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Fay got up and away from her broken antlers. She was still determined to find Aaarrrgghh and her family. Fay trotted through the cave that she was once in before. Only this time, as she walked around the corner, Aaarrrgghh wasn't standing in the other side of the wall.

Instead there were trees green as moss. Fay trotted towards the wall and held out her hand towards the wall. As soon as she touched it, the wall broke into little glass pieces. Wilderness showed itself to her as she trotted out of the crystal cave and into the wild.

Fay continued to trot further into the forest, to see if she was in the real world. The forest seemed to go on forever, until some sunlight was peaking through some leaves.

Fay looked up and had an idea. She has never climbed a tree before so she chose a tree near some stone rocks. As soon as she could reach a branch, she held on and pulled herself up. She staggered but used the trunk to help her balance.

Fay glanced over and saw a thicker branch. She started to climb over when she could feel the branch start to dip. Fay quickly jumped towards the branch as the other gave out beneath her. She used the trunk again to help her regain balance.

Fay balanced herself on the stable branch and moved the leaves out of the way. She see a human city north of where she was. She squinted and squealed with joy when she spotted a bridge.

Fay jumped down from the tree with scratches. She didn't care, all she cared about is that home was right ahead of her. Fay galloped into the direction of where the city was. She was so happy that she didn't noticed the bear traps all around her. Fay galloped over a few and set one off. She stopped mid step and looked back at the trap.

It looked like a gnome with those pointed like teeth. Fay looked down where she was going to place her hoof and realized that there was a bear trap right in front of her. Fay carefully made her way around most of the bear traps, until there was a steep cliff. Fay turned around and stepped through a trap.

The noise made her shriek as it grabbed onto her back leg. She tried to shake it of but it hurt even more. Fay started to cry but she promised herself she would cry when she finds her family. The cliff broke under pressure. Fay slid down the steep hill and towards a clearing of some sorts.

Fay got up with her three good legs and trotted out towards the clearing. As she was about to take a step past the tall trees, another bear trap snapped its way onto Fay's front leg. She almost went down into more bear traps but helped herself by hanging onto a tree.

Fay grabbed one of the branches and patted the the ground in front of her. Every time she would move she would at the found to check if there were any more traps around.

She limped through the forest with her stick. She caught sight of lights up ahead. Fay quickly patted the ground in front of her as she galloped towards the lights. She came to a clearing that had a fence and house. She could see that there was a light on inside.

Fay jumped over the fence and fell face first into the dirt. Fay got up and dusted herself off and entered through the back door.

She noticed right away that there was a basement. She would've gone in but she needed to go find the light. Fay wondered around the house until she came upon some stairs. The chains of the bear traps clinked as she climbed the stairs.

Fay made it to the second floor and opened the door that had the light. She could see master Jim sleeping at a desk on a book that looked like foreign language to her.

She was so happy she found him. Fay took a seat In the middle of his room so when he woke up, he could see her. Fay might've had a very bad injury but she could wait for master Jim's beauty sleep. Fay almost wanted to sleep to but stayed awake Incase master Jim ever got up.

Morning soon came as Fay noticed how light it was becoming outside. All of a sudden an alarm came on and it both sprung Jim and Fay to life. Jim quickly shut off his alarm clock and closed his Spanish book. Fay waited patiently for him to turn around.

Jim turned around and immediately noticed Fay with bear traps on her legs.

" Fay? Where have you been? Aaarrrgghh and Blinky have been worried sick." Jim said as he hugged her

" I was once lost, but I found home again." Fay told master Jim and hugged him back

" They'll be pleased to know that you're back." Master Jim said as he pulled away

Fay stood there and stood only on her two good legs. Jim noticed the traps and worriedly looked back at Fay.

" Stay here, I'm going to go get some help." Jim said as he left Fay in his room

She waited there until he came back in with a box that had red and white on it.

" Lay down so I can get those off of you."

Fay layed down as Jim summoned his armor and placed his hand where the trap was.

This is going to hurt." Jim warned

Fay only nodded. Jim started to pull the trap back and Fay pulled her foot out of there. Jim managed to retract his hand before the trap snapped back. Jim began treating the wound from the trap. Once he was done, he looked up with concern.

" I have good news and I have bad news." Jim said as he started to wrap Fay's wound. " Good news is that you don't have a trap on this leg anymore. Bad news is that I don't have the strength to take the other one off."

Fay looked down at the trap that was left. She looked back at master Jim.

" Could we get help at Trollmarket?" Fay asked.

" Yes, but I can't just walk out there with you by my side." Jim explained

The two just sat there until Jim looked at Fay.

" There's another way to get to Trollmarket." Jim said, " Draal is in the basement and he has a tunnel to the bridge."

" Draal? As the one that you spared?" Fay asked with curiosity

" Yea, that's him. Let's get you downstairs." Jim says as he lifts Fay on his back and carries her down the stairs

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