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I open my eyes and look around. I'm in a hospital...I think.

"Hello, Emma! Nice to see you awake" a lady says coming into the room. She's black with her hair up in a tight bun.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Jana. I'm one of the nurses here"

"Oh. Why am I here?" 

"You don't remember?"


"You came in with signs or torture. You've coded 4 times"

"How long have I been here?"

"2 weeks"

"Where's my family?"

"At home probably. You have a visitor that comes at the same time everyday though. He'll be here any second now"

"Who is it?" I ask. The door opens and Virgil walks in. 

"Speak of the devil" Jana says.

"Hey, Jana. Hey, Em. How ya feeling?" Virgil asks.

"Good, I guess" I shrug.

"I'll leave you too alone" Jana smiles and leaves.

"How long have you been awake?" he asks.

"Like a minute or 2" I say.


"Jana said you came everyday"

"She did?"

"Yeah. Thanks"

"No problem"

"So, what happened while I was out?"

"Not much. I think Jackson and Kev are back together....they might just be hooking up or something"


"Yeah. I've seen them make out and heard them bang but they don't do the stuff they used to do like holding hands under the table or just watching a movie together in Jackson's room" 

"Oh. When did they start hooking up again?"

"About a week after you went missing so....5 weeks"

"I went missing?"

"Yeah...you don't remember?"

"No. Jana told me I was tortured but I just figured I got in a fight or something"

"You don't remember anything?"

"I remember talking to Tanner in his car after our date then waking up here"

"Oh. After you got back some guy took you, left you in a park a month later, you texted your mom where you were, your mom started a search party, and I found you in a body bag barely alive. You passed out as soon as I picked you up. It broke my fucking heart to see you like that" he says tearing up. 

"I don't remember any of that" I say.

"Weird. Well, I have a thing to get to. I didn't think you were gonna be awake....I'll come back after" 


"Call me if you need anything" 


"Bye" he half smiles and leaves. I grab my phone that's sitting on the table next to me and go through all of my notifications. 20 minutes later the door opens and my family rushes in along with a bunch of other people. There's a lot of talking from everyone that I can't make out all that well. I heard a few 'she's actually awake!' and stuff but other than that they're all talking really loud and fast.

"How are you feeling, baby girl?" mom asks after everyone calms down.

"Good" I shrug. I look around and see a lot of people. A lot. The room is filled with them. They're all staring at me. Why are they all staring at me? I want them to go. 

"We missed you so much" dad says.

"Can they go?" I whisper.


"I want them to go" I say a little bit louder.


"Everyone. There's too many people here" 

"Yeah, sure. Emma needs a little space right now so can you everyone please leave for a little bit? She'll talk to you guys later" dad says. Everyone nods or mumbles something then leaves.

"Except for Kevin and Jackson. I wanna talk to them" I say. Mom and dad leave and Jackson and Kev come stand at the end of my bed.

"So...what the fucks going on with you two? V told me you guys have been hooking up or some shit but you're not back together?" I ask.

"Uh...we haven't really talked about it yet" Jackson says.

"It's been 5 weeks" 

"We know" 

"Do you guys wanna get back together?" 

"That's probably something we should talk to each other about first before we talk to you about it" 

"So talk about it" 

"We'll talk about it later"

"Ugh fine. By the way....my baby brother lost his virginity!"

"I am 3 days younger than you. 3 days!"

"Whatever. Kev you haven't said a word"

"Mhm" Kev hums.

"What's up?"

"You're brothers hand keeps grazing my dick" 

"Really, Jackie?" I sigh. He chuckles a little to himself and puts his hand in his pocket. 

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