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"Oh my God! You and Tanner had sex?! And your just telling me now? You had all last night to tell me!" Nic exclaims.

"Sorry, I guess it kinda slipped my mind" I shrug.

"How the fuck does that slip your mind?"

"Ok it didn't slip my mind I just had something more important on my mind"


"I'm ovulating and we didn't use protection....." 

"What?! Are you serious, Emma?!" 

"Yep, I was there for the whole thing. I tried to say something it was too late" Angel says.

"Did he pull out?" Nic asks.


"I'm gonna kill him. When can you take a test?"

"10 days" 

"Shit, Emma"

"That's what I said" Angel says.

"Why the fuck would you let her do that? You're the one who always wants to protect her and shit" Snakebite says.

"Shut up, Snake" she says.

"You're only saying that cus you know I'm right" he says.

"Both of you, shut up. I really can't deal with your fighting right now" I say.

"Sorry, Emma" Angel says.

"Sorry" Snake says. 

"It's fine" I sigh.

"They're fighting again?" Nic asks.

"Yeah. Snake is mad at Angel for letting this happen" 

"Ok. Well what do you wanna do if you are pregnant?" she asks.


"I have the test" Snakebite says. 

"Thanks. Can you untie so I can take it?" I ask.

"I want to but I can't"

"Please, Snakey? In a few days I won't be able to walk. Give me this, please" 

"Fine, but I'm staying with you the whole time" he says. He unties me and takes me to the bathroom that connects with the room to take the test. He takes me back to the chair and ties me up again. 3 minutes later he goes into the bathroom to get the test.

"What does it say?" I ask.

"It's positive" he says.

End flashback


"Em? You ok?" Nic asks.

"I remembered something" I say.

"What is it?"

"Um I gotta go. I'll be back soon"

"Where are you going?"

"The store. I just have to grab something"

"What do you need to get?"

"These candies. Angel used to give them to me and I really want them" 

"Ok. Want me to come with?" 

"No" I say and go downstairs with Angel and Snakebite.

"Emma, don't go alone" Angel says.

"I have to. Nobody can know" I say.

"I agree with her" Snakebite says.

"I don't want anybody to know" 

"Emma, look at me. If you go out alone you could get hurt. If you find it's positive and don't have one of your friends with you, it's gonna be worse" Angel says.

"I have you guys" 

"We're not enough. Take Kevin. He's not one of your brothers and he'll be more supportive than Nicole" Snakebite says.

"I don't think Kevin's here" 

"What?" Kevin asks.

"Oh you are here. Can you come to store with me. I have to do something really important. I'll explain on the way"

"Oh sure" he says. 


"So, what's up?" Kevin asks when we're a few minutes away from the store.

"I remembered something" I say.

"Oh yeah? What was it?"

"I found out I was pregnant" 



"Em, there is no way that baby is still alive" 

"It happened with me. I shouldn't have lived but I did"

"You were in the hospital for weeks and had so many tests done. If you were still pregnant, the doctors would have found out"

"I just wanna make sure" I say. We arrive at the store and go in. I buy a test and go into the bathroom. I take the test and let Kevin in to wait with me. We wait in silence for 3 minutes. My alarm goes off so I go over to look at the test. 

"What does it say?" Kev asks.

"You were right. It didn't survive" I say.

"Are you ok?" 

"Yeah" I say and wipe away a tear that was threatening to spill.

"Wait, did you want the baby?" 

"I don't know. Maybe" 

"I'm sorry, Em"  

"It's fine" I say and throw the test in the trash.

"Nicole would have gotten really mean about this" Snakebite says.

"Yeah. Probably would have said something like, 'Seriously, Em?! You're 14! It's so stupid to want a baby this young!'" Angel says.

"Are you ready to go?" Kevin asks. 

"Yeah. Lets go"

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