The Group Chat :47:

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'Nyier explained to me that you got high and drank a whole bottle of her wine before passing out in your car. You missed the proposal and you was bein a ass. Explain that shit.' Niya didn't let me in her house and she was blocking the doorway with her arms crossed while I stood outside. It was dark and the middle of the night. All I wanted to do was come in.

'You just did. '

She stared at me for a second before throwing her hands up and walking into the house with me right behind her. 'Whatever man I don't have time fa you.'

'I came here ta make you feel betta Niya.' I said, ignoring her attitude and grabbing her arm to pull her close but she snatched it away from me.

'I feel fine.'

'Thas a obvious lie bae jus c'mere.' I tried to hug her but she pushed me away and that's when I started to get pissed off. 'Yo what is yo problem ?'

'I don't have a problem Kenny damn !'

'You obviously do cause you act like you don't want me ta touch you no more. You act like you don't wanna be around me and all I been tryna do every fuckin second I'm with you is make sure you're good ! It's like you punishing me fa bein a good nigha to ya. '

'The only reason I was high and drunk off my ass earlier was because I feel like I'm disappointing yo ass ! When all I been doin is lookin out fa you. I'm not tolerating this shit man being pregnant and emotional is one thing but what chu doin ain't coo. Get cho shit together La'Niya.'

I knew that sooner or later I was going to do that shit. I'm sorry but I had to tell her. My temper is too short to keep quiet and when I'm not feeling something I confront it or I leave. I love Niya too much to ever leave her.

I started to feel bad though because she was crying now and I hate seeing her cry. I wrapped my arms around her while she cried with her face buried in my hoodie.

'I'm s-sorry. Kenny I didn't mean it I'm sorry.' She cried, breaking my heart a little.

'It's coo. C'mon.' I picked her up bridal style and took her to her room, laying her down on the bed before stripping out of my hood and shoes and laying right with her.

She wrapped her arm around me before kissing my lips and closing her eyes right after.

'I love you Niya I swear.'

'I love you too Kenny.'


'Is the tv even on ?'

Erin got up and looked at it before sitting back down and shaking her head while shrugging her shoulders. 'I don't know. I'm confused.' She scratched her head, looking lost.

Then out of nowhere I started to laugh at her. She high as fuck.

'Oh I know !' She snapped. 'We can just use the remote to turn it off, then if it stays black like it is now that's how we'll know that it's off.'

I sat there, not saying anything for a minute because I was thinking about that. She is making a lot of sense at the moment. 'That was worded well.'

'Thank you.' She cheesed while grabbing the remote. She turned the tv on and gasped. 'It WAS off !'

'Daaaaamnn. Thas insane.'

'Right. ' She set the remote down and leaned back on me while started to watch whatever the hell this shit was. There was a bunch of mufuckas on here using magic and shit. I don't know what this shit is.

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