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"Come out with us Jesy, you know you want to." Piper, one of my best friends, said at lunch when I sat down next to her.

"Yeah Jes, you only come out on weekends... come out today." Logan, Piper's boyfriend encouraged from the other side of her.

I work every day weekday after school at my mom's dance studio. They know my mom owns the place, but they don't know I dance and teach kids to dance.

"You guys know I can't." I said shaking my head at them.

"And you never tell us why." Megan said glaring at me playfully from across the table.

"My mom needs me to man the desk every day after school, you know that." I said and she sighed heavily.

"You can't skip one day? I mean I think if you ask your mom she would let you come." Megan said almost begging.

"No, you know how hard it is for my mom to teach you guys on your days and stop to go to the desk. I just want to make these days I have off to help her." I lied, I wouldn't be helping my mom with the front desk, but I would be teaching little girls and boys from the ages of 5 to 10 how to dance.

"We all love your mom, we do but you deserve to hang out with friends too." Logan said and I sighed looking down at my food.

"I already promised I would work today." I said and they all gave in. Soon we were talking about classes and what they were doing after school, apparently they were going to Santa Cruz beach boardwalk because all the rides were going to be open today.

I heard the bell ring and huff. Now it was time to go to Calculus. I hate math, but somehow I am good at it. I just hate doing all the steps.

I throw my trash away and turn to go towards the door to the math hallway only to see someone hit someone else. Great a fight blocking my path.

I didn't have to see who started it to already know.

I knew it was Dominic Braxton. He got into a fight almost every day. He was lucky his mom worked here. And he always had an excuse. A perfect excuse and always got off with warnings. Of course this has been going on for years.

I watched as people crowded around and started chanting the typical words, egging Dominic to kick whoever's ass it was this time.

Only this time I heard Logan's name.

I stopped and watched as Logan put his hands up telling Dominic to stop but he didn't.

I knew Logan didn't like Dominic from way beyond me meeting him and moving here.

I just turned and scampered away from the fight, I knew Logan would have started it, Dominic wasn't stupid enough to start anything, we have all learned that over the years.

Plus if I was late to math I was scared to get a pop quiz.

I basically fast walked to Calculus and arrived just before the second bell and went to my seat.

Mr. Cater glared at me yet nodded and went on to teaching. Soon I went to AP History and then PE. There I was waiting to see Logan since we had this class together, but he never showed.

I wonder how bad Dominic beat him up. He should have known not start anything, Dominic is trouble, and if Logan got hurt he might not be able to dance in the competition in about two weeks.

I sighed and waited for the day to be over.

Soon I was changing into my regular clothes many would just call dancer clothes and made my way to my car. I had a simple Mini cooper. It was blue and small.

I drove to Valarie's Dance studio and parked next to my mom's big blue van. I got out leaving school bag in the car taking my water bottle. I walked in and saw my usual spunky student.

"Jes!" Maddie said running over from her spot by her older brother.

"Hey Maddie." I said resting my hand on top of her head.

"Listen, I won't be able to pick her up right at 5 today, I get off at 5:30 and trust me, I have tried to get out of it, but do you think you can stay after or drive her home?" I looked up to see Dominic with his same stoic face that he usually has when he says goodbye to Maddie.

"Sure, where do you work?" I asked and he seemed realized, but went right back to his indifferent face.

"The lumber yard..." He said and then looked down at Maddie. "Behave yourself Mads... don't hurt yourself." He said and she went up and hugged him tightly. He hugged her back and if I didn't know him better I would think it was cute, but I knew he was just being a big brother, being nice and doing things to care for his younger sister.

"Whatever Dom, just go to work." She laughed pulling away and kissing his cheek.

He nodded at her and stood, not giving me another glance as he stocked out of the building.

"Let's go on down." I said and she nodded rushing me towards the stairs.

Maddie always got here early, we would talk for about 20 minutes before the class started showing up.

Today was no different, but the topic was.

"Did my brother get in a fight today?" She asked and I just looked at her curiously.

"What makes you ask?" I asked and she just gave me a look she shouldn't know about yet, it was the "are you kidding me look?"

"His knuckles were bloody and he wouldn't talk about his day like he usually does." She said and I just knew I couldn't lie to her.

"Yeah, he did, but it was self-defense." I said knowing it was. "How about I give you something to help me teach the class?" I offered and she stood up excited.

"Really? I would love that!" She squealed and hopped up off the floor.

"Okay, start in this position." I said getting on one knee facing the far wall. I looked in the mirror and she was in the same position. I nodded and clapped one hand under my knee that was bent as she did the same. "Now slowly stand up clapping when I do." I said doing and when we went into a full stance I popped my shoulder and she did the same a few seconds later.

I spread my legs apart moving forward so she could do the same. Soon I popped both knees right after the other 4 times and then went back down, spinning and soon I lost myself and when I heard clapping from more than one person I stopped.

Maddie was still closest to me and clapping I saw a few parents and some of my students by the door.

"I guess we can see what our kids are learning." One of the coolest moms said. Most of the time if she was picking her son, Jonathan, up she would bring me the most delicious dinner ever.

I guess I don't get any tonight.

"Bye parents, it is my turn to poison your children's minds with music and hip hop moves." I said when everyone was here and the parenta had to leave.

Ascending Paradise (Book 1)***Published now on Amazon!!***Where stories live. Discover now