The Barrier

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Fay woke up to something moving against her. She slowly opened her eyes to find that Aaarrrgghh had her and Blinky on top of him, as he slept. Fay just smiled before getting off of him and silently walked around his library.

She quietly opened up a book and then regretted it. She can't read troll-lore, she was barely reborn. She frustratedly gives up and returns to where Aaarrrgghh and Blinky lay.

She quietly leaned on Aaarrrgghh and tried to go back to bed but soon she heard Blinky stretch and get up. If only she could have a little more time to back to bed.

" Come now, we have to take master Jim to RotGuts." Blinky shook Fay; trying to wake her up

Fay tried to push him away but slowly got up anyway. She rubbed her eyes and looked at Blinky.

" Come now Aaarrrgghh, Fay, we must take Jim to RotGuts." Blinky said as Aaarrrgghh finally got to his feet.

Le tiem skipe ~

Fay walked with Jim to RotGuts and noticed that he was somewhat in a daze. Aaarrrgghh was walking behind them and Blinky was leading the way. Tobias walked behind Blinky.

Blinky was saying something but she couldn't really hear him. Instead she focused all her attention on Jim. She wondered what he was thinking about.

All of a sudden Aaarrrgghh screams Jim's name and scares both human and fairy. That was it, Fay bolted into the market without a trace and left the worried company behind. Jim was hesitant to go after her but Aaarrrgghh went to go find her instead.

Fay didn't know what it was that made her bolt. It was like a voice of thunder that had lighting struck down just to make a statement. Fay hadn't realize she had stopped running, she looked around only to find herself at a small crystal farm on the outskirts of Trollmarket.

She slowly trotted to the little crystals to have a closer look. They gleamed as she got close to some. She trotted along the little farm until she realized she was in a totally different place. She turned around to see trollmarket but instead there was just a giant crystal wall. It felt like she was in her crystal again.

She touched the wall and she could see into trollmarket. Aaarrrgghh was on his way and found her in front of what seemed the crystal wall. As he got closer, he realized that Fay was on the other side. Fay reached out to see if he could see her. Aaarrrgghh put his hand where her hand was on the other side.

He pushed against the wall but it pushed him back. Fay tried to break the barrier but instead she went flying onto the stone ground.

" FAY!!!" Fay could hear Aaarrrgghh scream her name

She tried to get up but she fell with dizziness. Her head swayed with the beatings that were coming from Aaarrrgghh's fist against the barrier.

Fay laid there until she had enough strength to get up. She slightly limped over to the barrier and placed her hand on the barrier. Aaarrrgghh took one final punch before he was thrown across the crystal farm.

Fay had an idea. If she left, Aaarrrgghh would stop pounding on the barrier to kill himself.

Fay tapped on the barrier lightly to get Aaarrrgghh's attention. It had worked when she noticed Aaarrrgghh calmly walking over to her with a saddened look.

" I will miss you, I have to go now so you can save yourself." Fay spoke into the barrier

It seemed her words made it across as Aaarrrgghh placed his hand where her was aligned on the other side.

" Fay." She could hear Aaarrrgghh's voice filled with sadness

" Be brave for me and don't kill yourself." She rested her head on the barrier, " I....ILoveYou." Fay said quickly as she took off and into the next part of the cave.

As she galloped into the next part she looked back to see a face full of heart break. She looks forward, wishing she didn't want to see his face like that.

She slowed down into a trot as she explored the next part of the crystal cave. It was filled with crystals and minerals. She trotted over to a big crystal before touching it. It felt warm underneath her touch. A bright light began to shine fro the crystal. Soon everything was black and Fay passed out in the middle of the room. Blue dust began to illuminate her body as she was lifted into the air and disappeared without a trace.

On the other side, Aaarrrgghh ran back to get Blinky and master Jim but it was too late. Master Jim and Toby had already left with their gaggletack. Aaarrrgghh just sat there depressed in Blinky's den, knowing that he just lost part of his family. The fact that she had said that she loved him, tore him apart and ate at his insides. That and she left him without a trace just to spare his own life from the barrier that separated them from each other.

Aaarrrgghh looked over at Blinky before hugging him. Fay wasn't here when he needed a hug so he hugged Blinky instead. Blinky gently shoved him off before finding another book to hold in his fourth hand. Aaarrrgghh just layed his head on the table, trying to think about how this happened.

~ sorry for cliffhanger,

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