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1 month later 

"Hey, Tanner?" I ask. Tanner and I have been official boyfriend and girlfriend for a week so far and I love it. He's amazing. Right now, we're hanging out in his room re watching Shadowhunters. 

"Yeah?" he asks.

"I need to talk to about something"

 "Ok. What's up?" he asks after pausing the episode.

"So you know how I'm going to a psychiatrist?"


"I'm going to her to because of Snakebite and Angel"

"I know"

"I'm going to her because I still see them"


"I see Snakebite and Angel and about a month ago I started to see Anaconda" 

"Oh....Do they try to get you to hurt yourself?"

"No. Anaconda does but Snakebite and Angel get her to shut up. She tried to make me think she was my friend to get me to do things but it didn't work"

"Do you see them now?"

"I always see them but if I tell the to go away for a little bit they do" 


"Yeah. Snakebite is leaning against the closet" I say.

"Yo" Snakey says.

"Angel is sitting on the love seat" 

"Hello" Angel smiles.

"And Anaconda is sitting in the desk chair" 

"Hey" Anaconda says looking bored.

"So, you just have these people with you almost 24/7?"

"Pretty much" 

"He's gonna run. He knows you're crazy now" Anaconda says looking at her nails.

"Shut up" Snakebite says.

"Why don't you make me?" 

"I will" Angel says standing up.

"Ah! Sit down, be quiet" I say.


"Angel, sit down. Anaconda, shut your mouth. Nobody wants to hear it"

"Go fuck yourself" Anaconda says.

"Do they listen to you?" Tanner asks.

"Sometimes. They can get stubborn" 

"Oh. What was Anaconda saying?" 

"That you're gonna run now that you know I'm crazy" 

"That's insane. I'm not gonna run"

"You aren't? I mean, I get it if you want to" 

"I don't. I like you a lot, Em. I want to be with you" 

"I like you, too" I smile and he kisses me.


It's been about 2 hours and Tanner seems to be taking everything really well. He's not freaking out at all.

"Do you want kids someday?" Tanner asks.

"Yeah. Why?" I ask.

"Just a random thought"

"Oh. Do you?"


"Do you want them with me?"

"Someday maybe" 

"Me too" I say. My phone starts ringing so I check the caller ID. Shea.

Me: What do you want Shea?
Shea: I wanted to see how you are. I know you aren't my kid but I like to think that you think of me as like an aunt or something.

Me: I'm good. How's Japan?
Shea: I don't know
Me: How? You live there?
Shea: I moved back to LA. Just got to my new apartment
Me: Why? Jackson and Ty already hate you. I never liked you
Shea: I want to make for leaving
Me: We understood when you there taking care of grandma but she died and you stayed. You should've came back when you promised
Shea: I know. I'm sorry
Me: Yeah. Say that Jackson and Ty
Shea: I am. I need your help though 
Me: Why would I ever help you?
Shea: My babies are turning 15 in 2 months. I want to be there and be wanted there. Please, help me. Tell me all about them

Me: .......fine. Jackson's gay and has a boyfriend. Him and Kevin have been together for years but they broke up a couple months ago then got back together

Shea: Ok. What about Ty?
Me: I don't recognize him anymore. He was in love with Nic for awhile but when she got together with my boyfriend brother he called her a skank and has been an asshole since
Shea: Oh. Is Nic ok?

Me: Yeah. Her and Trevor have been boyfriend and girlfriend for a month now and I don't think I've ever seen her happier

Shea: So, Jackson's gay?
Me: Yep
Shea: Sam, Colby, Aaron, Zac, Hayden, and Corey must be happy
Me: What?
Shea: They've had a bet going on for years. They all get $20 each from everyone who bet against Jackson being straight. 
Me: Oh. That's.....cool
Shea: Yeah. Can you come over? I need your help getting a relationship with my sons. You can bring your boyfriend or Nicole if you want.

Me: I'll be there soon. What's your address?
Shea: *** *********
Me: Ok. Bye

I hang up and put my phone in my pocket.

"Wanna come with me? I'm going to Shea's apartment" I say.

"Sure" he says. He turns off the TV and we drive to her house.

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