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"Hey" I say after walking into my mom hospital room. I look at the bed and see it's empty.

"Hey" Dad says from the chair.

"W-where's mom?" 

"In the bathroom. She's getting dressed" 

"Oh thank God" 

"Where did you think she was"

"...the morgue"

"Well aren't you just a ball of sunshine today" 

"Ha ha very funny. So, moms coming home?"


"Awesome. She's 100% healed?"



"Is everything ok or did you just come to visit?"

"Boy problems"

"Hailey! Hurry up! Emma needs you" dad says loud enough so mom can hear him. Mom walks out of the bathroom and over to us.

"What's up?" she asks.

"Virgil's back" I say.

"Ok and....?"

"I like him a lot"

"And you're with Tanner" 


"Well who do like more?"

"I don't know" 

"Kiss them" 


"Does Virgil like you?"


"So kiss one of them and then the other. Whoever makes you feel fireworks inside you or something, that's the one"

"Are you sure?"


"Ok. I'm gonna go to Tanner's. See you at home" I say and leave the hospital. I get on the bus and go to Tanner's house. I get to his house and knock on the door. 

"Oh, hey Emma" Trevor says.

"Hey. Tanner here?" I ask.

"Yeah. In his room" he says and lets me in. I go upstairs and into his room. He's on his bed watching New Girl.

"New Girl?" I ask will a teasing smile.

"Shut up. It's funny" he says.

"I haven't seen you in a few days. What've you been up to?"

"Sorry. I've been binge watching" 

"Oh" I say. I stare at him until he notices.

"What?" he asks. I'm sitting on the bed next to him and he's laying down so I have to bend down to kiss him. I feel nothing. All I feel are his lips against mine. That's it. No spark or fireworks or whatever mom said.

"I gotta go" I say.

"But you just got here"

"I just remembered I have a counseling appointment"

"Oh ok" he says. I leave the house and decide to walk home. It's only like a 15 minute walk and for the middle of July, it's not that hot out.

"So that means it Virgil, right?" Snakebite asks.

"Not necessarily. She might not feel anything for Virgil either" Angel says.

"Wow, Ang. Not the reaction I was expecting" Anaconda says.

"What were you expecting?" Angel asks.

"Something like 'yes! Oh my God it's so totally Virgil!'" 

"I do not talk like that" 

"Yes, you do" 

"Do not"

"Do too"

"Seriously? You guys can't go 20 minutes without fighting?" I ask.

"Sorry, Em" they both say.

"Did you just apologize, Anaconda?" I ask.

"No. I mean, ......yeah" she shrugs

"Thank you" I smile.



I get to my house and text Virgil to come over. He gets here about 30 minutes later.

"Hey" he says coming into the living room. I get up and kiss him. He kisses me back and it feels amazing. Those fireworks my mom was talking about, this is what she meant. He pulls away.

"You have a boyfriend" he says.

"I know. I know, I'm sorry" I say burying my face in hands.

"Why are you apologizing?" 

"I don't know. My mom told me to kiss both of you to see who I felt fireworks with or something. Apparently, if I feel fireworks, that means they are the one but how do I know if they want me to without feeling like I totally idiot if they say no" I ramble. I look up and see Virgil just staring at me.

"Did you feel anything?" he asks after a minute.

"Yes. I felt nothing with Tanner but....everything with you"


"Yep" I sigh and sit on the couch.

"Well, it was the same for me. Absolutely nothing with Tanner" he says. I look up at him and we both start laughing.

"You're an asshole" I laugh.

"I know" he chuckles and sits next to me.

"So, what are you gonna do now?" he asks.

"Whether we decide to be together or not I have to break up with Tanner" 

"So....after you do that.....wanna go get dinner or something?"

"Sure. I just gotta figure out how to break up with him" 

"We're over, bye. I'm dumping you. Lets see other people" he says listing off ways to break up with someone. 

"Thanks" I say in a sarcastic tone.


Hey everyone! Thanks so much for reading! I really hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to leave your questions in the comments or send them to me privately. Talk to you later! Byeeee love you!


{Unedited because I feel like shit and want to go to bed} 

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