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I walk into Tyler's room and see him laying on his bed with earbuds in. I stand there until he notices me.

"What do you want, Em?" he asks.

"When are you gonna stop being  a jerk?" I ask.

"When I feel like it" 

"You guys weren't like official or anything so why are you so mad?"

"I've liked Nic since the first time I met her. I was so close to actually having a relationship with her but then she meets Trevor" 

"She's in a good relationship, Ty. Be happy for her" 

"I could do so much better for her than Trevor can" 



"Trevor and Nic got in a fight about something the other day. Wanna know what he did?"


"He apologized and they talked about it. No yelling or name calling, just talking" 

"Your point?"

"When you and Nic got in a fight, you yelled at her and called her skank" 

"Again, your point?"

"He is so much better for her then you. You're an ass, he isn't"

"Fuck you"

"Whatever" I say and go downstairs. I reach the bottom of the stairs and hear a knock on the door. I open and jaw drops when I see who it is but it quickly turns into a huge smile.

"Hey, Em" Virgil says with a shy smile.

"V!" I exclaim and hug him. After a minute we pull away from each other.

"Where have you been?!" I ask.

"Awaiting trial"

"Everything's ok, right?"

"Yeah. Since she almost killed your mom the jury was on my side"

"That's awesome! I'm so happy your back!" 


"Aw! Look how cute they are! They should totally kiss" Snakebite coos. 

"Really, Snakey? Really?" I ask.

"What?! I can't help that Virma is my OTP"


"Virgil and Emma. Duh"

"You're ridiculous"

"Snakey? Oh yeah, Snakebite. He was the one you were scared of right?" Virgil asks.

"I was for awhile but he never wanted to hurt me" I explain.

"Oh that's cool. So is it just Snakebite?"

"No. I have 2 others. Angel and Anaconda"

"You see Anaconda?"


"That must suck"

"Yeah, she freaks me out. She tried to be my friend so she could convince me to do things but it didn't work"

"That's good. That it didn't work" he says the last part quickly to make sure I didn't think he meant the other part was good. 

"Do you wanna come in?"

"Sure" he says. We go to the living room and sit on the couch.

"So, anything knew?" he asks.

"Yeah. Tanner and I have been official boyfriend and girlfriend for....2 months on Thursday" I say thinking.

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