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Today was the day. The day that Master Jim would bring Claire.

Draal was recovering all the stones from his father. As a way to distract himself from Fay. But the thought of her lingered in his mind, every time he pass by the Heartstone.

Draal sighed as he carried his father to Hero's Forge. So much sadness has occurred for him. But little did he know that there was a little surprise waiting for him.


Draal knew about the girl that was coming today. He worried about what might happen if Vendel ever found out about their plan.

Draal placed the stones of his father down, into a pile. He then decided to check on his friend. Vendel had to have guards carry him out of Heartstone last time.

As he entered the entrance of Vendel's place, he noticed that the crystal had fallen off the table and was shattered across the stone floor.

Draal rushed forward to where Fay was once encased. He searched through the shattered crystal pieces but found nothing. He began picking up the pieces and setting them back on the table until he heard a small giggle.

Draal turned around to see a small butterfly like figure land on a nearby table.

Draal quickly made his way over to the table with curiosity. A bright light filled the entire room as he came closer.

There, floating next to him, was a small winged creature that had a familiar face.

" Look Draal! I'm a smaller punching bag!" Fay cheered as she floated in front of him

Draal stared at Fay as she circled him with her new wings. She fluttered around him in excitement.

" Fay?" Draal asked with confusion

" Hey, you know my name." Fay cheered as she landed on his shoulder

" Fay. Fay. Fay. FAy. FAY!!!!!" Draal said with realization

" It's so good to see that you know my name." Fay said as she sat down

Draal grabbed her from his shoulder and held her to his chest as he danced around Vendel's work area in glee. He was so happy that she decided to wake up.

Soon he would have to tell the others about the exciting news. He placed her back on his shoulder and took a happy stroll through Trollmarket.

Meanwhile on the other side of Trollmarket, Claire ran through the shops the market

" Bagdwella's Fine Gifts! Is that where Toby adopted the gnome?" Claire gasped as she ran past shops

" What's a Rotgut's? I it food? Oh is that a troll pub?" Claire asked so quickly

"There goes the market." A troll in the market yells

Blinky and Aaarrrggh look at each other in worry of what might happen next.

Some time later when Draal decided to stop by a shop, the merchant seemed to notice his little friend.

" Is that your friend on your shoulder?" The merchant asked Draal

" Why yes she is." Draal replied as he scooted the coins forward

" Too bad, she could've been sold for a grand." The merchant said quietly while looking at Fay

" What?" Draal asked surprisingly

" Nothing that concerns you. Here is your item." The merchant says while handing him his item

Draal kept the conversation in his mind as he left the shop. He would've question the merchant more, but he couldn't risk Fay being taken away again.

" What's a grand?" Fay asked him as she wiggles her feet

" A grand is like a great amount of fortune." Draal tried to explain it to her

" Ohh, so does that mean I'm worth a lot?" Fay asked

" Oh look there's another human in Trollmarket." Draal pointed towards a passing Claire

" Where?" Fay asked as she stood up to get a better view

" Over there. She just passed by Bagdwella's shop." Draal said as he got closer to the Hero's Forge.

" Another girl? Ohh, I can't wait to meet her! Do you know what she is like?" Fay cheerfully asked Draal

" You could say that she is the adventurous type." Draal said as he held out his hand for her

Fay carefully stepped into his stone palm. He slowly raised his hand near his horns. He could feel her tiny footsteps on his head and cling to his horns.

" I wonder if she would help me make flower crowns for everyone." Fay said as she sat on his head

" She probably would." Draal said as he began to piece his father back together

Fay began to hum to cease the awkward silence between them. She sung to herself for awhile until a loud voice interrupted.

" The Hero's Forge." The voice rang out through the walls

" All this for one Trollhunter?" Fay heard the females' voice

" I mean, I train here, too, when we need to up our game." Fay watched Toby through Draals horns," get ripped, maximize squat cores. You know, hero stuff."

" Whoa, Is that Draal, Kanjigar's son?" Fay watched as the human girl walked closer towards them

" they're coming Draal." Fay whispered to Draal

" I know." Draal whispered back

" what's that statue he's making?" The girl asked

" I do not make statues, this is my father." Draal stated as he turned around to get a better look

" Took awhile to track down all his remains." Toby whispered to Claire

Draal walked off to have a talk with Aaarrrggh about the humans. Fay noticed as the human girl ran to the power switch.

" Draal, Draal!" Fay patted his head and got up

Draal looked behind him to see the training equipment start to rise. Fay warmed up her wings and flew off his head.

" Wait, Fay!" Draal warned her

But she was too late. A platform was raised from below and slammed into her. She was raised high into the air. She tried to flutter but instead the platform tossed her towards the soothscryer. She tried to get up but her wing was bent in a way where she was unable to.

Instead she wobbled on her two feet to see Toby and The human girl hang on two opposite platforms.

" The controls! Ugh! This blasted arm!" Draal shouted as he tried to stop the machine

Fay watched as master Jim climbed the equipment and save Toby. That's when Fay wobbled to the human girl and caught her hand when she slipped.

" Hang on!" Fay cried as she tried to pull up

" Fay!" She could head multiple voices call out her name as she slipped from the platform.


A/n- Hey, excited for part 3? Updates for this book will be random. Finals are over and I can continue both books! I just wanted to at least do this one before the other one. I hope you have a great day!

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