The Group Chat :37:

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All of this shit is getting worse for me by the second I swear. I can't look at Nyier or my children without feeling like the worst person on earth. Shit just keeps coming up that I thought I could hide it but in all honesty I'm glad because once it's all over and out I'll be able to move on right.

I just shouldn't have ever cheated. I would be happy with my family if I wouldn't have fucked that broad.

'Nyier.' I leaned against the doorway, staring at her and Noel. They were laying down watching Spongebob. Nyier was talking and pointing to the tv with a big smile on her face everytime Noel giggled and made other cute ass noises. It was adorable.

'Yea ?'

'Nyier I know you mad at me about this Allison thing.'

'I am.' She nodded.

'What chu want me to do Nyier ? How can I make this better ?'

She didn't answer my question, she just sat there for a second and stared at nothing in particular.

'Don't chu realize that none of this was worth it Meech ? '

'Yes I realize that.'

'I just hate you so much right now. ' She said,crossing her arms and frowning. I got Noel and took to her and Milo's room before coming back in our room and shutting the door behind me.

'You don't hate me. '

'I do.' She stood up with arms still crossed and walked over by her dresser.

I walked to her, hesitant at first but I still did it. I rested each of my hands on her arms while she kept her head down. I kissed her forehead and started to hear her cry.

'I told you not to get close to me.' She sniffled.

'Nyier I can't do this.' I confessed .

Then out of nowhere she pushed me back hard and shook her head at me. 'Well that's too fuckin bad.' She mumbled. 'Ain't no kiss on the forehead buyin me over Meech. I meant what I said.'

'Okay well then what do you want me to do ? You want me to tell Avery ? Fine I'm a tell him and I'm a just deal wit the shit. What else ? I'll do it.' I pleaded.

'Meech you can't just automatically fix this.' She cried.

'Well at least let me start. ' I paused. 'Let me take you out tomorrow.'

'Meech no-'

'That wasn't a question.'

Stepping up to her closely, I wiped the tears from her face before kissing her on the forehead. 'Just let me show you that I can change.'

She stopped for a minute, not saying anything then nodded. 'Okay. But-'

'Shh. I'm a let chu know tomorrow. You just get some rest tonight and I'll keep the kids for the rest of the night.'

She nodded but stopped me as I was on my way to the door. 'Meech wait I want the kids tonight.' She pouted.

'But I want em.'

'I'll just take Milo then.' She smirked as she walked out of the room.

'But I wanted both of em. ' I mumbled to myself.


'Gone and make me a sandwich.' I mocked, smacking Kenny on the ass. He turned around and straight faced me.

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