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Fay couldn't just stand there and watch as Draal laid there on the ground knocked out. She hopped out Vendel's reach and slowly glided down towards the open arena.

" Fay! You get back here this instant!" Vendel called after her as she slowly floated over the fight.

" I can't, remember? I can only float!" Fay yelled back as she pointed at her bandaged wing

" FAY!! Why?!?!" Blinky finally looked up and gasped at the sight

" I dunno? Maybe cause I don't wanna sit around and watch my friends get hurt." Fay slowly drifted downward towards Blinky's outreached hands

She could see everyone's eyes widen as a new contestant joined. the colors of green and grey blurred past her as she finally reached grabbing distance. She was just about to land into one of Blinky's but a gust of air sent her upwards.

" Draal! I was just about to catch her." Fay could hear Blinky scold Draal

" Come on, I got her you go congratulate the Trollhunter and Aaarrrgghh." Draal spoke as he got up and raised his hands into the air for Fay to land on.

Fay stopped spinning and continued her downward descent once again. Only this time as she looked down, she met two blue hands and bright yellow eyes. She was slowly encased within the palms of his hands and was brought to his chest as everyone cheered for Aaarrrgghh and the Trollhunter.

" How hard did they hurt you?" Fay asked Draal as he carried her over to the others

" Not enough to keep me from coming back to you." He answered her as Vendel assisted Usurna into the arena.

" Trollmarket is victorious!" Usurna announced as the crowd cheered behind her

" A Bligst for ages." Vendel agreed with her announcement, " The time has arrived that we bid our friends farewell. But first, one last order of business."

Draal stood off to the side of the group as Fay sat on his shoulder in excitement. The two waited patiently as Aaarrrgghh's facial expressions changed.

" Arghaumont... Brother, we know that you are not well, but battled honorably. Will you return with us, your family? Or live you last days here amongst your friends?" The Troll Queen asked of Aaarrrgghh

" What does she mean, ' his last days?" Toby asked the group as Fay stood up and held her hands to her mouth

" The choice is yours." Queen Usurna told Aaarrrgghh as looked at Fay for answers

" Your wound. Creeper's Sun Poison." Blinky stated as he felt Aaarrrghh's hand, " Oh, Aaarrrgghh, why did you not tell us?"

" Didn't want worry." Aaarrrgghh answered him as he looked at everyone

" Angor Rot must've cut him." Claire stated as she laid her hands upon his poisoned hand

" This is my fault." Jim sighed, " It should of been me that got hurt."

" Not Jim's fault." Aaarrrgghh placed his hand on Jim's shoulder, " Don't wanna leave."

Toby let out a sniffle as Aaarrrgghh looked down at Toby. Draal couldn't resist from gently hugging Fay to his chest as Aaarrrgghh approached Tobias. Aaarrrgghh reached out to him but Toby ran away. Fay tried to reach out towards him as he passed them and out of the Hero's forge.

" I will go." Aaarrrgghh spoke as he placed his hands on Blinky and Jim, " Goodbye."

The group began saying goodbye to Aaarrrgghh as Draal started walking towards them. Once Draal was close enough, Fay leaped out of his hands and onto Aaarrrgghh's arm.

" I'm sorry I couldn't heal your wound." Fay quietly apologized to him

" You healed me without any magic." Aaarrrgghh said as he gentle hugged her

" Goodbye, old friend. " Draal spoke up as he placed his hand on Aaarrrgghh's shoulder, " I shall protect them in your absence."

Aaarrrgghh nodded in agreement as he placed Fay back into Draal's palm. He then turned to Master Jim and hugged him.

" Get Gunmar.... for me." Aaarrrgghh spoke as he let go of the Trollhunter

" Get well, big guy." Master Jim said before Aaarrrgghh joined the Krubera

Upon leaving the Arena, Aaarrrgghh turned back towards the group in sadness.

" Tell wingman, he family. I family." Aaarrrgghh slowly turned away as he left with his kind

The group stood there in silence for the moment as they looked at each other, unsure of what to do now. Master Jim sighed as he stepped forth and said goodbye from what was left of the group. Claire left with him as Blinky looked up at Draal and Fay in sadness.

" I wish that Aaarrrgghh's fate was different." Blinky's wish cut through the air

Fay perked up at him and just stared at him. Blinky just caught what he had said and looked up at her.

" Could you do that?" Blinky asked of her as she shook her head

" If I did, then there would be no point to-" Fay quickly covered her mouth in silence

She violently shook until Draal had to grasp her in his metal hand. She had glimpsed into Blinky's wish only to see the outcome.

" Fay! What happened?" Blinky clung to Draal's arm as Fay started to tear up

" Leave her alone!" Draal shook the six-eye historian off of his arm, " Leave her be! Can't you see that she is hurt?"

Fay could only hear Draal's voice as she was held up against his chest. Still holding her mouth, Fay feared the vision she had seen Aaarrrgghh's different fate. She tried to erase the image that engraved her but she couldn't. It was almost as if she didn't want to make wishes anymore. She saw the world covered in ash and dust. Green and yellow energy swarmed the air, leaving nothing to exist anymore. Only leaving dust and ruin, as if a village was once there.

" -Ay? Fay, everything is alright now. Look, we're home." Draal's voice pulled her out of her own thoughts

Fay looked around Master Jim's basement in surprise. Draal gently sat down with Fay in hand in front of the furnace. She was brought up face to face with him, Draal eyed her as she kept her hands up to her mouth.

" I know it was a brash situation with you and Blinkous. Perhaps, you would like to talk things out? Master Jim always says something to me when he wasn't focusing in our practice duels." Draal tried to talk to her as he scooted closer to the furnace

Fay looked down and turned the other way. She wanted to forget Blinky's wish and the word of Aaarrrgghh leaving.

" Can I at least see you if you don't want to talk?" Draal sighed as he lowered her to the ground

Fay turned back around to face him and his yellow eyes. Draal slowly pulled her hands down away from her face with his other hand. Fay sat there in shock as he gently held her hands.

" If you don't want to summon that wish, you don't have to. Blinkous can just wait for another thousand years." Draal smiled as Fay grinned up at him.

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