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The next day I pretended as if the night before never happened. I wouldn't be looked down upon by anyone for knowing or talking with Dominic, but there is no use in telling them I went to his house because I teach his little sister dancing and ate dinner with his family.

My friends don't even know I dance. I mean they know, but they have never seen me dance. I made sure of that.

I don't know why I can dance in front of kids but not my friends and the only time I danced in front of anyone who meant something to me was my mom and I didn't know she was there.

I sighed walking into first period with the biggest head ache in the world already forming. I didn't sleep well last night and all I wanted to do was pass out in free period in about an hour.

I put my head down for a moment and not 20 seconds later am I hit with something being thrown across the room. I looked up and saw no one laughing or holding in their laughs so I wondered if I just thought I felt something until I feel my head and feel a piece of paper.

I open it and roll my eyes at the content.

Don't make it a habit of coming over.

I knew who it was from without the signature. I knew it was Dominic. I turned to look at him and he didn't spare me a glance as I waited for him to glare or do something, anything really towards me to seem more threatening, but he simply acted as if I wasn't looking at him.

I simply grabbed a pencil and wrote back a few words.

I won't, besides you made me go and wouldn't let me get out of it!


It was a lot more than I planned on saying but when I threw it back at him it hit his jaw and he just closed his eyes in irritation.

Soon he was glancing my way, I ignoring him as best as I could. I could feel his gaze, meaning I knew he had felt mine when I got his note first. I didn't look at him again for the entire class and when the bell rang I felt something shoot down my shirt and gasped.

That time I drew everyone's attention but I didn't dare dig threw my shirt so I just smiled and shook my head before rushing to the girls bathroom to see what the hell he threw down there.

I pulled out a very compressed piece of paper and started to unroll it when I decided I didn't care what it said so I just threw it away and went back outside into the hall.

I walked to the library and just sat in the far back wanting to just put a book in front of my face and lay my head on the table, but no such luck.

"Hey." I heard Megan hoot as she walked over to me and started talking about something from yesterday. "I just feel bad for Logan, he was in the hospital all day yesterday and he let me and Piper go on without him." She concluded and that got my attention.

"How bad was he hurt again?" I asked and she looked over at me in surprise.

"His nose is broken." She said like she had repeated that a thousand times.

"I know but was there anything else?" I asked, lying about the knowing about his nose part.

"No, he was lacking some food though, Dominic hit him in the stomach and later he just puked everything up." She said and I was suddenly not wanting to eat anything ever again.

"Well, there goes my appetite for the rest of the day." I said and she just rolled her eyes. "So, what did you and Piper eventually do yesterday?" I asked and she seemed to think back like it was years ago.

"We went and rode every ride and then went to the arcade... she won some new head phone." She said glaring at her nails as she started to pick them.

"Okay... I am going to try and take a nap... wake me up when it's time to leave." I said and it seemed as soon as I was getting really comfortable I heard the bell ring.

"Jesy, it's time to wake up!" She shouted and then banged the table right in front of my face.

"I heard." I mumbled wiping my face. I was glad I didn't wear makeup today.

"Are you going to watch us dance today?" She asked and I just shook my head.

Not with the way I was feeling. "But I will be in the studio. I want to have somewhere less distracting to work." I said and she glared at me. "What? I am just going to use an empty room to do homework in." I said and she smiled.

"I still don't see why you won't show us your moves." She complained and I just smiled and waved as we went our separate ways. Me to English and she to PE.

I had English with Piper and I was happy to say she was already in the room when I walked in. I smiled at her tired face and she sighed.

"I hate that guy! I swear who does Dominic Braxton think he is! Why did he start that fight yesterday!" She just went off and off and I was confused. We all knew better than to think Dominic started a fight, he was too clever.

"Pi, you know Dominic didn't start that fight, he never does." I said and she just glared at me.

"Jesy, he hit Logan first, Logan just bumped shoulders with him and he took it out of proportion." Piper insisted.

"Piper, everyone saw Logan throw the first punch, they got it on video." I said and she just huffed and shook her head.

"Whose side are you on? Logan is your friend!" She basically shouted and I saw a few heads turn towards us.

"Piper, think about the situation with you not as Logan's girlfriend. Plus if that were true, that Dominic started it he wouldn't be here, and he's here." I said and she glared harder if that were possible.

"His mom works in the office! He wouldn't just be gone, we have seen him in too many fights and he is still here." She was trying to prove her point.

"I am not arguing with you about who started a fight when it is always clear. Whoever Dominic Braxton fights you know he wasn't the one who started it." I whispered it to her but I am sure she ignored me.

I sighed shaking my head. Why was she so adamant on me hating Dominic like Logan does... ? Obviously Logan got in her head about being hit first.

I don't know why I was defending Dominic but I knew the facts. NO ONE has ever seen Dominic start a fight, but he was always the one to end it.

I didn't pay her any mind after the teacher started giving notes but as soon as class was over she stormed out and left me to walk to lunch alone. She can't possibly be that pissed off that I was telling the truth and not taking Logan's side.

I was her friend before she even met Logan!

Ascending Paradise (Book 1)***Published now on Amazon!!***Where stories live. Discover now