Crystal Mystery

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Along time ago when the fairies and pixies raged war, there was one fairy that had her young ready to fight. There was only one problem. Her daughter, throughout the war, couldn't grow her wings. Instead the only thing that grew were the antler she started with. Her name was Fay. Fay's mother grew without her and binded a spell that would save her until centuries of war were over. Perhaps she could find somewhere else than war.

The pixies were raiding each home and setting them a flame. Her mum and pa had already abandoned her. Just before the pixies entered Fay's home, Fay grabbed her crystal ball and blanket. She didn't know how to fight, but she did know how to protect herself from danger. With enough meditation, she held her crystal ball and summoned a crystal around her. She knew it would probably kill her, but she also knew that she had a reason to not have wings . Slowly the crystal closed around her, as the banging on the door continued.

" For my life and the sacred, please protect me." Fay spoke one last time before she was encased in a crystal of slumber

The door finally broke down and pixies rummaged throughout her home. Once noticing that there was a crystal, they decided to set the house aflame. The pixies were victorious in their battle. While the faeries might be dead, one was still in a deep slumber.

For centuries, the crystal formed its way underground, where a new civilization could collect and trade them. Troll Market for one, found a new Heart Stone. Located underneath Arcadia, where trolls bustled around to see what was good and new. Knowing that their trollhunter was out protecting them from bad trolls like, Bular.

le time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Vendel, the troll leader, was quite fond of crystals one particular and decided to head into Trollmarket to look for some. He walked upon the walls of Trollmarket, most likely the outskirts where some of the crystals had not yet been mined. He started to pick up a few until he stopped at one. One that hadn't been touched in centuries. Upon further inspection it looked like something was trapped inside the crystal. Vendel took the crystal out of curiosity and headed back to the Heart Stone. Setting the other crystals aside, he held the extraordinary crystal up to the light and made a great discovery. The last fairy has been found. The one without wings but one who has wisdom that her antlers hold. Vendel thought about an old friend that would like to research more about the fairy. He shall make it Blinkous and AAARRRGGGHHH's duty to free her and find her a place to stay.

Speaking of which, the two trolls just returned, and we're making their way toward their cave. Vendel had enough time to gently grab the crystal and silently walk towards his new destination. Knowing that blinkous was in his library, Vendel held the crystal behind his back.

"Blinkous Galadrigal, may I have a word with you?" Vendel asked as the small troll looked up at him and quickly set a book down

" I have found a crystal that you shall take care. " Vendel showed the crystal to Blinky.

" But this is just a crystal, it's not living." Blinky said as he skimmed over the crystal

" Perhaps not the rock, but what's inside is a creature in a deep slumber. " Vendel answered as he raised the crystal up to a light

" A fairy? But the pixies won victorious over them." Blinky gasped as Vendel carefully handed the crystal to him

Aaarrrggghhh came over to see what was going on and looked at the crystal too.

" No. Wings." He simply stated as he looked at Blinky

"How do you know if this one is still alive?" Blinky asked Vendel while trying to look through the crystal

" That will be your job to find out" Vendel answered as he left the cave with the two confused trolls

Blinky set the crystal down carefully and opened a brief history of the fairy and pixie war. Aaarrrggghhh on the other hand just sat there inspecting the crystal. Wondering what the fairy looked like and if it was still alive.

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