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So, last week(I think) I started posting on Wednesday as well so, sorry this chapter is a little late. Anyway....enjoy!

Tanner and I leave Jackson's room, quietly closing the door behind us. He cried for half and hour before he fell asleep. 

"So...him and Kevin are a thing?" Tanner asks.

"Yeah. They've been together for over a year. We just found out like a month ago" I say.

"Oh. I feel really bad. I didn't catch everything they said while we were eavesdropping but it sounded pretty bad"

"I know. I'm gonna call Kevin and make sure he's ok"

"Ok, I'll wait in your room"

"Ok" I say and call Kevin.

Kevin: ...hey, Em.....

Me: Hey, Kev. Are you ok?

Kevin: N...no

Me: Come back. He cried for half an hour. He's sleeping now. Be here when he wakes up, please. I know you're hurting just as much as he is.

Kevin: I can't. It's been more than a year and he won't even tell his parents he's gay

Me: So...you're just gonna leave him?

Kevin: He told me not to come back. He doesn't trust me enough to tell me why he won't tell anyone. I love him, Emma, but I just can't anymore. 

Me: Are you really sure this is what you want?

Kevin: I don't want this.....but I....need it

Me: Alright.....text me if you need anything

Kevin: I will. Bye, Em

Me: Bye, Kev

I go to my room and sit on my bed.

"How'd it go?" Tanner asks.

"Terrible. Absolutely terrible" I sigh.

"What happened?" 

"He's not coming back"


"Yeah. I feel so bad for Jackson"

"Me too" 

My door opens and Tyler comes in.

"What the hell happened?! I heard yelling then saw Kevin storm out" he asks.

"Kevin broke up with Jackson" I say.

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah. Jackson's sleeping. He doesn't even want mom or dad to know that he's gay. How are we supposed to explain to them why Jackson is going to be acting so upset?"

"I have no idea"

"Uncle Aaron! He hid that he was gay for years! Maybe he can help"

"We can try, I guess"

"Do you mind if I call my uncle, Tanner?"

"Not at all" Tanner says. 

"Thanks" I say. I get out my phone and call Uncle Aaron.

Aaron: Hello?

Me: Hey, Aaron

Aaron: Hey, Em. What's up?

Me: We need help

Aaron: Ok. Are we keeping this from your parents or is it ok for them to know?

Me: Do not tell them. It's really important and secret

Aaron: Ok. What is it?

Me: Jackson's boyfriend's broke up with him and he's really heartbroken. He doesn't want anybody to know that he's gay so how do we explain to our parents why he's so sad?

Aaron: Jackson's gay?......heh I get $20 

Me: What?

Aaron: Just a little bet between and some of your Uncle's and me

Me: Oh....well, can you help us?

Aaron: Yeah. Hayden might be able to help as well. Are your parents home?

Me: No

Aaron: When will they be home?

Me: It's 3 so.....an hour or 2

Aaron: Ok, we'll be there in 5

Me: Ok

Aaron: Bye

Me: Bye

"Aaron and Hayden will be here soon" I say.

"Ok. I'm gonna go check on Jackson" Tyler says and goes to Jackson's room.

"I'm sorry but you should probably go, Tanner. Maybe, we can hang out some other time?" I ask.

"Sure. I'll text you later tonight, k?" Tanner says.

"Ok. Bye, Tanner"

"See ya, Em" he says with a smile before leaving. A few minutes later I hear the door open. I go down stairs and see Aaron and Hayden. 

"Hey" I say and hug them both.

"Hey, where's Jackson?" Hayden asks. As he asks that, Jackson comes down the stairs.... Looking like an actual zombie. Not in a heartbroken kind of way, more like a 'I just woke up leave me the fuck alone' way.

"Speak of the devil" I say.

"What? Ugh nevermind, I don't care. I want coffee" Jackson grumbles.

"It's like 6. You don't need coffee"

"AM or PM?"


"Oh.... I still want coffee"

"Of course you do" I sigh.

"If that's what your working with, you shouldn't have a problem. When I broke up with Aaron for a few months, he was so bad he tried to k--" Hayden starts.

"Babe, she doesn't need to know about that" Aaron says.

"Know about what?" I ask.

"Something I did before any of you kids were born. Hayden broke up with me for a little bit and I had a hard time dealing with it..."

"Oh. Drugs?"

"I guess you could say that" 


"I'm gonna go talk to Jackson"

"Ok. Hey, thanks guys"

"Anytime, Em" 

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