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I've been here for about 2 hours and I'm super bored. I played Candy Crush for awhile but I ran out of lives. 

"What ya doing?" a girl asks, coming into the bedroom. I saw her in the living room but I haven't met her yet. She has straight blonde hair that goes down to shoulders. She still has a baby face and she's really pretty. 

"Nothing. Ran out of lives" I say.

"Oh, that sucks"


"I'm Angel" she says extending her hand to me.

"Emma" I say and shake her hand.

"I know Fairy's been a bitch but you don't need to worry about her. She's all talk....most of the time"

"She seemed pretty pissed"

"Yeah. Your parents caused them a lot of trouble"

"I've heard. So, my mom didn't do anything to you?"


"You said them instead of us"

"Oh, I came here a year ago. When the stuff with your mom went down I was 5"

"You're 19?"


"Cool. Can I ask you something kinda personal?"


"Why did you come here?"

"Fairy found me on the streets after I got out of the foster system. I was almost dead but she brought me here. Ever since it's been like I have a family" 


"Yeah. Snakey will probably let you go so I wouldn't worry. You'll probably here a month tops" 

"Can you promise it won't be in a body bag?"

".....no. Victory and I will do what we can but Snake didn't bring you here for himself. He brought you here for Rico or Anaconda" she says with sad eyes.

"I just want to go home. I was having a great day. I passed my tests, my friend got back from a mental hospital, I went on my first date with Tanner. Today was supposed to be a good day" I say with a few tears spilling. 

"I'm sorry hon. If they do anything to you just think about leaving and seeing Tanner or your friends or your family"

"Thanks, Angel"

"I do what I can" she smiles and leaves.


~2 hours later~

I yawn and look at the time. It's around 11pm. This bed is super comfortable but I don't feel safe sleeping here. I almost fall asleep but the door opens and a women and Snakebite come in.

"Emma, is it?" she asks.

"Yeah. Who are you?" I ask.

"Anaconda" she smiles. It's not a kind smile, it's scary. You can see excitement in her eyes. Angel wasn't just messing with me when she said I could leave in a body bag. Anaconda is gonna do something to me....

"So you're like the boss?" I ask.

"Mhm. You're Hailey's daughter and a family friend of Hayden, correct?"

"Yeah. Hayden is more like my Uncle"

 "Right. You've heard about the old him right?"


"So you know he used to be a member here?"


"You know...it's really shame....a little girl brought into all of us because of a stupid thing her parents did. What's about to happen to you, it's all your moms fault. She started it all"

"I'm not gonna blame my mom for what you do. She was young and she made mistakes that you can't seem to let go of. Seriously, it's been like 15 years, can't you just let it go? Why can't TP her house and get over it?

"Heh no. You see, she cost us everything"

"When she was 18!"

"It doesn't matter, Emma!" 

"All of you are just bratty little children" I say and cross my arms. FUCK! Did I seriously just say that?! 

"I'm so sor--" I start but I'm cut off by her slapping me across the face.

"Snakebite" she says.

"Yes?" he asks.

"Bring me the tools....and the same chair that is still stained with her mothers blood" she says never looking away from me. She's making direct eye contact with me.

"Anaconda--" he starts.

"Now, Snakebite" she barks. 

"Yes, ma'am" he says.

"I'm sorry! Please don't do this! I'm begging you, Anaconda!" I cry.

"Shut up" she says. A few minutes later Snakebite comes in with a tray of tools(pliers, hammer, nails, and a knife) and a wooden chair that has blood stains all over it. 

"Please" I cry softly. She ignores me and drags me over to the chair by my wrist. She pushes me to make me sit down and Snakebite ties me to the chair. He puts something in my mouth and ties it around the back of my head to muffle my voice. I scream at her to let me go but she ignores my incoherent screaming and picks up the knife.

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