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Jim had arrived at Claire's house as Fay snuck around the back. She listened to Jim and the girl's conversation. Fay walked to the corner of the house and saw a guy coming down the street on a motor object.

She watched as a girl hopped on the motor object with the guy and waved goodbye at Jim.

As soon as they left, Fay opened the back door and walked into the home. Fay watched as Jim asked the baby if he wanted to play the horseshoe game.

Jim looked through his bag but couldn't find the gaggle-tack. That's when he notice the buckle was not buckled on the baby.

" Where did you hide it? Speak." Jim demanded

The baby just coos at Jim and giggles

" Oh, you wanna play games, do you?" Jim says to the baby, " Then let's play."

Fay watches as Jim carries the baby up stairs to his bedroom. She wants to follow him but she's afraid she'll tumble down the stairs instead. Fay instead looks at the baby swing that the baby was once in. She taps it a little and it swings.

Then a yell from Jim startles her. Fay trots to the stairwell and slowly makes her way up the stairs. As soon as she reaches the top, she could hear mast er Jim talking to someone. Fay opens the door to find Jim on the phone with Toby. Jim looked over his shoulder to make sure it was Fay and then looked back at the diaper bin.

" I sort of just lost it." Jim said into the phone as Fay trotted over to where Enrique.

" What do you mean you just lost it." Fay could hear Toby say

She could hear the faint chuckles Aaarrrgghh in the background with some beeps and meows.

" No! What in the world?" Jim complains

Fay looked over to see master Jim close the diaper bin. Jim sighed and kneeled in front of the bin.

" You hid the horseshoe in the diaper bin, didn't you?" Jim asks Enrique

Enrique coos as he tries to get a look at Jim.

" Because you're just a normal baby, and that's what normal babies do." Jim says as he opens the diaper bin.

Fay catches a whiff and leaves the room. She did not want to be in that room with that stench. Fay trotted down the hallway and observed all of the family photos.

" Enrique!" Jim yelled as he bolted out of the room and started to look everywhere for the little bugger. " Oh... Enrique?" Jim continued to call out to him as he went downstairs.

Fay looked up and saw the baby upside down on the ceiling. She was going to warn Jim but he had already gone downstairs to look for the baby. When Fay looked back up at the ceiling, she found that the baby was gone.

Metal clattered in the kitchen. It scared Fay as she almost reared and knocked a vase over. She caught it the vase, before it could shatter.

" What's that sound? Fay is that you?" Jim asked as he ran to the kitchen

Jim snuck around the kitchen until a cup fell over randomly. Jim went to go pick it up but as he reached for it, a kitten jumped onto the cup, Jim screamed as the kitten yowled at him. Both of them scootching away from each other.

Fay could hear the terrified cat down below. But she jumped as a door slammed right behind her. She could hear the baby giggling behind the door. She could hear master Jim come up the stairs and look at her. Fay pointed towards the door that had been slammed. Jim looks at the door and then a twig snaps. Jim gasps out of shock and looks out the window to see Aaarrrgghh with bushes and Blinky with Tobes in bushes.

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