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It was early in the morning as yellow spurts of wings giggled to each other and then darted off into a different direction. As if one escaped its pack and fluttered its way to a certain house.

" Alright, Mom, I'm off to school, bye!" Jim said quickly as he rushed out of the house, slamming the front door on accident.

Draal suddenly woke up to Fay's sleeping form by his side. They had stayed together since they played handsy with each other. Smiling he scooted her closer to his body and fell back asleep next to her.

On the other hand, Fay dreamed of what it looked like at Master Jim's school. Although she had caught him complaining about too much work and not enough training, she was still interested to explore to where he goes to in the day. She could see Master Jim and Toby walking into a room with metal trees that poured water from little holes and ceramic, white thrones that had the power to make a whirlpool. She could see herself focusing on a circular shape that had similar holes in it, but this time it led to darkness.

There she could see the outline of Angor Rot with an orange lantern. She watched him take out his hunting knife and opened the lantern. Not a second later, when a pixie of giggles immersed from the lantern and zig-zagged around. Soon enough, tons of pixies were scattered from the sewer and into the school.

" Sweet dreams, Trollhunter." His dark voice echoed throughout the darkness.

" Master Jim!" Fay sat upright quickly before stumbling onto the ground, " I've got to warn master Jim about my vision! I'll come back, Bye!" Fay quickly said before tripping over the first step.

Draal watched her get up hurriedly and leave the house. He scratched his head trying to process of what just happened before getting up for his day.

Fay hopped over backyards until she made it to the school. She was thankful that she could just walk in and look like a normal student. She slowly came to a stop when she saw a student in a light blue shirt screaming and running. He past her in fear as he continued to run around in circles.

Fay looked back at the school to see every student in panic, screaming nonsense that wasn't even comprehensible. She had found Master Jim and Tobias but, before she could even call out to them, a high-pitched giggling entered her mind.

Flames infiltrated her eyes as each blaze grew higher and higher. She tried to cover her mouth and run away but she found herself confronted with her old village. The flames flew over her head as she tried to escape the nightmare. She could hear her towns people screaming in fear. Every fairy's wings were being burned into a black sap. She tried to help one of them out but they pushed her away and pointed at her.

" Because of you and your ineligibility to fly, and your centaur father's tribe, you have doomed your people! Therefore you are banished to stay behind in your own ruins as your punishment! You will always be alone because you lack the essence of our own mother! She should've never wasted her breath on your seed!" They yelled at her as they melted into black goo before her.

" Traitor! We should of fed you to the goblins!" One yelled before they fell in black sap

Fay couldn't hold it in anymore as she began to let her eyes pour. She closed her eyes and ran from where she came. In blindness, she hoped that she would see some one else than her past. But her hope faltered as she found Draal before her with only one arm pointing at her and a glaring face.

" You sack of carcass! This is all your fault! I never should of ever fallen by your side. You are just like a changeling! Not knowing which form to choose so you can stay on everyone's good side why don't you?!" He yelled at her as he harshly shoved some furniture to the floor.

She couldn't take it anymore as Fay collapsed to the ground. Silently sobbing as Draal stood there in confusion as to what was happening before him. There, Fay had came in and began to cry in front of him. It tore at his heart to see her collapse. He began to calmly crawl towards her in comfort when Fay pushed him back.

" No!" She cowered in fear as she scooted away from him

That's when he heard the high-pitched giggling come from her. At first he thought it was Fay but dismissed the thought as Fay let out another sob. It tugged at him as he carefully grabbed her by the shoulders and lifted her.

Fay screamed in fear as she saw Bular getting ready to throw her but she was suddenly smacked in the head. The nightmare had ended as she looked up, to see Draal's worried eyes.

" I'm here, Fay." Draal gently spoke as he gently set her down on the floor

Fay immediately grabbed onto Draal and hugged him, sobbing into his chest.

" Hey, there, there." He calmly said as he wrapped his arms around her.

" P-please don't leave! P-please don't leave me like the others.." Fay stuttered as she began to calm down

Draal was just about to pat her back when instead he squished the pixie that had terrorized Fay's mind. Its giggling stopped and its light went out.

" Your are safe now. They will no longer hurt you." He gently spoke as he patted her back and slowly stood back up

Fay sniffed before looking up at him. He gave her a soft smile as he led her towards the basement. In silence they made it to the door. Draal entered first as normal and cautiously tried not to slip down the staircase.

Fay on the other hand was able to do two steps until she lost her footing and fell forward in Draal's side. Causing him to lose balance but catching Fay as they fell down together.

Groaning in pain Fay hesitantly lifted her head up only to be confronted with a blue face. Both blushed and looked away as they realized the situation they were in.

Fay abruptly tried to get up but hit her head on a pipe. Their lips accidentally crashed onto each other as Fay fell back to him. Fay closed her eyes in embarrassment as for Draal was shocked. They stayed like that for awhile until Fay began to pull away in awkwardness. She was just about to leave when a blue arm pulled her back.

She didn't struggle as she laid there on his chest, with his hand still over her. They silently laid there until Fay placed her hand over his. That's when she felt him let out a breath he had been holding in. Fay gently smiled as she played with his fingers. Knowing that something special just happened....

- A/n

Sorry for the slight delays, thy computer shat itself, but now it has a diaper! Since then, I recently viewed this book. It is up to date and I can continue with "On The Other Side ". Don't shat yourself just yet! I will continue this book! 😊

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