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"Doctor?" I ask.

"Yes?" he asks.

"My name is Jackson Brock. You're my moms doctor" 

"Oh, yes. Jackson. I remember you. What can I do for you?"

"Why is my mom still here?"

"Your mom got sick and the bullet wound is making her extremely weak. Along with that, the wound got an infection. She can't leave the hospital until everything has healed" 

"Is she getting better?"

"A little. She's awake more often then she used to be"

"Ok. Can we see her?" 

"Sure" he says and leads Kevin and I to her room. We walk in and see my dad sitting in a chair next to her bed, on his phone.

"Hey, dad" I say.

"Hey, guys. Everything ok?" he asks.

"I guess"

"What's up?"

"Shea moved back to L.A." 



"That's great"

"Not really"

"I know you don't like her and I understand why but Shea is one of mine and your mothers best friends" 

"I know. Tyler and I went to see her. He's still there, I left" 

"Why'd you leave?"

"I hate her. I didn't want to see her"


"How's mom" I ask looking at her. She's sleeping.

"Better. She ate a banana and kept it down this morning" 

"How often is she awake?"

"A couple hours a day. She should wake up soon" 

"Oh cool. I haven't talked to her since that night" 


"I'm sorry" 

"For what?"

"This is my fault" 

"No, it's not"

"I texted Snakebite" 

"Did you ask your mom to come?"


"Did you force her to come?"


"Then it's not your fault"

"What's going on?" mom asks.

"Hey, baby. How ya feeling?" dad asks.

"Good. Is that Jackson and Kevin?" 

"Yeah. They just got here"

"Oh, good. Jackson, did those boys bother you today?"


"Those boys who were bullying you, did they do anything today?"

"Mom, they haven't done anything since like 7th grade" 

"Right right. Sorry" 

"Her memory is a little foggy" dad explains. 

"Why? She got shot in the stomach" I ask.

"The doctors think it's the infection" 

"How bad does it get? The memory thing" 

"Yesterday she thought she was 17. She asked if we were gonna tell everyone about us when turned 18" 


"Hon, do you remember what Jackson and Kevin are?"

"Best friends" she says.

"Yes, but they're more than that"

"Super best friends?" she asks.

"They're boyfriends"

"I knew it! Where's my $20?" 

"Seriously, what is it with this $20 shit?" I ask.

"Oh um...we kinda made a bet with some of your uncles and stuff" dad says.

"What was the bet?" Kevin asks, amused. 

"Jackson's gay" 

"You guy bet on my sexuality?!" I ask.


"How long has this been going on?"

"Since you were 2" 

"2?! I was a toddler when you made this bet?!" I exclaim. Everyone looks like they are trying so hard not to laugh.

"Well you asked for a Ken Doll for your birthday and you took him everywhere. When we asked you why you didn't want him wearing a shirt you just giggled and ran away" 

"I did not do that" 

"Yes, you did" 

"If you makes you feel better, I asked for a pair of designer heels for my 7th birthday" Kevin says holding back a laugh.

"It kinda does" I mumble smiling.

"I never got those heels" he pouts. 

"Oh, you poor baby" I joke.

"I know. I got a Bible instead. The part about being gay is bad was highlighted" 




Hey everyone. Sorry for the short chapter. I've been having really bad writers block and.....I'm working on new book! I'm not gonna give anything away yet but I am working really hard on it. It'll be up after this book is over. Also, don't forget to leave your questions for the Q and A! You can ask anyone anything you want. You can leave your questions in the comments or DM me. I'll be taking questions from now until the final chapter, (40), is up. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Talk to you later! Bye, love you!



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