A Crackling Surprise

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My body. I feel weak. What is this? what is happening? Did the pixies find me so that they could burn me too? I wanna open my eyes but, I don't have the strength to. If only i could remember what happened. There was a smell of smoke. It surrounded my village. The trees were aflame. More of a bright orange lit my memory. I remember now. I started the fire...


Blinky thought and thought and thought until he decided to place it upright in a holding stand. Now that he got that taken care of, he inspected the crystal walls for any lose walls. He tried lightly tapping one of the edges with his finger. When that didn't work he gave the crystal to AAARRRGGGHHH. Blinky just needed a few more tools to help the little Fairy.

AAARRRGGGHHH just stared at the crystal infused fairy in his palm. he thought about eating it but just remembered that there was a creature inside it. Plus Blinky would be upset if he ever found out that he ate the last fairy. Suddenly blinky came back with some stuff in all of his hands. He set all of it down and looked up at AAARRRGGGHHH.

" May I have the crystal please" he asked

Aaarrrggghhh nodded and set the crystal in the holder.

" First i will gently chisel into the crystal and stop until there is a tiny hole. " Blinky stated as he grabbed the chisel and started to chisel

Little cracks started to show up within the walls and Fay opened her eyes. She was still wrapped in her blanket and her crystal ball in front of her. She looked around her and noticed one of the walls was going to break. 'Did the pixies find me to kill me too?' Fay thought as she sat upright. Her antlers hit the ceiling with a clunk and she realized it was getting too tight in here. So she pounds her fist on the cracking crystal wall. Knowing soon, she will run out of air.

Blinky's chisel hit the crystal edge lightly as more crack streaks were showing up. Gently, he tapped the crystal with the chisel. He is hoping that whatever is inside the crystal is still alive. Fay on the other side was started to run out of oxygen. Her fists were still hitting the barrier but not as much as they were before. She stopped for a brief minute before she punched her fist through the wall. She had made a hole. Suddenly a hard structure tapped more of the wall down. Fay took short breaths of air. The structure was about to hit again until she reached out her hand and yelled "WAIT!!!"

Blinky stood there surprised about the new voice he heard. It wasn't from Aaarrrggghhh or himself. Then that could only mean... He did it! he made a small hole and the fairy was alive!

" Great Gronka Morka! AAARRRGGGHHH! We did it, we saved the last fairy!" Blinky rejoiced as he showed the crystal to AAARRRGGGHHH.

AAARRRGGGHHH had a great smile on his face as he could see the fairy moving inside the crystal.

" Little fairy" AAARRRGGGHHH stated as he made a comparision with his hands.

Making both of them wondering how small this fairy was. Blinky also wondered how tiny the fairy was as he set the crystal into the holder. He rotated to where both AAARRRGGGHHH could see into the crystal. Suddenly a young face stared back at them.

Fay just sat there looking at the two stone faces with curiosity. She could tell that one was big and the other was small. Perhaps the smaller one is a female like her. Once she was out of this crystal she will find flowers for the small stone face female. The other one looked gruff so she assumed it was a he. Where she came from the females were smaller than males. Speaking of where she came from, Fay noticed her surroundings and realized she wasn't in the village but a cave instead.

" What is your name young one?" A male voice spoke and she looked at the larger stone creature.

" Fay " she answered back to them

" Well Fay, my name is Blinkous Galadrigal but you may call me Blinky for short. This is AAARRRGGGHHH" The small stone one gestured to the other large stone creature. Fay soon realized that they were both male and dismissed the thought of them both being mates.

" Hi" AAARRRGGGHHH waved at Fay and Fay waved back

" What is your species?" Fay asked the two " Obviously you know what I am"

" We are trolls miss Fay" Blinky answered as he tapped one of his arms " We're made out of living stone."

" Trolls? I've only heard about them when ma read a book to me" Fay said as she made a book out of her hands.

" Were they good stories?" Blinky questioned her as if fascinated

" Some were good and then she read a book about the changelings and Bular. " Fay spoke as she was looking at the edge of the hole. " She also spoke of a trollhunter that fights the bad trolls."

" All of that is true, and we have a human troll hunter this time!" Blinky spoke greatful of mentioning Jim

" A human? That's interesting" Fay thought out loud for a moment

"Interesting indeed but he has made great progress" Blinky rejoiced

" May I meet the human troll hunter?" Fay asked politely

Blinky shared looks between AAARRRGGGHHH and nodded their heads.

" After we get out of that crystal, then you can meet him." Blinky smiled at Fay

Fay retracted from the window like hole and held her crystal ball.

" I take it that I am the last one of my race?" Fay asked

" Sadly yes, the pixies eliminated your race during the war." Blinky explained

" Ok. " was all Fay said before she turned away from the two trolls. She soon fell into another slumber.

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