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Happy New Year everyone! Finally 2017 is over! Hopefully 2018 will be better! 

If you want to read about me messing up half the chapter, read the authors note at the end!


I lay there for what feels like hours before Joey finishes. 

"I'll text you later babe" he winks, pulling his pants up. He puts his shirt on and leaves. I stay on the floor for a bit after he leaves. I'm in so much pain. 

"Emma!" Millie cries from upstairs. It takes me a second but I get up, get dressed, and go upstairs. Millie's on her bed, crying.

"What's wrong, Mill?" I ask.

"I had a bad dream!"

"What happened in your dream?"

"There was a really big dragon! He was really mean and he took the princess away"

"It's ok, it was just a dream. Wanna go to the park?" 

"Yeah!" she says excitedly. She jumps up and I help her get dressed. She's wearing a Minnie Mouse T-Shirt, black leggings, a pink skirt, and her pink shoes. She grabs her stuffed elephant and we walk to the park near the Orphanage. I sit on the bench while she plays with the other kids. 

"Get off of me" I hear a voice say. I look over and see a guy being held to a tree by another guy. The guy against the tree if a lot smaller than the other guy, he's wearing a light brown sweater with a white collar, jeans. and glasses. The other guy looks like a stereotypical jock. Wait, I know them. The jock is Carlton Sommers and the nerd is Logan Neil. 

"Make me, nerd. Nobody's gonna help you" the jock says. C'mon Emma, go try to help.

"Can you just let me go? I have a lot of homework, although you probably don't even know that is" 

"That's it. You're gonna get it, fag!" the jock growls before raising a fist. A jump up and rush over there just in time.

"Is there a problem here?" I ask.

"Mind your own business, Emma" the jock says.

"You are in a park filled with children. My 3 year old cousin is here and from what it looks like, things are gonna get messy so yes, it is my business. I suggest you leave before I call the police" 

"You wouldn't dare, bitch"

"Try me" 

"Whatever. You're lucky your Joey's girlfriend" he says. I tense up at his name. I had forgotten for a moment.

"Leave before I fucking break your fucking nose, Sommers" I'm shaking really bad.

"Fine" he says and leaves.

"You ok, Logan?" I ask, trying to calm down.

"Yeah. Are you? Your mood changed drastically when he mentioned Joey" Logan asks.

"I'm fine"

"From experience, when people say I'm fine they really mean they're not"

"I don't want to talk about it"

"Ok. We can talk about something else if that will help you get your mind off it"

"Don't you have something better to do than talk to me?"


"Ok. Come sit with me" I say with a small chuckle. We sit on the bench and talk for 2 hours about random things. TV shows, fandoms, food, family. Logan's actually pretty cool. We even exchanged numbers. Aaron texted me asking to bring Millie home.

"I gotta take Millie home. See you at school tomorrow?" I ask.

"Sure. See you later" he says. I walk over to Millie and take her home. After dropping her off at her house I go home. Logan and Millie really helped take my mind off of what happened but I'm alone now and everything he did to me is flooding my mind. 

"Emma? Is that you?" mom asks from the living room.

"Yeah" I say just loud enough so she can hear me.

"I just got off the phone with Aaron. He wants to know why there's blood on the carpet in the living room. He said you had already left when he noticed it" 

"Um....I cut myself while I was cooking"

"Why were you in the living room then?"

"I didn't notice it till I was in the living room"

"Oh ok. Can you try to call Jackson please and ask him where he is? He's not answering his phone for us and Tylers phone is dead"

"Sure" I say. I just want to go to my room! I pull my phone out of my pocket and call Jackson.

Jackson: What?

Me: Where are you?

Jackson: Uncle Zac's place.

Me: Meaning your at...?

Jackson: Kevins house.

Me: You guys spend so much time together. Heh if I didn't know better, I'd think you two were together or something.

Jackson: Heh right. That'd be weird. Me with Kevin? Gross....like what? Where'd you even get that thought? Besides, heh I'm not gay.

Me: Um ok, weirdo. I'll talk to you later.

Jackson: Weird? How am I weird? I'm normal. Completely normal.

Me: ....ok? Bye.

Jackson: byetextyoulater!

That was weird. I've never heard him talk that fast. Whatever. My phone dings indicating I have a text. 

Joey: Hey. Thinkin bout u and that perfect bod, babe.

I run upstairs and sit and my bed. I stare at the text for a minute before throwing my phone at the wall. I pull my knees up to my chest and cry. 


Thanks for reading everyone! I love y'all! Talk to you later! 

Me messing up. Enjoy.  |   |  |
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When I was writing the park scene, I forgot this was Emma and not Hailey so I had to delete half my chapter because it was about Hailey, Zane, and Luke. If you guys don't remember Luke he was Hailey's GBF in the orphanage. I don't think I mentioned him again after the second chapter....oops. So about 20 minutes into writing the park scene, Luke asked "You here with anyone?" and Hailey said "Yeah. My little cousin, Millie" and I was like....."wait what? Hailey doesn't have a cousin named a Millie" I read the park scene and face palmed so hard. You know those FML moments? Yeah that was one of those. 3 of my brothers are in the room and I told them what happened....MISTAKE! I got laughed at so hard. Such a supportive family.

XoXo ~Mel

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