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Emma's POV

"What do you see, Emma?" Dr. Anders asks. She's my psychiatrist. This is my first time meeting her. She seems pretty cool, she told me to call her by her first name, Kelsey. She's really pretty. She has long red hair and hazel eyes.

"A couple of people I'm friends with" I say.

"What are their names? What do they look like?" 

"Snakebite and Angel. Angel is really pretty, like a slutty goddess. Snakebite is like a....cuddly thug" 

"Cuddly thug?" Snakebite asks.

"Well you are" I say.

"Am not. I'm a big scary thug" 

"Yeah, sure. You keep telling yourself that" 

"What about you, Angel? Did you hear what she called you?" he asks.

"Mhm. A slutty goddess. Accurate. I honestly love it. Bow down to your new God, Snakey" Angel says. 

"Is that who you're talking to now?" Kelsey asks.


"What are they talking about?"

"How I described them. Angel likes her new title. Snakey doesn't"

"Oh. So do they ever try to get you to harm yourself?"


"Bitch, please. Emma is my best friend and I would die before I let anything happen to her" Angel says.

"When did you start seeing them?" Kelsey asks.

"After I woke up. I was in a coma for 2 weeks" I say.

"What happened?"

"I was kidnapped and tortured for like a month or something"

"That must've been horrible. I'm so sorry"

"It's fine. I don't remember much" 


"Yeah, I get like flashbacks or something. I'll see something or hear something that'll cause a memory. That's how I know who Angel and Snakebite are"

"They're your kidnappers?"

"No.....well....kinda. Snakey was just following orders. This lady, I guess she's dead now, but she ordered the...order I guess" 

"Do you remember her?"


"Well, you're father gave me a picture to show you when this came up. He wanted to know if this would trigger a flashback" she says and shows me a picture of women.  


"Good morning little Emma" Anaconda says.

"Fuck you" I spit.

"I would watch what you say. I might just take you up on that offer" 

"What do you want? I went through 5 hours of non stop torture yesterday. Please, let me rest" 

"No no no. Yesterday was your first day. The first days are always the worst" 

"Anaconda, I'm begging you" 

"Listen you worthless little cunt, I do what I want. Not what you want. Got it?" 

End flashback

"Emma?" Kelsey asks.

"That's her. That's Anaconda" I say. I hear a hiss from the corner. Like a snake. I look to where the sound came from and see Anaconda.

"Finally. I thought you were never gonna remember me. Do you know how long I've been waiting to see you little Emma?" Anaconda asks.

"Leave" I say.

"Who are you speaking to, Emma? Is it Angel or Snakebite?" Kelsey asks.


"I thought you only saw the 2 you'd mentioned" 

"She just appeared" 

"If you get rid of me with her medicine you get rid of your friends too" Anaconda says.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Easy. To finish what I started" 

"No. You left me alive on purpose. You wanted me to live"

"No, honey. I didn't. You see, I was told that you were dead" 

"That's not true"

"It is. You remember overhearing the conversation between me and Snakebite. Don't you"

"Yes, I didn't know he was talking to you" 

"Emma, get away from her" Angel says.

"I'm ok" I say.

"I'm siding with Angel here. Anaconda is not safe! Come over here with us. We'll keep you safe" Snakebite says.

"No. She won't hurt me. I thought you wanted to hurt me but you didn't. Maybe it's the same with her"

"Do. Not. Trust. Her" Angel says.

"Hmm....I was just kidding about wanting to kill you! I want to be your friend. Friends listen to each other, right?" Anaconda asks.

"Yeah. See, I told you" 

"Anaconda, get away from her" Snakebite says.

"No. She's my friend. Unlike you" Anaconda says.

"Please, Emma. Ask for medicine. If us going away means she goes away too, do it. You'll be ok" 

"No" I say.

"Emma, please" Angel begs.

"No! Stop it! I don't want to deal with this right now! All of you need to go! I'm gonna talk to Kelsey and you are going to wait in the lobby" I order. 

"Fine" they say and leave.

"Are you alright, Emma?" Kelsey asks.

"Sorry, they were just being to much. I'm used to Angel and Snakebite fighting about random things but all of them yelling at each other....it was giving me a headache" I sigh.

"I would like to see about getting you on medication" 

"No. I love Snakey and Angel. They're my friends. I don't want them to go away" 

"Ok, we'll talk about that later. For now, lets see if there's anything else we can do to help you that won't get rid of your friends" 

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