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- How are you doing? - Gil walked over to me, sat down next to me and handed me a drink. Today is the last day of the year and we're on a huge seaside party. There are probably all friends of Neymar here. So many strange faces...

- The party seems to be successful - I answered evasively.

I'm not asking if the party is successful, but if you're having fun - he drank a little bit of his drink.

It's okay, I just feel a little bit uncomfortable. I don't know anyone here - I looked around.

- You know me, boys and Rafa. You're not alone - it's strange that I felt the opposite. So extremely lonely... - Are you gonna sit here the whole night? - he waved his hand in front of me, seeing that I had lost in my thoughts. 

- I don't see anything wrong with that - I shrugged. Everything that happens around me deprives me of any desire to live, not saying about partying.

- Oh no... I won't let you stay here. We're going to dance - he took my glass and pulled me towards the dancing people. At the beginning I couldn't relax at all and I had the impression that everyone is looking at me, but after a while I relaxed and started to have fun. Rafa met me with her friends who turned out to be wonderful people. It was great and I'm glad that I didn't sit the whole party alone, staring at the others. Besides, I hadn't seen Neymar at all, so I could relieve my mind for a moment from all those depressing thoughts.

- It's almost midnight, I can't wait for the firework show. It's getting better every year. I'm curious what they came up with this time - Rafa said excitedly when we were dancing. Time passed so quickly that I didn't even notice that in a few minutes we would welcome new year. 

- Okay, everyone come here - said the DJ, turining off the music. Everyone started to go towards him, which I started to do as well, but suddenly I felt someone's hand on my wrist. I looked up and saw Neymar, who started to lead me somewhere without saying a word. Of course, I resisted him and was trying to free myself, but he ignored it and continued to lead me without even looking at me. Everyone was so excited about the midnight and fireworks that of course nobody noticed how Neymar brazenly kidnapped me somewhere. I started to worry. What does he want to do to me? Finally he stopped and gently released my wrist. We were a few meters from the party. It was quite empty and quiet here. Okay... I'm scared... 

- What's going on? - I asked reproachfully, not understanding his behavior. He didn't answer my question, but was just looking at me with a look from which I couldn't read anything. An eternal mystery...

- Three, two - I heard the countdown coming from the party. How great! I'm missing the welcome of the new year with my friends... - One!

- Happy New Year - he smiled slightly and suddenly sunk into my lips. At the beggining I was so confused that only after a moment I was able to reciprocate it or let's say didn't resist it. The kiss was greedy on one hand as if he was afraid that in a moment I would disappear, on the other hand it was unimaginably sweet and gentle like an angel's touch. Millions of winged creatures woke up in my stomach. Reason as if it stopped working for a moment, I didn't think and just gave myself up to the moment. I felt so incredibly good. As if the whole world ceased to exist, and my soul got into heaven. It was the longest and the shortest few seconds in my life. Neymar gently pulled away from me and smiled shyly, waiting for my reaction. Suddenly, I came back to life and my mind returned to its place. I looked at him confused and... I turned on my heel and started to run away. I ran straight ahead, almost killing myself of my own legs. I think he didn't try to chase me and he was still standing in the same place. I ran into the house, took a few things and ran out onto the street. After a while, I noticed a taxi and immediately found myself in the middle of it.

- To the airport - I said, breathing heavily.


- Please fasten your seat belts, we will start in a moment - I heard, sitting comfortably in an airplane seat. After arriving at the airport, I bought a ticket for the earliest flight and packed myself into the plane. That's right I'm running away again. My life is one big escape. Escape from the world and myself. I don't want to do it, but I can't do it differently. That's too much for me... I don't have strength anymore...


I turned the key in the lock, went inside and I felt shivers all over my body. This place probably will never bring good memories to me. Where am I? In Madrid. Yeah that's right in Madrid. Why did I come back here? A good question, but I don't even know the answer. I sighed loudly and threw the bag in the hall. I walked in deeper. So many memories... Everywhere I saw snippets of scenes that took place here with James. It brought pain, it renewed the scars, I didn't want to see it. I went to take a shower, a long and relaxing shower. I made some herbs for myself and lay down in my bed. I started to cry. Suddenly, without any warning. As if I have just awakened from a strange trance and realized exactly what had happened. Neymar kissed me. He kissed me. At the thought of it, I felt the taste of his lips on mine. Why did he do it? What's that supposed to mean? First, he starts to hate me and do everything to hurt me and suddenly he kisses me. This doesn't make any sense... What's going on in his head? What game is he playing? Because it has to be a game. Who in their right mind behaves this way? It was so unexpected that I didn't know how to behave. And what did I do? I ran away. Always the same... I can't fight, I can only run away. Oh yes, without a doubt, I'm the best at it. The worst part is that I can't get that kiss out of my head. I still feel his lips and the feeling accompanying the kiss. I've never felt like this before. Never a single kiss made me feel like this. This is some madness. I have a confusion in my head, chaos. I don't know what to do with myself, how to come to an agreement with myself. He is a mystery from which I can't free myself, and yet I try to escape from it. He mixed me with mud and with one kiss made me forget about it for a moment. What should I think about it? I feel so lost... 


In the morning, the sound of the opened door woke me up. I have no idea when I fell asleep. I just remember that I had a problem with that. I had lay staring at the ceiling and contemplating my own life, or rather its hopelessness. Who can it be? I stiffened with fear. Despite this, I slowly got out of bed, silently went to the wardrobe and took a baseball bat. Don't ask, I have no idea where I got it from. Sneaking up on tiptoe, paralyzed by fear I went step by step towards the front door. I wasn't here for some time, maybe it's a thief... With each step I felt as I shook more and more. I took the baseball bat, but in fact I had no plan. I will see someone and what? And suddenly, I saw a figure standing back to me and I wriggled with a bat. The mysterious figure turned and at the last moment I managed to stop my hand when I saw that's...



Finally someting most of you were waititng for -  A KISS!

I'm so curious what do you think about this chapter

Till next time xx 

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