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Hey everyone. So I kinda forgot what month it is in the book so I'm just gonna say that right now it's March. That cool? Ok, lets get into the chapter now!

It's been 2 weeks since my confession to Virgil and Hannah came to visit. Virgil is out of his dads house, he's staying with Nathan for a bit.  Aunt Hannah left a few days ago and things between me and Virgil have been extremely awkward, I've decided to not think about Virgil and just focus on the up coming exams. Next week we have a exams so I'm gonna spend as much time as I can studying for it. I'm walking down the hall and run into a person, causing me to fall over.

"Ow" I groan.

"Are you ok, Emma?" someone asks. I look up and see Tanner Kalowski. He's so fucking hot! He's got short dirty blonde hair that's parted to the left, dark green eyes, and a jawline that can cut you. He's really popular but as far as I know he's not a dick.

"Yeah. Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going"

"It's fine. You heading to math?" he asks.

"Uh, yeah. How did you know?"

"We have it together"

"Really? Since when?"

"Um...the beginning of the year"

"Oh.....I guess I never really noticed. You and the other jocks always have the cheerleaders around you so it's kinda hard to see the person behind the manicured monsters"

"Manicured monsters?"

"I meant girls"

"I like it. It's fitting"

"Thanks, I guess"

"I'm guessing you don't like the girls on the cheer team?"

"Not really"


"I used to be friends with a few them. Everyone on the team either ditched me or help other girls ditch me so...yeah"

"Those girls can be pretty brutal"

"Ya think?"

"We better get going to class"

"Oh, right"

"Would you mind if I walked with you?"

"Not at all" I smile. He smiles back and we walk to class, talking the whole time. He's really sweet. We get​ to class and he goes to his seat in the front and I go to my seat in the back. About 15 minutes into class I get a text.

Tyler: Tanner Kalowski? Really?

Me: Wat

Tyler: You were walking with him to class?

Me: Yea. Y?

Tyler: I thought you liked Virgil

Me: I do

Tyler: So u like Virgil and Tanner?

Me: No. I like Virgil. Tanner and I were just talking

Tyler: Just talking?

Me: Yeah...it's a thing that guys and girls do. You do realize 5 of my friends that aren't related to me r guys right?

Tyler: Oh yeh.....well i dont trust him

Me: idc

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