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"How ya feeling, Emma?" Dr. McKinley asks.

"Fantastic" I respond. I've been here for 3 weeks and I really just wanna go home. I love my doctors and Jana but hospitals are creepy. Plus, the guy in the room next to me keeps stealing my Jell-O. 

"How was last night?"

"Good. I slept the whole time" 

"Perfect. You ready to go home?"


"Ok, your parents just need to sign this and you're free to go" 

"My mom's in the cafeteria. She'll be back any minute" 


I finish putting on my clothes and step out of the bathroom. I am so happy to be out of that stupid gown and into leggings and a hoodie. 

"Ready?" mom asks. I nod and we leave. I get in the passenger seat of my moms car and she starts driving.

"You excited to go home?" she asks.

"Yeah. The people at the hospital were really nice but I miss home. Especially my bed" I say. I can't way to get home and just lay on my bed.

"Everyone's gonna be really happy to see you" 


I grab my bag from the backseat and take a deep breath before going inside. I'm immediately greeted by everyone. I say 'hi' to everyone and hug them. Mom and dad set up a welcome home party.....it's uh...nice of them.....I really didn't want to be around this many people though. I see a face in large crowds, I don't know who it is but he's always watching me. It took me awhile to figure out he's not actually there but he stills scares the shit out of me. I haven't told anyone about him, everyone will just think I'm crazy or something.

"Welcome back, Em" Tyler smiles.

"Thanks" I mumble.

"There's cake in the kitchen. It's your favorite" Jackson says. 

"Cool" I say. I look up and see the man in the living room. He's just standing in between Sam and Corey staring at me. I wish he would stop appearing. I want him go. 

"You ok, Em?" Hayden asks.

"Mhm. I'm gonna go upstairs. I have some unpacking to do" 

"Ok" the 3 of them say. I go up to my room, closing the door behind me. I sit on my bed and put my head in my hands. I stay like that for a few minutes the door opens causing me to jump.

"Whoa, you're jumpy. What's up?" Nic asks.

"Nothing, I'm fine" I sigh.

"You're obviously not. Is the party overwhelming or something?"

"Something like that"

"Wanna talk about it?"


"Ok. So.....Ty and I went on a date the other day" she says looking down and blushing.

"What?!" I exclaim.

"Yeah....it was pretty great" 

"2 of my best friends are dating my brothers" 

"You weren't friends with Kevin till after you found out they were dating" 


"I'm hungry. Wanna go downstairs and grab some wings?"

"Can you grab me some?"

"Sure" she shrugs and goes downstairs. I get up and start unpacking my things. I start to leave the room to go the bathroom when I see something in Jackson's room. I stop and look. It's him....but the room is empty.....there isn't a crowd in there....how is he there?! He starts walking towards me and I back away. He never moves, he just stands and stares. 

"Go away" I say. He keeps coming closer. Please be a nightmare please be a nightmare please be a nightmare! He reaches out to grab my and I scream. I trip over something on the floor and fall. I sit against my bed and hug my knees to my chest.

"Leave me alone!" I scream. I hear footsteps running up the stairs then into my room. My head is between my knees and I'm crying really hard.

"What happened?!" dad asks rushing over to me. 

"He tried to grab me" I say quietly.


"The man"

"What man?"

"He just sits there and stares but he tried to grab me this time" 

"Em, no one else was up here" he says with worry in his eyes. It's a different worry then before, he thinks I'm crazy. 

"He was in Jackson's room and in the living room and in the cafeteria and when everyone came to visit after I woke up" 

"Nic, Jackson, and Ty, can you stay with her please? I'm gonna call the doctor" dad asks.

"Yeah" they say.

"I'm not crazy" I say.

"I know hon. We're just gonna if we can do anything to make the man leave you alone. Does that sound ok?" he asks. I nod and he goes downstairs with mom and some of the guys. Virgil stays in the doorway.

"You ok, V?" Nic asks.

"I'm gonna kill the guy that did this to her. I'm gonna find him and I'm gonna kill him" he says before storming out of the house. 

"You know he's serious right?" Tyler asks.

"Yeah, we know" Nic sighs. 

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