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Fay awoke to the sound of a door shutting and running feet. Fay sat up with Draal by her side.

Jim was rummaging through the house looking for his homework. He noticed that there were two letters out in troll language. He wondered if there was some one else here than Draal and him.

Jim walked over to the basement and stopped at the door. Everything was quiet until Jim opened the door. As he took each creepy step, Fay and Draal scrambled away from each other and stood on the opposite sides of the basement.

As soon as Jim stood at the bottom, he found Draal's wide eyes and Fay trotting over to him with a smile.

" uhmmm?" Jim stated as he presented the two letters Fay was supposed to deliver

Fay gasped and gently took them. She was about to walk up the stairs when she realized she didn't know what time of day it was.

" Master Jim?" Fay asked as Draal approached their conversation

" hmm?" Jim answered her

" Is the sun still out?" Fay asked as she stalled on one of the steps

"Yea, but just for awhile." Jim answered her

Fay rushed up to him with a hug and then left the basement. She had a job to do. Fay rushed around the house and finally found her sweater and satchel dry. She traded out the blanket for her sweater. As soon as the sweater touched her skin, she immediately felt calm.

She quickly placed the two letters in the satchel and placed it over her torso.

" Fay? You got a new job?" Jim asked as he leaned on one of the walls

" I'm a messenger!" Fay smiled and left the blanket draped over the couch.

She waved goodbye at the two and left the house. She trotted to the closest location she had to deliver and found a residents home.

Suddenly a figure shoved her into a bush and dove after her.

" Are you crazy?!?" A female's voice asked, " Do you want a human to notice you?"

Fay shook her head no and tried to shift into a sitting position. The female figure sat with her for awhile until she coughed.

" Oh my, quickly we must go!" The female figure said as she dragged Fay out of the bush and into the house.

The inside was abandoned and had scratchings on the wall. There was a table and two chairs.

" I think there's a misunderstanding taking place here." Fay spoke as she looked around the hallway

" oh my goodness you sound just like Blinky." The cloaked figure complained as she set some pillows on the ground.

" How do you know Blinky?" Fay asked with curiosity as she trotted towards the pillows

" Another story for another time." She said as she brought in a chair from the other room.

Fay laid down on the pillows as the mysterious figure sat in the chair. They both sat in silence as they took some time to breathe.

" What brings you here?" The mysterious figure asks

" A letter for Mrs. Owl?" Fay looked at the letter and read the delivery address

" Oh, that letter...." the mysterious figure grumbled

Fay sat there quietly as the figure for up and climbed through the chimney. The mysterious female stood in the chimney and pulled out some bricks until she turned around, sliding out of the chimney.

There, the mysterious figure covered in ash, stood there holding out two stones.

" One is for you and the other is for the sender." She said as she placed the stones in Fay's hands.

Fay placed one of them with the letter and left the other one out. As she turned back to get it, the mysterious figure placed the stone on her head. A bright light emitted and then everything was back to normal.

" There, now no human can suspect that you are a centaur." She said and levitated a broom off the ground, " I have to go now, make sure you keep your delusional stone with you."

The mysterious figure whisked out of the house and into the horizon. Fay watched her leave and decided to leave the creepy house too.

Upon the destination of the museum, Fay attracted some unwanted attention by a few gremlins. They kept trying to figure out what she, as she walked closer to museum. She stopped at the front and reread the letter address before walking in.

Surprisingly the doors were unlocked as the gremlins decided to stick with her as she wandered around the lobby. They kept chanting " waka Chaka," every time she would get close to one of the exhibits.

" Hello? I'm here to deliver a letter to Mr. Stripper, I mean Mr. Strickler?" Fay announced as a man appeared from the shadows

" It's Mr. Strickler." Strickler corrected her and took the letter from her hands.

She watched as he opened the letter and glanced every few seconds back at her. That's when it clicked, it was her time to go.

" Oh, sorry for intruding, I'll go." Fay said as she turned around towards the double doors.

As soon as she took a step forward, a gremlin chomped on one of her back legs. Fay yelled at the surprise and was about to kick it off until she caught sight of a dark larger troll. She stopped what she was about to do and turned towards Mr. Strickler with a pained smile.

She reached to her back left leg and pulled the chomping gremlin off and held it out towards Mr. Strickler. Instead of giving it to him, the gremlin more like, pounced on him as the larger troll laughed at his misfortune.

Fay took this chance to limp out of the museum and make it to the travel agency. She was thankful no one was there in the travel agency but then also sad because she didn't know who to give the letter to. Fay looked around and found a black mask and a message written on the desk.

" Where two faces meet huh?" She repeated the message as she picked up the mask.

Suddenly the telephone rang, startling Fay to throw the mask halfway across the room and stumble towards the desk. She picked up the phone and a chilling voice asked her " Where would you like to go?"

The female voice repeated itself until Fay looked back at the written message and repeated it. The phone zipped back into its place holder as part of the floor began to shift down.

Fay looked between the door and the entrance. She didn't like making decisions that were dumb but she did it anyway. She grabbed the black mask and jumped down to the lower platform that was slowly descending.

~ yes I know this chapter is late, sorry.

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