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Blinky pulled out the horngazel and gave it to Aaarrrgghh. Fay hopped out his arms and stood by his side so he could draw the portal. Fay watched in awe as the orange line followed Aaarrrgghh's hand as he made the arch. Fay watched as Aaarrrgghh then placed his hand on the stone wall. The portal opened up and she followed Blinky through with Aaarrrgghh right behind her.

" I'm so glad I'm home! I missed you guys so much!" Fay exclaimed

" We are glad to see you safe and sound." Blinky smiled towards her

" Oh, yeah." Fay shrugged

" Fay?" Blinky questioned as they walked down the crystal stairs

" Yes?" Fay answered

" Did something happen when you were gone?" Blinky asked of Fay

" Um kinda yea?" Fay answered him

" What do you mean by ' kinda yea'?" Blinky questioned

" I mean, I met this other deer centaur like me but, we got into a fight and..." Fay said and pointed where her antlers used to be.

" Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!" Blinky scolded as Aaarrrgghh and Fay winced

" What? He was a jerk! I had to do something." Fay tried to reason with Blinky

" Fighting isn't always the answer." Blinky spoke wisdom to her

" What was I suppose to do? Let him push me into a wall and then trap me in a place that is sealed forever?" Fay explained

" Point taken." Blinky agreed

At the bottom of the stairs awaited Vendel, an his Heartstone staff. As Fay's hooves hit the stone ground, Vendel coughed to grab her attention. Fay looked over and trotted towards him with a smile. She gently waved as he smiled back.

" Come with me. We need to talk in a discrete manner." Vendel motioned for Fay to follow him

Fay turned around to glance at Blinky and Aaarrrgghh. Blinky made the shooing motion for her. Fay smiled and followed Vendel through Trollmarket.

" It's been along time my dear Fay." Vendel spoke as Fay aught up next to him

" Yes, yes it has." Fay agreed " I thought about living up above in the human world." Fay stated

" Oh? And how did that work for you?" Vendel asked as they entered the pub.

" It somewhat worked out." Fay answered him

" Somewhat?" Vendel questioned

" Yea, It's hard living alone even after you were separated from your family." Fay explained as Vendel sat down at a stone table.

" Sit, please." Vendel asked of her

Fay nodded her head and layed down on the rock and looked at her surroundings. She could see Aaarrrggh and Blinky trying to spy on them.

" How comfortable do you feel living with the two trolls?" Vendel had asked, as the waiter had came by.

Fay watched him take a drink off the waiter's head and drink. How did she feel about living with the two trolls?

" I feel comfortable with them like a best friend." Fay smiled and played with a curl in her hair

" Good, Good." Vendel commented as he took a sip of his cup

" May I ask why or is that a mystery?" Fay asked of him

" It's just been past three days, and I haven't had an answer from you." Vendel set his cup down

" Oh, okay." Fay looked to the side to see a pair of trolls trying to not make it obvious that they were spying

" So...? Have you come to a conclusion?" Vendel asked her

" Hmm, what?" Fay turned back around, confused for what he was asking for

" Your conclusion." Vendel repeated to her

" Oh, Um yes I agree." Fay said quickly as Vendel chuckled and face palmed

" Fay, my dear, do you know what you're agreeing to?" Vendel questioned

" We're talking about living with the two trolls right?" Fay whispers towards Vendel

Vendel looks around to see Blinky and Aaarrrgghh get up and leave from the pub. Fay watches his gaze until he looks back at her.

" Yes, we are." Vendel confirmed

" Then, yes, I agree to live with them and protect Blinky when Aaarrrgghh isn't here." Fay lowered her voice and stood up.

" How will you protect him or others around you?" Vendel had asked as she got up

" I will train with Master Jim." Fay stated and started to walk off

" Fay?" Vendel called her

Fay turned around to look back at him with a serious face. Vendel was surprised when she had decided to get up and do things her way. He wasn't sure if this was the same fairy that he entrusted Blinky to.

" Smile, you are home now." Vendel pointed to his mouth and smiled

Fay smiled and turned back around and out of the pub. If she was going to live with the Trolls, then she would need to learn how to fight with them when the time came.

She had thought about asking Blinky about it but, she wanted to keep her skills a secret. Maybe she could ask Draal for some help since he has more fighting experience.

It would be her goal to fight and protect those she loves from bad trolls like Bular. Fay thought as she trotted through Trollmarket and gazed upon the Heartstone. She wondered what would of happened if she refused his offer and was forced to live on her own. Fay shook her head and walked towards the Hero's Forge. She remembered the time that she had watched Master Jim fight Draal. Fay trotted to the middle of the arena and stood there.

She re-imagined the whole scene and watched where Master Jim had been when he was being chased. Fay galloped around the walls until where she had seen Master Jim get a beat down from Draal's strength. Fay couldn't hear the faint steps behind her as she trotted back towards the middle and looked upon each of the fallen Trollhunters.

Fay reached out her hand above her hand and closed her eyes. A bright light had emitted from the palm of her hand. It had filled the whole arena as a troll behind her, covered their eyes. Her glass ball formed into her hand as she held it high. She could feel the smoothness of the glass in her hands as she held it in her arms.

That's when she sensed it. A sense that told her that someone was behind her waiting.

-A/N sorry for wait. Fun fact: if you type in "Heartstone Trollhunters" into google, some of the books from Wattpad show up in the images. The book covers do. just thought I might let cha know.

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