The Group Chat :31:

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I pulled up to the curb in front of Nonny and Meech's house and hopped out. I know she cooked and I'm hungry as fuck, that's the only reason I got out of bed anyways. I didn't feel like making anything myself.

Walking straight in I was hit with the smell of hamburger helper already. I hung up my jacket and walked right into the kitchen, where Avery, Kenny, and Dope was. They all looked upset which made me wonder why.

'What, she DIDN'T cook ?' I asked.

'Um, n-nah she cooked.' Avery stammered, not looking at me.

'Well then what's the matter with you three ? Y'all looked sad and lonely... together.' I chuckled but nobody else did or said anything.

'Okay what's goin on ? '

All this sadness was starting to worry me and this is most most I've ever seen them three so serious.

'Uh -' Kenny stood up and rested his hands on each of my shoulders. 'Baby.. have you heard of the saying don't shoot the messenger ?' He asked, sounding serious.

'That depends on what the message is..' I responded. 'What's goin on y'all ? Where's Nyier ?' I asked, looking at everyone and starting to get mad because nobody was telling me anything.

'Nyier is upstairs.' Angelo spoke.

'Is she okay ?! Why is y'all actin like this ?'

'Look, okay ..' Kenny said pausing while he tried to get out his words. 'Nyier is upstairs crying because Meech cheated on her. But please don't go up there and wild out because we just got her to calm-'

I didn't care about anything else that he said, once I heard him say that Meech was cheating I pushed passed him and went upstairs to Nonny's room.

She was laying down in the dark on her side with her back facing the doorway. I quietly shut the door behind me and got in the bed, resting my chin on her shoulder.

'You okay ?' I asked, already knowing the answer to that. I knew that she was crying because I could hear her sniffle and make other noises.

'No.' She shook her head and I grabbed her hand and kissed it.

'I know.'

I would've never thought that Meech would do something like this. I mean, if they weren't this serious and if they weren't having a baby then maybe it wouldn't be hurting ME as hard as it is but it is. Meech is my bro but Nyier is my SISTER. He hurt my sister and I don't like that. I thought he was better than this.

And whoever this bitch is.. oh she gon get hers.


'We need to stop fuckin around. I got a whole baby moms and more family that care about me too much to let me cheat witchu anyways. So we might as well just end all this shit right now.'

She lifted her hand up to speak but I cut her off. 'No, I honestly don't fuckin care .'

'But Meech.' She whined, wrapping around my arm and leaning on it. 'I thought you loved me.'

'Nah I only told you that so I could fuck you. I could never love you, I'm in love with my baby moms.' I bluntly said.

She scoffed and shook her head. 'Yea well fuck you Meech . Get outta my house man.' She spat, pushing me towards the doorway.

I left and continued to walk to my car but then I heard the door open and saw her rushing up to me.

'I didn't mean that Meech please don't go. I need you.' She whined, grabbing onto my hoodie and pulling me into her.

'Yo get the fuck offa me.' Pushing her, I made my way to my car, got in and started it.

'Ugh ! I hate you !' Was what I heard as I drove off.

I didn't know where to go so I went to the first place I knew I'd be welcomed. It was going to be a bit of a drive but seeing my mamma was always worth the thirty minutes.


I pulled into the driveway and cut my car off. The whole ride here all I could do was think about Nyier and think about what Angelo said. I do need to get my shit together and I do need to do it quick. I love Nyier with all my fuckin heart and the fact that I ACTUALLY cheated on her disgusted me. I'm disgusted with myself. And she didn't deserve this. She deserves the damn world, but not this.

It's just me who doesn't deserve her.

Getting out of the car I shut the door and locked it before going up to my moms front door and knocking on it

A couple of seconds later the door swung open and I was greeted with the biggest smile and opened arms.

'Demetrius !' She cheesed, bringing me into a big hug. I hugged back and looked to see that my grandmother was also here.

'MawMaw !' I exclaimed happily, coming all the way inside and shutting the door behind me. I hung up my jacket and went over to give MawMaw a hug.

'Hey baby, how ya doin.' She smiled, hugging me back.

'Oh Meech I just cooked, you hungry ?' Mamma asked but I shook my head and sat down on the couch, not really having an appetite.

'Nonsense boy I'll make you a plate.' She waved me off and went into the kitchen but I honestly wasn't hungry.

'That girl don't listen.' MawMaw mumbled to me.

'It's coo.' I said.

'What's da matter boy ? I knew something was wrong by da look on ya face when ya came in. Tell ya MawMaw what's goin on.'

I looked up at MawMaw, trying to fight back tears. I ain't wanna cry in front of them.

'I messed up MawMaw.' I managed to get out. Mamma came back in the living room with a plate full of food and she set it down on the table in front of me.

'What chu talkin about Meech ?' Mamma asked, looking at me with a scrunched up face.

'I ...' I tried to talk but I kept getting choked up as I looked between the two. Everybody else already disappointed in me , I didn't want them to be too. But I had to tell them this.

'Ma I cheated on Nyier.' I confessed, letting a tear fall down my face.

Then out of nowhere I felt MawMaw's hand hit me across the head, making me hiss.

'Are you DUMB !?' She hollered. I know that I'm wrong but man I'm tired of all this hitting and shit.

I stood up, walking over by the tv and moved my hands in a back up type of motion in front of me. 'I know ! Okay I know !'

'Yes I'm dumb and I deserved that but I heard everything that you're about to say already ! And I got hit, pushed, all of that ! So if y'all just gon put me through everything that I've already been through today then I'm a just dip.' I said, making my way over to the door.

Mamma rushed over to me and stood in front of me. 'You ain't goin nowhere boy now sit cho ass back down.' She sternly spoke, pointing her finger at me.

I went to go sit back down and let my head fall into my hands. 'Since you know you were wrong did you at least break the hoe off ?' MawMaw asked, causing me to look up at her surprised.

'Y-Yea MawMaw I cut her off right before I got here to y'all.' I confessed.

Mamma sat down next to me and rubbed my back. 'Look Meech I'm not going to sit here and tell you over and over what chu already know. But Nyier is an amazing girl, and for you to be amazing with her...' She paused and lifted up my chin.

'You need to find yourself before even thinking about goin back and trying to make things right. That girls needs a man, not a lost boy.'

'And god forbid that baby grows up with their mother and father apart.'


Please forgive any mistakes. 

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