Birthing Day?

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Fay turned around out of the curiosity that was killing her on the inside. It was Bagdwella. She had come for Fay to ask of her kind help.

" My dear Fay, I am in need of some assistance. Would be so kind to help me?" Fay nodded and followed the shop keeper to her shop

She wondered what Bagdwella would want her to do. Fay looked around at her shop as she entered it.

" Will you please stamp each letter and send them out?" Badwella asked

Fay simply complied and began to stamp each letter. It was until she got to the 10th letter when the words, ' delusional stone ' caught her eye. She wanted to ask about it but she knew she would've gotten kicked out just for asking a careless question. Fay stamped it anyways and placed it in the send out pile. Fay continued to work for a large amount of time until she had caught Blinky's eye from passing bye.

" Fay! My dear, what are you doing here?" Blinky asked as he came into the shop

" She's working for me." Bagdwella said as she cleaned a vase

Blinky looked back towards Fay with a worried look. Fay only smiled as she collected all the stamped letters and placed them on the side of the table.

" Madame Bagdwella? May I ask how I will transport these?" Fay got up and asked her

" Oh, my dear, I have a satchel for you, go on now." Bagdwella brought over a bag and placed it around Fay's torso.

Fay gathered all the letters and placed them all except one in the bag. She was so excited for her first job. Fay basically pranced out of the shop with Blinky trailing behind her as a precaution.

Wandering around Trollmarket, Fay delivered the letters with Blinky's help of course. Fay skipped the one about a 'delusional stone' and continued to deliver. Soon Toby had found them and said something about Master Jim and his Birthday? Blinky understood it as his birthing day.

" Here are some balloons, Quickly blow them up, while I go get Jim." Toby left them with a plastic bag filled with rubber.

It took Blinky awhile to open the bag as Fay pulled out a balloon and tried to figure out what he meant by " blow them up."

Fay stretched out the balloon and blew air into the little opening. As soon as she took another breath, the balloon farted out her air that it once had. Blinky looked over at her suspiciously as Aaarrrgghh walked over whistling with another balloon that was half way full. Fay then began to blow into the balloon again but, before the air could escape once more, she pinched the opening closed.

As Fay blew the balloons bigger, Blinky was there helping Aaarrrgghh with knots. Fay got down to the last balloon and wanted to figure out the 'knot' herself. She wrapped the rubber end around her finger and tried to push the end underneath the part that was wrapped around. Blinky could see her struggle and carefully watched her attempt mastering the arts of knots.

Toby came back to see how the group was doing and helped them set up the balloons around hero's forge. He told them about the scenario that will happen when Jim shows up. Fay didn't like it one bit. To decieve the Trollhunter from a fake danger.

" Aaarrrgghh. I need you to start going crazy, while Blinky, you start panicking. And Fay?" Toby pointed at her

Fay turned around the sound of her name being called. She pointed at herself just to make sure they were talking to her.

" You start making yourself cry." Toby said as he brought a few more trolls into the arena to make it look like havoc.

Fay looked towards Aaarrrgghh and Blinky. ' How does one make themselves start crying?' Fay asked herself.

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