell. He pins me up against the wall, hurting my back and wrists.

"Do I scare you now?" he growls. I don't respond, I just start crying a little. The bathroom door swings open and the guys rush in. Oliver and Mateo rip Joey off of me and hold him so Isaac can punch him. Virgil comes straight to me and hugs me protectively while the others help deal with Joey.

"Are you ok?" Virgil asks, his voice filled with worry. I nod and lean into the hug putting my head on his chest.

"I'm gonna go get Uncle Sam, see if he can talk to the principal about getting Joey suspended until you get the results" Jackson says.

"I'll come with you" Tyler and Nathan say.

"Are you hurt?" Virgil asks.

"Not really. I bet I'll have bruises tomorrow though" I say. Joey's lying on the floor, unconscious, Isaac knocked on him out with 2 punches.

"How'd you guys know to come in here?" I ask.

"A bit after you left, Virgil noticed Joey was gone. He asked the person who was next to Joey where he went and the guy said he followed you. That's when Virgil told us what was going on so we looked for you then heard you guys yelling in the bathroom" Oliver explains.

"Oh. Thank you" I say to the guys.

"We're gonna go take Joey to principals office" Isaac says.

"Ok" I nod. Mateo and Oliver pick up Joey, putting his arms around both of their shoulders so they can drag him around easier. The 3 of them leave and I'm left alone with Virgil.

"So, do you know who's texting me? I think I've narrowed it down to Nathan or Oliver" I ask.

"Of course I know but I'm not gonna tell you. You have to figure it out for yourself"

"Why?" I groan.

"You told Isaac you wanted a mystery. You get a mystery"

"Can I have a hint?"

"Fine. He's a year old than you" 

"Wow that narrows it down so much" I say sarcastically. Literally the only person that takes off the board is Isaac but I already knew that. Isaac's 2 years older than me.

"You wanted a hint, I gave you a hint"

"You're a jerk sometimes, you know that?"

"Yep" he smirks. The door opens again and Sam, Tyler, Nathan, and Jackson come in.

"The guys told me what happened, are you ok?!" Uncle Sam asks.

"Yeah, I'm ok" I say.

"I called your parents, they'll--"

"You called my parents?!"


"Great. They're never gonna let me come back to school"

"As long as you want to come back, they'll let you"

"How do you know?"

"Colby and Hailey are my best friends. They aren't gonna make you or keep you from doing anything you wanna do"

"You better be right"

"I am"


Hey everyone! Thanks for reading and for staying with the story since chapter 1 of Family Isn't Just Blood. It means so much to me that you guys like my books. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and I'll talk to you later! Love y'all! Byeeeeee! 

XoXo ~Mel

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