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Hey everyone, just a warning that there is a rape scene at the end. I'll put (***) when it starts so you can skip it if you want. 

~The Next Day~

"Jackson! Tyler! Emma! Come downstairs please" Dad yells. We go downstairs and see Shea standing in the living room.

"Hey guys" she says.

"Hey, Shea" I say.

"Hey, mom" the twins say. 

"Are you staying this time?" Jackson asks.

"I'm not sure yet" Shea says.

"Then why are you here?" 

"Jackson" Dad warns.

"It's fine, Colby. I'm here because I want to see all of you" she says.

"Well, you saw us. I gotta go" Jackson says.

"Where are you going?" Dad asks.

"I don't know. Probably Brennen's house"


"I gotta babysit Millie" I say. 

"Tyler, are you leaving?" Dad sighs.

"Not unless Nicole wants me to come over" Ty says.

"Ty, it's never gonna happen between you two" I say.

"Don't get in the way of love, Em!" 

"What love?" I chuckle and leave. I walk 3 blocks and arrive at Aaron and Hayden's place. I walk in and see 3 year old Millie on the couch and Aaron rushing around the house.

"Hey" I say.

"Emma!" Millie exclaims and runs over to me, hugging my leg.

"Hey, Em" Aaron says.

"When do you have to leave?" I ask.

"5 minutes"

"What are you looking for?"

"My wedding ring"

"Check Millie's stuffed elephant. It might be on it's trunk" I suggest. He finds Millie's elephant and sees his ring on it.

"Thanks" he says with a sigh of relief. 

"No problem. Now go! Before you're late" 

"Ok ok, I'm going! Bye, Mil! Have fun with Emma" he says.

"Bye, daddy!" she says and hugs him. Aaron says bye to me and leaves.

~2 hours later~

Millie and I are watching H20 Just Add Water and Netflix. She loves mermaids. I hear a knock on the door.

"I'll be right back" I say and walk over to the front door. I open it and see Joey. 

"Hey, babe" he smiles.

"Joe? What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I came to keep you company"

"I'm fine. I have my cousin"

"Come on babe. I'm sure Millie will be fine with it"

".......fine. Come in" I say. I walk back to the living room and he follows. 

"Hey, Mill. Do you remember Joey?" I ask.

"Uh huh. He's the meanie that's too clingy" she says. Oh my God.

"Where'd you hear that?" Joey asks.

"My daddies"

"Oh. Well I'm not mean"

"Yes you are. You ate her face last time" she says. Oh my God, she is so cute.

"Honey, he wasn't eating my face" I say, trying not to laugh.

"Then what was he doing?"

"Um.....he was tasting my lip gloss. It tasted like cherry"





Millie's down for a nap and Joey and I are watching H20 Just Add Water...and making out. He puts his hand on my inner thigh and I pull away.

"No. Not before I'm 16" I say.

"C'mon baby. I know you want it" he says.

"I don't" I say sternly. He rips of my shirt, literally. My shit is now 2 halves. He takes of my bra and throws it across the room. What the fuck!? I said no!

"Stop it!" I say.

"No" he says. Is he fucking serious.

"Joey! Get off of me!" I strain as he pins my hands behind my head and plants rough kisses on my boobs.

"Stop it! Now!" I almost scream, tears threatening to escape.

"No. You're mine and I can do what I want with you when I want" he says.

"No, you can't!"

"Yes, I can bitch!" he says and slaps me across the face. I'm in to much shock at the fact that my boyfriend just slapped me to fight him while he takes off my pants. Oh God.....I'm about to get raped by my boyfriend. Joey's like 3x the size of me so no matter how hard I try to fight him it won't work. He takes off my underwear. 

"Joey, please no! Please, I won't tell anyone if you leave right now" I beg. I'm laying completely naked on my uncle's couch, about to get raped by a man I thought loved me. I shouldn't have let him in. I'm supposed to be babysitting my little cousin. He puts his hands around my neck and starts choking me.

"Shut up before I make you" he growls and removes his hands. I couch a few times I gasp for air. No, I'm not letting him do this! I lift my leg up as hard as I can and hit his dick. He hisses in pain and I'm able to get out from under him and run towards the stairs. I'm almost to the stairs but he grabs my hair, yanking my back. Tears flood from my eyes as he throws me on the floor. I'm in pain, I'm exhausted, there's nothing I can do now. 

I go limp and cry as Joey rapes me.


I know rape is an extremely serious and horrible problem around the world and I do not approve of or promote it in any way. I'm really sorry if any of you thought any differently. 

Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoyed. Also, my little brother started a book on his account TheEpic_Dj51 called Away In California. It's his first book but I edit it so it shouldn't be to bad. It's a Septiplier fan fic. Jack is an unhealthy relationship with his abusive boyfriend Quin. He saves us up money and moves to Cali where he meets Mark. If you guys would please go check it out that would mean so much to him. 

XoXo ~Mel

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