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" Draal, I hope you like guests!" Jim says as he carries Fay down to the basement.

Draal popped out behind the heater to look over at the two. His eyes widen as soon as he caught sight of Fay.

" What is Fay doing here?" Draal asked as Jim set Fay down on the ground.

" She came home last night, with bear traps." Jim explained as he went back up to grab a first aid kit

" Hey, uh looks like I'm less of a punching bag." Fay tried to make conversation

" About that, I'm sorry for the way I treated you." Draal apologized, " I saw you after the fight and was going to tell you but you bolted."

" I forgive you." Fay said as she tried to get up but failed.

" Where did you go? Blinky, Vendel, And especially Aaarrrgghh have been worried sick about you. Every night they would try to go find you if they weren't busy helping master Jim." Draal asked as Jim came down the stairs with a box.

" To tell you the truth, I went to another place." Fay paused to see them both look up, " I'm not exactly sure of where I was teleported to but there was this other centaur there too. He was a real jerk, so I left him."

" You found another of your kind and you left him there in that place?" Jim asked

" Yep! Hey, I like my troll and human family better than that stag." Fay reasoned

" Are you sure you're Fay? Cause you talk a lot right now than before." Draal asked

" Why wouldn't I be? I'm the one who almost died of a gnome." Fay answered

" Yep, she's the one. I remember that story." Jim said as he laid the first aid on the ground

Draal glances at the first aid and then at the bear trap that snapped onto Fay's back leg.

" Let me help." Draal said as he sat down near Fay and Jim

" You ready Fay?" Jim asks and Fay only nods

Draal pulls apart the trap and Jim removes Fay's leg from it. As soon as Draal saw that her leg was free, he let go of there trap. It only caught air as it snapped back.

" I don't see the point of these traps." Draal states

" They were meant to trap bears for hunters." Jim stated as he disinfected Fay's leg

" Thank you for helping me master Jim and Draal." Fay thanked as Jim started to wrap her wound

" No problem, we just need to get you to Trollmarket." Jim said and glanced at Draal

" If it wouldn't be too much bother, I would like to stay here for a little while before I go back." Fay asked

Jim had looked like he was in thought.

" Why?" Draal asked out of curiosity

" Vendel gave me an option to be able to live on my own or with someone." Fay explained, " he had given me three days and I have done nothing about it."

" So if I let you heal and then let you live on your own, will you please promise to be safe?" Jim asked of Fay

" I promise to be safe." Fay promised Jim

" Good, now I have to go to school, which I'm already late." Jim stood up and sighed

" I could get you there, if you'd like?" Fay stood up and trotted towards Jim

" No, you're wounded, it would just make you hurt even more than you already are." Jim declined her offer and ran upstairs

Fay stared at Draal and he stared at her. Both of them heard master Jim leave the house. Draal sat there in boredom, trying to figure out what to do.

Fay looked around the basement and looked through everything that was in a box. She had found a book full of pictures. Some of them had Jim and his mother in them. But there was one that had another person in it. She couldn't see him clearly so she just flipped to the next page of photos.

" What happened to your horns?" Draal asked her

" Oh, me and the stag jerk had a fight." Fay told him and continued to look through photos

" When do you think they'll grow back?" Draal asks as he feels his horns

" Not for a long time but, at least I can go through doorways now." Fay cheered

Fay yawned as she flipped through photos. She began to feel tired as she set the photo book down.

Fay wandered over to heater and laid down by it. She curled up and slowly drifted to sleep. She had trusted Draal to watch over her as she slept.

Draal on the other hand sat there in silence and listened to her breathe as she slept close to him. Draal stared at where the bear traps had been.

'She can't live on her own. She needs someone.' Draal thought as he looked at where her antlers used to be.

He was surprised when she had told him that she had gotten into a fight. He wondered if something had happened to her when she left.

Draal sat there and thought about what could've happen if she didn't run away. He was so distracted, he didn't hear Jim come down the stairs until he shifted his weight and the step creates a creak.

Draal immediately jumped up and got into fighting stance.

" It's just me." Jim said

Fay woke up as soon as she heard Master Jim's voice. She quickly got up and trotted towards him. Draal relaxed a little as the two conversed.

He couldn't believe that he had become distracted. How did he let that happen?

" Draal?" Jim's voice called out to him

Draal looked up at master Jim and nodded

" I'm going to take Fay with me, okay?" Jim told him

" To where?" Draal questioned him

" I have to babysit, so might as well take Fay." Jim said as he hauled Fay onto his back and carried her up the stairs

Draal followed them up the stairs to make sure that Jim didn't drop her. Jim made to the top and set her down. Fay walked around the house as Jim got ready on his bike.

Fay waved at Draal and left with Jim. It was night as Jim pedaled Dow. The side walk with Fay at his side galloping. She as staggered a little bit but kept going.

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