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Kevin's POV

I open the door to my house and walk into the living room. I see my dad sitting in his chair and watching a baseball game.

"Where ya been?" he asks.

"Jacksons" I reply.

"Why are you never here? You leave as soon as you wake up and don't come home till almost midnight. You spend the night at a friends house all the time" 

"I don't want to be around people who don't want me here"

"I want to talk about something with you" 

"I'd rather just go to bed. Emma had a bad day so I was with her, trying to keep her calm" 

"Please, Kevin" he says in a pleading tone. I sigh and sit on the couch.

"What?" I ask.

"I went to a uh..a PFLAG meeting today" 




"Because you're my son. Over the years your mother has convinced me that being gay is one of the worst things in the world but after that meeting......I am so sorry, Kev" 

"It's fine" I say. My dad actually went to a PFLAG meeting?

"I tried to get your mom to go but she wouldn't"

"She'll never be ok with who I am. We both know this" 

"I was thinking that you and I can hang out tomorrow. I can take you and your boyfriend to the movies or dinner or something?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I wanna meet him" 

"Um...sure. Ok, I'll ask him. Thanks, dad" 

"Anytime" he says with a small smile. I go around the corner to my room and lay on my bed. I get out my phone and text Jackson.

Me: Guess what
Jackson: What
Me: My dad went to a PFLAG meeting
Jackson: .....wat
Me: Yeah
Jackson: That's awesome Kev
Me: He wants to meet u
Jackson: I went to your house like 
everyday for a few months when we first met
Me: He wants to meet you as my bf
Jackson: Ok when?
Me: Tomorrow 
Jackson: What time?

Me: Idk yet

Jackson: Ok
Jackson: I'm gonna go to bed. Love you
Me: Night, love you too

I go on Instagram and start scrolling through my feed.


We pick up Jackson then go to the restaurant. We get our table and sit down.

"So how long have you two been together?" my dad asks.

"Our 2 year anniversary is in November" I say.

"That's cool. Any plans?"

"None that Kevin will agree to" Jackson says.

"Because your ideas are stupid" 

"My ideas are not stupid"

"You wanted to egg Jake Paul's house"

"It sounds so fun!"

"You are like 8 years old" 

"Shut up. Your ideas are unrealistic" 

"I was kidding!"

"You didn't sound like you were kidding"

"What was your idea?" dad asks.

"3 week vacation in Hawaii" I say.

"See! Totally unrealistic!" Jackson says.

"I was kidding" I say drawing out the last word.

"You guys fight like an old married couple" my dad chuckles to himself. 

"Jacksons fault" I joke. We get our food and talk about random things for about 20 minutes. 

"Your birthday is in a few weeks right?" dad asks Jackson.

"Yeah. Next week" Jackson replies.

"Have any plans?"

"We're just having a few friends over" 

"Oh. That sounds fun"

"Yeah. With everything going on with my sister we didn't want to do anything too big" 

"I thought she was getting better?"

"She is. She tries to hide it but big crowds or loud noises still scare her"

"Did the police catch who did it?"

"Everyone except this one girl. Apparently she was just taking shelter there and didn't know it was happening" 

"Oh. That's good they have everyone" 

"Yeah" Jackson says. We finish eating and go see Rampage.


The whole day was so much fun. I'm so glad that my dad decided I was more important my mothers beliefs. 


Hey guys! Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to ask your questions for the Q and A! Bye! Love you!



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