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I parked and got out. I went to the back and got my bag out and felt someone watching me. I got my bag and turned around trying to spot who was watching me.

Only to turn around and see a lot of the freshmen walked by and staring at me.

“Are you really with Dominic Braxton?” One asked me already blushing as the girls behind her bit their lips or look away from me. One seemed very uninterested.

“Yeah.” I said awkwardly.

“He is so hot!” She fanned herself and I just raised my eyebrow.

“I know… is there anything else you wanted?” I didn’t want to be mean; I just hated how they were staring at me.

“Does he have a brother?” The same girl asked blinking lightly at me.

“No.” I said and looked for a way to escape. Luckily I saw Dom’s telltale truck and smiled as he was getting out.

I was relieved when he spotted me and started walking towards me, but the bad part was that he was across the parking lot.

“A younger cousin? Someone that looks like him?” She asked and I really just wanted to ask how desperate she was to have someone like Dom.

“Why don’t you ask him yourself?” I asked a little encouraging seeing him getting closer and closer by the minute. None of the other girls were paying attention.

“He’s never around… Can’t you just ask Dominic yourself and tell us?” She said batting her eyelashes at me. By the time she said Dominic’s name he was standing behind the girls that were eager to hear the answer.

“Ask me what?” Dom’s voice made all the girls tense.

“They wanted to know if you had a cousin for them.” I said and he bit his lip looking around as if spotting someone.

“My only cousin around your age is Jordan… he’s a sophomore.” He said pointing him. I looked over to see a guy, who did have muscles just not as much as the other guys around the school.

“Jordan Thompson is your cousin?” One of the girls asked, the one that didn't look interested before. “He’s so irritating.” She mumbled and crossed her arms.

“And who would you be?” Dom asked glaring down at her.

“Devin.” She had a backbone as she glared back up at Dom.

“And how is my cousin irritating?” He asked turning to face her fully.

“He is a stalker… I swear just because we are next door neighbors doesn’t mean he can know where and who takes me on a date. So yes he is irritating.” Devin snapped before brushing past him.

“Sorry about her. Jordan did make her date run before he could even get to the door and meet her dad.” Another girl said and then it was like something called them, and they all just walked away.

“I didn’t know you had a cousin who went to this school.” I said as I walked over to Dom and stood right in front of him.

“Yeah, Jordan’s mom and my mom don’t talk all that much. Weird if you ask me because we used to have BBQ parties all the time until I got to high school. I still see her on occasion and talk with her if my mom isn’t around and I will always stick up for family. Jordan is family. But I am really interested in how he scared that Devin girls date away. And why.” He said looking for his cousin once more.

Now that I know what he looked like I looked as well and saw him leaning against a motorcycle.

“He has a motorcycle?” I asked and looked at him.

Ascending Paradise (Book 1)***Published now on Amazon!!***Where stories live. Discover now