The Group Chat :20:

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'I don't know, I think Emerald would be cute.'

'Yeah it would but I already know a couple of Emeralds out there. '

I looked beside me and decided to go ahead and be petty with this.

'What do you think baby ? Would Emerald be a good name for Nonny's baby ?'

Kenny looked at me with a death glare which only made me grin even harder. He's been trying not to talk all day and I have been nothing but amused.

He sighed and held onto his temple while closing his eyes, looking stressed.

'I feel like Emerald is a dumb name.' He finally answered, giving me the finger afterwards because I was laughing.

'Really Kenny ? Is that how you FEEL ?' Nonny mocked ,making him give her the finger too.

'What if I named our child that ?'

'I feel like that would be a dumb decision.'

'I'm ah do it.'

'I feel like you not listening to me.'

'So.' Kenny put his fist up to his mouth and looked at me with a pissed expression on his face.

He pointed at me and just kept quiet. I swear this is the funniest shit ever.

Meech came from up the stairs and kissed Nyier on the cheek before giving me a hug and dapping Kenny up.

'Good morning.'

'Morning baby, I made you breakfast it's in the microwave.'

Meech stopped and stared at Nonny for like a minute before turning around and opening the microwave.

'Every fuckin morning. I fuckin love you.'

'I love you too baby.'

See I wanna be like them one day. Be with someone who loves me over the smallest things like a breakfast. Me and Kenny ain't nothing like Nonny and Meech but that's not a bad thing. Our relationship is way different and I love it. We're just not on the level of love that they are on yet but we're getting there.

'I feel sick.' Kenny blurted out of nowhere, making Meech turn around and smile brightly.

'Oh REALLY ? Is that how you FEEL ?'

We all laughed, making Kenny groan and lay his head on the kitchen island while banging it a couple of times.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket so I picked it up to see that it was Dope face timing me. I answered it and made sure that I was looking good by fixing my hair a little.

Nigha you ain't cute. '

'Shut up. I'm the cutest nigha you know.... besides Zi.' I smirked, making him smile even though he was trying to hide it.

I bet it's because she's in the car.

'Shut up Niya damn. Aye where Kenny at ?'

'He right here.' I put the phone on Kenny though he still had his head down.

'Aye how you feel bro ?' Dope laughed and Kenny started to bang his head some more.

I turned it back to the front camera and tried my hardest not to laugh but this is just so funny.

'He ain't talking to us no more.'

'I see, aye well me, Zi and Avery finna come through with some food. We waiting on him right now we at Kroger's. But ask Nyier do she feel like making fajitas and a cheese ball. Tell her I'll help.'

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