To Lose a Centaur

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I awoke to shuffling feet. I look up to see Blinky trying to explain his conspiracy theory to Vendel about the Killahead Bridge. It looks like he was slowly convincing him to go somewhere. I sit up to realize Aaarrrgghh no longer had his arm draped over me. Instead he was up behind Blinky. I slowly got up and silently trotted over to Aaarrrgghh. My hooves made a slight tapping noise against the stone beneath. Aaarrrgghh looked back at me with a smile and then back to the important conversation.

" Alright, then show me this Killahead Bridge. " Vendel spoke to Blinky as if he had heard enough.

Blinky had turned around to find Aaarrrgghh and Fay behind him waiting patiently. He looked back at Vendel and started off, out of Trollmarket and into the Museum of Arcadia. Blinky unlocked the window and had Aaarrrgghh help him up the window. As Aaarrrgghh was helping Vendel get through the window, Fay takes up some distance away from the window. Vendel managed to get through the window. Aaarrrgghh turned aroud to help Fay but she already took off running towards the window. At the last second, Fay jumped through the window and landed with her hooves screeching the floor tiles. Fay almost stumbled into Blinky but she quickly regained her form and balance herself. Aaarrrgghh lifted himself through the window.

Vendel wandered his way through the museum while fay silently followed him. She turned around to see that Blinky had left the window unlocked for some reason. Aaarrrgghh caught her looking and just strode up to her smiling. Fay turned around with a blush. She wasn't expecting that. She looked to where Vendel was complaining about how silly some garment looked. Fay decided to wander from the group and stopped in front of some horse armor.

It reminded her of how the male fairies dressed as they got ready for the war. It almost made her sad. Suddenly, footsteps caught her attention. She heard Jim's and Toby's voices. She slowly made her way back toward the group. She found them, staring at a big boat. Vendel was the first to turn away and walk out. Soon everyone left except for Blinky and Jim who stood there, talking about the Killahead Bridge. Soon, Blinky left Jim alone in the darkness with the moon. Fay had seen this play before. It was like "the boy who had cried wolf." The only thing is, that she believes that Jim had seen correctly. Jim slowly walks out of the room as she turns to trot with him. If she could survive in a crystal for eons then she can believe that he saw something.

All six of them found each other outside discussing of what to do now. Fay stood outside of the group and watched the emotions of Jim and Vendel. Vendel may have found her in a crystal but he needs to be cautious that this Trollhunter is bringing something up about death. Fay looks around to spot some trees. It looked like Aaarrrgghh and Blinky were too concentrated on this conversation, to notice that Fay wandered into the forest. Before she could look back, a bug with light landed on her face. Fay giggled and brushed off the bug. The bug kept glowing and flew off deeper into the forest. Fay followed the glowing bug until she stumbled upon a stag with some other deer. Fay slowly reached out like she had a connection with them.

" Fay?" A voice called and the deer took off.

Fay looked back and only realized she was lost. Panic filled her. If only she could just follow the sound of their voices, then she could be fine. She heard many other voices calling for her. She started to gallop through the forest, trying to find the voices. Trying to find her family. She could hear running and shuffling. She roughly pushed through some trees to only find some pavement. Fay galloped down the highway along the way she had come from. She could feel the branches tangled with her hair.

" FAY!!!" She heard Jim call

She immediately galloped faster towards his voice. It was until Toby and Jim walked out of the forest and into her line of sight. She started to slow down but felt pain as she slammed into something hard. She heard a grunt and felt large hands around her.

"Fay! Are you okay?" Toby asked with concern

" Are you alright Fay?" Blinky asked

Fay couldn't concentrate as the voices started to overwhelm her. Fay lightly patted Aaarrrgghh as he let her go. She then held her hand up to Blinky and then to Toby. The two immediately stopped talking. She smiled at their responses before brushing the twigs out of her hair.

" I am happy I found you again." Fay's sweet voice told them

" We're glad to have you back, Fay." Jim comforted her.

Fay was just about to say something when she felt a pat from Aaarrrgghh. It caught her so off guard, she stumbled forward, onto the ground. Fay only wobbled up before her legs gave out on her. It was becoming colder into the night. She watched as the two humans talked with each other about doing a science paper. She layed there until she felt Aaarrrgghh's hand lift her up. She watched as the two humans left and Blinky walked beside Aaarrrgghh towards the bridge.

Blinky rolled down the ramp of pavement while Aaarrrgghh slid down it, with Fay in hand. They both stopped at the same time. Blinky had pulled out this crystal portal crystal drawer thing. She would have to learn about it, when she gets back to his library. She was so excited to learn about so many things, she had forgotten that there were still some limits to being a centaur/fairy. She knew for a fact that her antlers would soon become a problem.

Blinky and Aaarrrgghh had arrived in their little den. Aaarrrgghh finally layed fay down and curled around her. Her eyes wandered to his mossy mane. It reminded her of how the trees looked when she found the bug that lit up its' butt. Fay looked over at Blinky who had picked up a book to read it. She just watched him with wonder. Every once in a while, one of Blinky's eyes would look over at her and then back towards the book.

" Storyteller." Fay stated as Blinky slowly looked up from the book he was reading.

" Historian, preferably." Blinky stated back and continued his book

" Didn't deny it." Fay smiled at him before leaning against Aaarrrgghh

Blinky just looked at her for a brief moment before returning to where he had left off. Fay closed her eyes and thought about if she actually lost her new family. She would feel lonely in a world that she didn't belong in.

- A/n sorry for slow update.

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