Janus Order

522 19 3

Fay quickly placed the black mask on as doors opened up. The mask was tinted as she tried to see out of them. She stumbled out into a hallway and slowly trotted around. Her clip clops made echoes throughout the hallways as she trotted.

She could hear voices behind curtains as she trotted by them. She noticed that there were stone heads on pedestals off to the sides. She wondered why there were just heads.

" Ah, seems someone got lost?" A weird man's voice asked behind her

She turned around to find a chubby man staring back her with his pointy mustache.

Fay pulled out the letter and started to trot towards him.

" I'm suppose to deliver this." She said as she handed out the message

She stepped away from him as he took it from her.

" Strange for a rare creature to be delivering. Should have been sold at an auction instead." The weird man said as he opened the letter

Fay stared at him in confusion to what an auction was. She was about to take off the black mask but decided not to take it off. She didn't want to give him any reason that she should be in an auction.

She watched him read the letter and glance back at her. As if telling her that she was dismissed.

Fay bowed and began to travel down the hallway the man cleared his throat. Fay looked back to see him point the other way.

" Oh, my apologies." Fay said as she walked past him

She could hear the huff that came from him. Fay shrugged it off and found the exit. She had found the same desk and telephone, as it was before. She waited as the ground started to levitate upwards into the lobby of the travel agency.

Once she could see the door, she took off the mask and left. She was frightened from her adventure to the creepy man and meeting an owl person? And what was an auction? She had so many questions but she had to get home.

Fay trotted on the sidewalk as she looked down at the stone that the mysterious figure gave her. She glanced every now and then at the passing humans walking past her. They seemed to share the same glance back with her as they passed by.

She continued to walk until she saw Toby in the street yelling into a sewer grate. Fay galloped towards him to see what was happening. She slid to Toby's height, right next to him, only to see Jim reach for his hand but get pulled back down. Fay could hear growling from inside the tunnel. She looked to Toby for answers but realized he was too busy trying to get Jim out of the hole. In the distance she could hear Blinky scream for master Jim's safety.

Fay watched in horror as Jim took off his armor and jumped onto Bular's sword. It looked like he was reaching for Toby's hand as he jumped off the sword.

As soon as Jim's hand made contact with Toby's, Fay reached down and quickly pulled him out of the hole. Fay let go of him as he pushed the sewer grate back where it was supposed to be.

The three sat there in exhaustion until a dark claw popped out of the hole and frightened the whole group.

" Strickler's a changeling." Master Jim stated

" You've been a real turd today." Toby said to Jim

" Oh, and I smell like one too." Jim sighs as he smells his shirt, " Thanks for saving my neck. I owe you one."

" Yea great. Just don't every say 'crispy' again." Toby told master Jim

" Deal." Jim agreed and raised his hand for a high-five.

Toby hesitated and then high-fived him. Fay looked down at her hand and raised it up like Jim did. Toby and Jim both high-fived her at the same time. It was a special moment until a car honked at them to get out of the way.

Fay got up and dragged Toby the side walk as Master Jim followed them. She then helped the boy up and walked with them until they walked passed the bridge.

She slowly disappeared from their conversation and slid down the ramp. She took out the horngazel that Bagdwella had given to her and drew the arch into the concrete wall. As soon as she placed her hand on it, the wall dispersed into smaller pieces only to show the backs of two familiar trolls.

Fay quietly followed them down the staircase until Aaarrrgghh had to look around at her. He was listening to Blinky's rant on how could Draal give Master Jim a Grit-shaka. Aaarrrgghh stopped in his steps and started to walk next to Fay instead. Fay gently smiled at him and walked behind Blinky.

She lightly tapped his right shoulder and moved to his left shoulder. She watched as he tried to look around with him trying to see her until Fay hid behind Aaarrrgghh.

She was trying to contain her laughter as Blinky looked around to see who tapped him. Blinky frowned at his stone friend until he heard the soft giggles of laughter. Aaarrgghh smiled as he revealed Fay trying not to laugh.

Blinky tried to frown at her but her laugh was too contagious and he began to laugh with her. Aaarrrgghh laughed with them too. The three chuckled through Trollmarket. Vendel happened to be by and perked his head up at the sight of Fay. He smiled, thankful that she was still alive after she delivered the letters. He continued to read his book of sorts, not realizing that he was smiling all the way back to the Heart stone.

Fay, Blinky and Aaarrrgghh arrived in the Hero's Forge. Fay stopped giggling as soon as she recognized the place she was in. She watched as Aaarrrgghh lifted part of the platform, only to see Blinky jump into the gears.

" Higher... Just a little higher" Blinky said as Aaarrrgghh tries to keep the platform up

" Arms hurt." Aaarrrgghh stated

Fay rushed over to the other side, to help him out.

" Focus on how much Master Jim's arms will hurt should this training equipment malfunction." Blinky told Aaarrrgghh

Fay stood there holding the platform with Aaarrrgghh. Blinky went back to working with gears, saying something about gears and rust. She didn't pay any attention to what he was saying. Instead she was focused on Aaarrrgghh making silly faces at her. She tried to make faces back at him but exhaustion hit her like a wall.

Maybe it was the platform she was holding? But why did she feel a side of nausea. Fay shook her head as to keep herself still alert. She could feel the platform slip from her grasp as swayed to the side.

The platform drooped a little as Aaarrrgghh struggled to keep it up.

" Think about master Jim's arms!" Blinky yelled from within the equipment down below

" Fay! Something Wrong!" Aaarrrgghh yelled as he llifted the platform higher

Blinky's head popped out of the crevice only to see Fay stumble into the ground.

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